

I sat frozen in between the crevice if two rocks, watching my prey trot into my range of vision. The elk leaned his head down to the river, and took slow sips of the water. I nodded my head, and paced my breathing as I loaded my bow, and aimed it dead ahead of me. I released the draw string, sending the arrow into the neck of the elk. I stood up with haste as I went to claim my prize. I examined the elk carefully, trying not to get the dirt form my hands into the wound. It was still rather young, and it seemed a shame to kill something so innocent, but if I regarded every animal I came across to be full of purity, I would starve. No kill no grub. Life was as simple as that when you got down to it. I removed my arrow from the elk, and put it back in my quiver, and unstrapped the extra belt from around my waist. I strapped it around the elk, and commenced to dragging it home.

I made it to the fence, surrounding my home from the wild, when I noticed blood stains on the gate, and the ground has been disturbed. I lowered my game, and loaded my bow again, as I slowly opened the gate, and edged to the door. I went to reach for the knob, but the door swung open from the slightest touch of my hand. The hinges gave out an eerie creek as they worked on entry. I looked around my living room, at all the broken glass, and scorched walls. Things were flipped over and others were missing. I took a step inside, my heart pounding in my ears, and I was starting to feel light headed. The farther into the wreckage I got, the more the smell of blood grew until it became unbearable. My stomach churned at the stench, demanding I turn back, but I refused. I had to find them.

My little brother and younger sister, I had left them alone, and instructed them to lock the doors while I went to bring dinner back to them. Urgency filled me, as I became frantic, the need to vomit threatened to overcome me. “Crystal… Johnathen...” I called out as I reached the room they share, and horror over came me. I dropped my bow, and ran over to the mutilated courses of my siblings. I scrambled to pick my brother up, attempting to whip the blood from his face. I pulled him flush into me, and tried to look through the tears to find my little sister. She lay across the room in a similar state. Returning my brother to his place on the floor, I grabbed by bow, and hurried outside. This was it, I lost everything. I never knew my mother because she died giving birth to me. And my father went on to marry another woman that had my younger siblings crystal, and Johnathen. My dad died when he was bringing home dinner that night, and Ellis ended up taking her own life overcome with grief. Now I’m alone. “ whoever did this couldn’t have gotten far,” I told myself. And I swear I’ll find them.