Status: Hiatus

It's Hard Being The Only Girl!

Chapter 3

The lighting of the school had gone down dramatically, as the school day was about to begin for the students. My dormitory wasn’t far away from the main office. It was in its own building and seemed just like a very expensive lodge on holiday. In my room, it seemed quite warm, however that creepy feeling remained. Bunny had gone now, and it was just me. My items had arrived and I began to unpack. I was making quite a ruckus. I’m quite clumsy, so I tend to drop things.
I headed downstairs. According to my schedule, actual lessons didn’t start till almost an hour; so I decided to make a good impression by cooking my roommates all breakfast. From what I remember Bunny telling me, I had 5 roommates. Hopefully, they all enjoyed cheese omelettes. I checked the fridge. It was full to the brim with food. Didn’t they eat here? I popped out the ingredients I needed and started cooking.
By the time I was done, people had been dragging themselves out of their rooms. I was mouthing the lyrics to ‘Lost in you – Three Days Grace’ via my mp3 player and couldn’t actually hear them. I flipped the last omelette onto the plate and decorated it, before putting it onto the set table with the rest of the hot omelettes. I turned everything off and sat down at the table and began eating my breakfast, while plugging in my headphones and continuing to listen.
I flinched so hard that I fell out of my chair backwards onto the floor. “Who are you?” A muffled voice asked. I groaned at the pain and pulled out my giant headphones, letting them hang on my neck as I looked up. “Sorry, didn’t catch you there,” I apologised, pulling myself up.
“ Sorry that I surprised you…thought you were someone else. Anyway, who are you?” he repeated, this time I heard him clearly. His voice was slightly rough, but tender.
“I’m M –iles,”
“M – iles?”
“Sorry, I’m Miles, Miles Drake,”
“Seriously mate, don’t even know your own name,”
I grunted a little jokingly. “Well, if you wouldn’t me asking you to eat your omelette before it gets cold then please do,” I asked, continuing to eat.
He looked at me a little confused, but sat down. He was in his uniform, had a brown mop hairstyle. Again, he was fairly good – looking, but I hadn’t noticed.
After a little while, he finally started eating. I watched slightly, as a childish grin grew across his face. “Wow! I haven’t had food this great since a long time!”
I grinned at him. “Thanks,”
“You made this?!”
“Yeah -? Is there anything wrong with that?”
“No- I’m just a little surprised… we just have take out, and have breakfast in school,”
“Urh- none of you guys know how to cook?”
“Yeah, we don’t,” echoed another voice and some steps down the stairs. Another seat had been filled.
“So, I’m guessing you’re the new guy,”
“Yeah…” I answered to the average boy’s voice a little quietly. He had an ash brown hair colour and was just a little bit taller than me.
“Uhm. Is this cheese?”
“Yeah… You don’t like cheese do you?”
“Urh… no sorry,”
“It’s fine,” I sighed, taking his omelette and swapping it with an omelette in the fridge.
He looked at me, a little confusion and irritation slurred together in his violet eyes. “Ur, didn’t I just say I dislike cheese?”
“Yeah, but when did I ever say this has cheese in it?”
He looked down and cut a slice. It was a rice omelette. “Oh! Thank you!” He replied in a joyful tone.
“You’re welcome!”
“Why don’t we get that?”
“Because I knew someone here didn’t like cheese that much, so I made a spare just in case,” He frowned cutely.
I sat back and down and continued eating. I thought for a little while, where were the other three? Then I heard one of the cutest voices in the world, followed by a super cute young boy who looked like a freshman. “Oh my god,” I gasped, as the boy sat down next to the first guy I’d met. “Hi! What’s your name?”
“M-M-Miles D-Drake,”
“Are you okay?”
He started eating and smiling like a satisfied young boy. “Did you make this Miles? It’s absolutely fantastic!”
“Th-thank you!!” I giggled.
“Why don’t you introduce yourself? Then we’ll introduce ourselves!” He giggled.
“Uh- Okay!”
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Yeah, sorry updating slow. Going once a night so I'll always have something to update. Better for you guys, cause you know they'll be another one tomorrow.
Thanks again for sticking by me! See you tomorrow!