You Have to Be Kidding Me Right?

Chapter 7

...You sigh and a paper ball hits you in the back of the head. You turn around and Raynar is waving at you. You roll your eyes.

"Bella, why did Luke ground you?" Raynar inquires.

"Because I threw shouted at him for trying to protect me," you reply.


You turn back around. You actually finish your food because you finally get hungry. After breakfast you go to your cave in the woods. Once there you feel an odd power level. You don't know who is there but you grip the blaster by your side. You go to where the weird power is and you see Anakin and some dude turned away from you.

"Anakin," you state which catches his attention.

"Bella, what are you doing here?" he replies.

"This is my hidden meditation cave. No one knows of this."

"Uh, yeah then you need to go back to the school."


"Buru is on Yavin IV. He has been coming in here if he sees you he will capture you again."

"So is that why you and the other person is in here?"


"Have you told the head person in charge of the Academy that he is here?"


"Okay, so I won't be in trouble again."


"I was being disrespectful to my legal guardians so I got grounded for a week and it just lifted."

"Okay, but you need to go back."

"Okay, by the way who is the person you are with?"

"The person that rescued you from Buru, Lord Voldemort"

He turns around and looks at you.

"Uh, thank you for rescuing me, Vo..." you start.

"It wasn't my idea to rescue you. Anakin forced me to because he had another war to finish out side the ship," Voldemort replies.

"Anakin, you were there?"

"Yeah, someone had to get rid of those ships out side."

"Thanks you guys. At least Luke found me."

"By the way, how bad was the..."

"Pretty bad considering he didn't use a drug. They had to stitch up wounds around a certain area and I had to take pain relievers for a week then get a check up in a week of that medical endeavor. At the week check up everything was fine. But they took blood work to see if I'm pregnant since I started not too exactly to feel myself in the morning."

"Are you pregnant?"

"Yes, I am pregnant. That was why I blew up because now I have a restriction on when I need to be in my room. I'm around two weeks pregnant now."

"Have you thrown up?"

"Not really just feeling odd is all. Almost did one day though"

"I'm sorry cousin."

A few tears run down your cheek and Anakin puts you in his arms. For most of the day you stay in the cave sleeping in Anakin's arms while Voldemort went out. You wake up to a load noise coming in the cave. You rub your eyes and you sense the Weasley twins. You get up and Anakin looks at you.

"Bella, is something wrong?" Anakin inquires.

"No, I just needed to get up," you reply.

"Oh, are some of your friends from the Academy coming in?"


Anakin stands up and Fred and George finally get to where you and Anakin are and the twins hug you. Anakin nods his heads at you and leaves.

"Okay, can you please stop squishing me?" you plead.

"We could but we won't," they say in unison.

"Guys, I am pregnant as you know. So this can't be good the baby."

They finally release you and you three go back to the Academy. You guys are caught by Jacen and Snape but you are left to go because the Jedi students are allowed to go in there for their personal training or to have fun. You go to your room and create a new lock code so the Weasley twins don't get in again without you letting them in. After awhile you hear a knock and it is Luke with a worried expression on his face. You let him in and he sits on your couch.

"Luke whats wrong?" you inquire.

"Something I did not want to do at all," Luke replies. "I just got a report that Buru is in the forest from Snape. I need you not to go into the forest and at night there will be someone in here to protect you."

"Ah, Luke, I was in the forest earlier today and Snape and Jacen let me through."

"The reason being is because you didnt get the news. You're not grounded but the next time you go in there without an escort you will be grounded and if Snape catches you he will take of house points away from Gryffindor."

You roll your eyes and...