Status: Hiatus

It's Hard Being The Only Girl!

Chapter 4

I stood up. “I’m Miles Drake, d – Three Days Grace are one of my favourite bands, I’m the son of Rosie Elward and Alnair Elward, what about you guys?” I sat back down again.
The boy on my left, finished his omelette and it was his turn. “I’m Avin Fulton, my parents own a top class chain of restaurants, yet I don’t know how to cook, that’s all,”
Next it was the boy on my right. “Hey, I’m Daichi Reid. I have a brother who also attends here and my parents own electronic companies,”
I didn’t want to hear this but – “I’m Acanthus Marlowe! My parents own a toy manufacturing company! I’m a second year in high school! Please take care of me!”
I bit my lip, stood up, walked over to him and hugged him tightly. “You’re so darn cute!” I squealed, just remembering my secret. I let go quickly, and they stared at me, confused and a little bit scared. “Oh! Sorry – I grew up with my mother, because well… my dad was working all the time!” I explained.
“Oh okay…”
“Yo I smell something good!” I heard another voice call, him skipping down the stairs. “Wow – Who’s this?”
“Miles Drake! He made breakfast!” I flicked my eyes between the two people talking. They looked identical. “When you said you had a brother who attended here, did you mean twin? And is that him?”
He nodded. Ah. They were twins.
“Where’s Caesar?”
Caesar? He must be the other one.
“Probably at a council meeting…”
“When does he usually leave?” I asked.
“Just about an hour ago usually,”
“I didn’t see him,”
“Maybe it was earlier,” I nodded, acceptant of his answer.
“Well, I best eat and go. We’ll interrogate you later,” The twins laughed in unison. They ate quickly, Daichi finishing before Daisuke.
“Thank you Miles! We’ll see you later!”
Everybody left one by one. I checked my schedule, and headed to my first class. English.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah sorry. Happy days! Thanks!
Urh yeah.
This is a short chapter. Thanks for reading!