Status: 1000 words(:

No Regrets.

o n e / o n e;

Ryan Nozik was a true Aries at heart. Strong, independent, ran off the thrill of the moment, and sometimes a little foolish when it came to making rational decisions. Once an idea was set in his mind, it was stuck there. He had the longest and toughest drive of all, and he was proud of it.

Jake Halsey was the complete opposite. He was timid, shy. He was the type of kid you’d see writing down every fork in the road, every possibility and the consequences that came with each route. He liked to be prepared and sure of everything going on around him. Head first, heart second.

So how was it – that out of the billions of humans that call Earth their home – that these two would be connected? That in their weakest moments, their darkest hours, they would find a way to each other?

Is there really ever a way of knowing?


It was the shrill ringing of a cell phone that woke Jake Halsey up.

“Oh, my gosh,” He groaned as he rolled over in bed to grab his phone off of his desk. As he flipped it open, he took a look at the clock and sighed once more. “Hello?”

“Jake? Did I wake you up?” An obviously wide-awake voice chirped back, too loud for Jake’s ringing ears.

“Did you wake me up? More like: What are you doing up? It’s three in the morning, some people are actually sleeping, you know.” The blond shivered as he pulled up his covers closer around his body.

“Well, we’re not. Do you know what day it is?” Ryan spoke once more, sounding like he didn’t have a care in the world.

“Should I?”

“It’s February 17th, my friend.” Ryan’s laugh ran through Jake’s head as he realized what the significance to the 17th of February was.

“Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no.” Jake groaned as he buried his head in his pillows. “You can’t make me.”

The brunette cackled once more. “Wanna bet? I’m out front waiting. If you’re not out here in exactly five minutes with a change of clothes, towels, and snacks then I’m honking the horn and leaving. And you know what your dad is like when somebody wakes him up in the middle of the night. Your time starts now.” With that, he hung up.

Jake closed his phone and sat up in bed slowly. It was true; his father was a nightmare when he woke up. Jake definitely didn’t want him involved. He trotted around his room and gathered the supplies he needed, including part of his snack stash in the bottom left drawer of his dresser. He got dressed and slipped out the window, thankful his bedroom was on the first floor.

Ryan’s face broke out into a smile at the sight of Jake’s groggy, half asleep form. It was their night to be free, to be whoever they wanted to be without the glares and disapproving glances. Even if Jake didn’t see that now, he hopefully would by the end of the night. He reached over to help move Jake’s bags to the back when the passenger door opened. Ryan noted that the blonde’s eyes were still heavy with sleep. Well, they won’t be after this, he thought, smirking smugly as he started the car. This is gonna be fun.


The drive took half an hour, time in which Jake had slept and Ryan had hummed softly to the radio. When they finally arrived, Ryan reached across the middle seat to shake Jake awake.

“Wha-? Where are we?” Jake asked softly as he looked around. “Oh,”

“Oh? You sound disappointed. Come on, it’s gonna be fun.” Ryan flashed Jake an award-winning smile as he got out of the truck and opened the back doors to get their bags. He gestured at Jake to help him.

When they were done unloading their stuff onto the dock – towels, clothes, and Ryan’s portable radio – Ryan turned to look at Jake before taking of his shirt. “February 17th of last year, we sat at this very dock, around this very time, and you promised me that a year from then we’d cross another thing off of my bucket list. It’s time.” He threw his shirt over on Jake’s head before looking at him expectantly.

“Turn around?” Jake offered weakly.

Ryan laughed; it was a loud, hearty laugh. “No, no, no, mister. It’s our night. No one else, just you and me. Plural, as in together. Take it off.”

Jake sighed before pulling of his shirt and setting it next to where he set Ryan’s. Their pattern continued until they stood there, facing each other. Ryan was completely bare, Jake in his boxers. Ryan winked before turning and jumping into the lake, splashing Jake’s skin with cold water droplets. He watched as Ryan’s head popped out from under the water. “Holy shit!” He shouted before ducking back in.

Jake understood that at some point he would have to take off his underwear and get in, and so he chose to do so before Ryan came back up.

As he jumped into the water he felt everything Ryan had been telling him about. The freedom, the feeling of knowing that you’re doing something you know you shouldn’t be doing, but you’re doing it anyways because you know it’s worth it.

And as Ryan came back up to the surface and drew Jake in close, he knew Ryan had been right all along. As their lips met under the luminosity of the full moon above them, he knew it was worth it.

It was their night, maybe the only night they’d get away from the hate and pressure, but it was worth it, and there were absolutely no regrets.

I'm swimming in the ocean,
Of pillow case blue.
And I sink so deep in you.
You gonna save me or not?
Could we have a moment?
Could we have a moment?
It feels so real.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my first attempt at a slash ever. Sorry if it sucks. I'm pretty happy with it though. Wirtten for a contest, you can find it in the summary(: