Sequel: A Time of Gods

Man vs Hero


Steve Rogers was born a great man. Even when he was weak in stature, his friends had admired his loyalty, humility, sheer optimism and how, above all else, he knew that he must always do what was right.

Steve's attitude suited the black and white world of the 1940's, when times were dark and the world was united by a common threat. Though the threat was great, the world was simple. Less complicated and obstructive than it would become in later years. Just as the time that had passed before the great wars. The pathway to good was clear. Right and wrong were road-mapped.

The super soldier serum was the way for Steve Rogers to achieve the physical body to match his inner character. He became Captain America, the light to lead the people out of darkness cast by war -and he should have been the first of many. An army of enhanced soldiers capable of deafening any enemy.

Abraham Erskine was assassinated before he could commit the formula to paper.
The process wasn't developed further. Captain America being the first and the last of his time and the formula was thought to be lost in history, vanishing with the murdered Erskine, despite the numerous attempts to duplicate.

A mission went awry. The hero, the great Captain America was presumed dead. And it wasn't only those he knew closely who grieved.

America lost their hero.

Many years later, a body was found in the North Atlantic.
A body which was perfectly preserved, frozen in it's physical state since 1945. Steve Rogers aka the legendary Captain America, woke to a world vastly changed.

It wasn't that cars no longer rumbled and juddered along smoggy roads in protest. Or how technology was beyond imagining, every man and his dog possessing a cellphone.

Then what was it? The noise?

No. It wasn't so much the noise of the modern world, louder than the bombs and deafening to Steve's highly sensitive hearing. It wasn't that this world had new ideas -there was less worship of holy figures. And how actions which used to be considered immoral, frowned upon, were now widely accepted.

It wasn't that Steve was incapable of accepting change, but purely that it was all too much to comprehend upon waking from his frozen state. He woke to find everything he once knew long gone; Family and friends dead. Bucky and Peggy, lost to him.

He was alone. Alone and out of touch.

He found himself questioning his role in this new world. This place where Heroes were common law.
But his presence was requested in part of a new team. Individuals with strength and power to rival his own and though he didn't know these heroes, Steve would never shirk away from his responsibilities.

When the world was so alive, Steve Rogers had never felt so alone.
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Like it says in the summary, this prologue and the next chapter is written for the contest.
I may write a third part because I want to do something crafty ;)
Comment? Would actually make my life.

p.s; The Black Cat in this story is based on various versions of her character, but mainly the 90's cartoon version and not the insane chick who gets sent to mental asylums (but I do love her!)