Status: Breathing.

Red August.

[Holly was perfection in the prettiest packaging, an angel upon this ugly earth. The light in her eyes were the stars themselves, the glow in her soft skin was woven from the golden sun. But then the light died, and everything I knew was shattered. Now she lies deep below the earth, nothing but a cold, lifeless body.
I was the scream that no one heard. He was torturous, deadly, vicious, seductive, torturous, animal, everything. I was nothing but a playable pawn; A living breathing frail little puppet. He pulled my strings better than I could’ve ever done, he played my part to malicious perfection. I did not care what was happening to me nor why I was doing whatever his icy breath told me to do in my ear, it was all for our love. He promised he’d never leave me like Holly did.
We both bit the apple and sin was the only repentance in our eyes. The days and nights were changing; blossoming into beautiful anguish. I was afraid of him, but I needed him. Without him I could not survive in this eternally eclipsed world of theirs. They felt nothing but clear relief, when they saw I was moving on. But then they started to change, they saw not beauty in our love, but disgust for it. They tried to rip us apart, but he promised not to let that happen, all he asked was for me to do everything he told me..
Banner credSol @ TDA.
Layout © Colour Me Perfect
Plot © The Final Problem. 2012.