Status: Hiatus

It's Hard Being The Only Girl!

Chapter 7

I returned to the closet, changing clothes again and heading to music. We sat down in a large room. I was introduced again, then sat down. After register, everybody started moving around. Guess they were already working on something. I stood up and only a few minutes later, I heard some ranting and screaming and shouting from one of the many recording studios they had. I hobbled over, peering in. 4 boys looked at me, then turned back to deafening each other. I whistled something that seemed silent to teachers, but to other students…It was just something I learned really. They stopped. “What?”
“Got a problem I can help with? I’ve got nothing to do really,”
“Well, we’ve got one less than the other groups, plus, Kibriya can’t sing!”
“Well Andrew! I can sing better than you!”
“Shut up you two! You’re both as bad as each other!”
“Shut up James!” They both shouted. Another boy just stood in the corner, quiet and sitting near the drum kit.
“So, the assignment is to become a band with the people you are teamed up with?” I questioned. They nodded.
“So you each play different things, but you need a singer and none of you can’t sing?” Again, they nodded.
“Urh... Maybe I can help?”
“Can you sing?!”
“Not manly, but I’m probably okay. Possibly better than you? I have a girly voice,” I asked you, warning them but being honest.
“Okay, let’s have a go. We’ll show you the song and you can learn. We have to perform in a few days in a whole school concert, then possibly public,”
After a while of rehearsing and listening to their song which I adjusted to my taste, I decided to try and sing.
Listen to my voice,
Before you burn in the fire!
I’m sorry for my existence,
Though you’re my hearts desire!

By the time we had finished we were okay and they had stopped arguing. “So, happy now?”
“Yeah! Even though you sound like a girl, you’re better than most of the women I’ve seen sing!”
I blushed a little bit. “Okay, well I’m going to make lunch! Want to come over?
They nodded. “You cook too?! You’re awesome man! Though no offense. You’re a tad bit womanly,”
“It’s alright. No offense taken. I stayed with my mom most the time,”
I explained as we headed back to our dormitory.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's so short. The start of my writer's block.
Yeah, thanks bye!
Double Update Succeeded! Forward ho!