Status: Hiatus

It's Hard Being The Only Girl!

Chapter 6

I pulled out the P.E kit I had been given that day. Carrying it towards the changing rooms, I pretended that I was about to head in, then I scanned around before sneaking off a janitor’s closet which wasn’t used and changed in there, hiding my clothes. I came back out, heading towards the sports hall where out year group would be having our session. “Where were you new kid?” A bunch of guys asked, slapping my butt. I jumped with a yelp and sighed. “Seriously, does it matter?”
“No, but it’s not against the law if we know right?”
“I didn’t ask you guys anything, so don’t ask me,” I snapped, the boys rolling their eyes and yawning me off. “If I didn’t know you attended this school, I’d think you were a girl,” I flinched when the kid…What was his name? Verton? Burnon? Burton? Oh yeah! Vernon! I flinched when Vernon said that phrase alongside his mates. “Yeah, well a girl wouldn’t be able to beat you in a race,”
“Well, if you’re challenging, I could beat any girl, especially some flimsy girly man like you,” He mocked in a childish voice, hands on hips leaning forward at me.
“Just keep that in mind, because I’m going to prove you wrong,” I whispered, and stepped up in speed, turning onto the field.
“Right! Welcome new kid! Because of our new student here, we’re all going to be testing our abilities. You guys know the drill. Groups of 5 will go up and race. Whomever has longest endurance, speed and stamina shall each win a reward. The rest shall be given a ‘We practiced this lesson after lesson! Were you dancing with ballerinas you woman?!’ Okay?! New kid! You’re first!”
No stretching? Warm ups? They really were testing our abilities.
I headed onto the track field, waiting for the other contenders; And just my luck, there was Vernon standing beside me. I inhaled deeply as he snuffed a laugh and an ‘I’ll beat you any day’. It was a 100 metres sprint. That was nothing.
On you marks, we got down, Get set, in position, ready, I breathed in, Go!
We all charged off our feet, running for our lives. Well they were, I found it pips. I sprinted in front of everyone, passing them by metres. It didn’t take long for me to pass Vernon, who was beginning to huff and puff. I didn’t realise how fast I really was.
By the time I was the finish line, I had to wait a while, tapping my foot in an impatient way. Vernon arrived, leaning down, hands on knees breathing heavily. “Guessing it’s not ‘any day’ huh?”
He wiped his face with a sweatband. In truth, he didn’t sweat much, so he wasn’t bad, he was just worse than me. I didn’t sweat a drop. In appreciation, I handed him a drink I brought along. “Here, It’s mine; I made it at home. It’s a good energy boost.” All I’d done was mix a few energy drinks, but nobody needed to know that.
He accepted it, a little stroppy and annoyed, but after a while, lightened up a bit and bumped be in the shoulder as the next lot launched off. “Thanks, you weren’t a sore winner,” I nodded, and snatched the drink off, wiping it briefly, before drinking out of it. “I did say it was mine!” And even though we were slightly out of breath we started chasing each other. (Mostly him chasing me. I had the drink!)
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Sorry about no double update. I'm trying to have backups for when I don't post, but I keep having writer's block. I'll do it today.