The Rivals

I Never Want To See You Ever Again

As we ran out to our theme music the fans went nuts, screaming and hollering for us like it was the end of the world as we gave out high fives like it was going out of style. I could have sworn I heard people backstage, but I ignored it, Titus and Darren were serious competitors, and I knew they wouldn’t go easy on us as Quinn and I slipped into the ring. The fans kept cheering, so I jumped up to the top turnbuckle and did a back flip while Quinn stood on the ropes and cheered with them. We continued to stand and wait, where were Titus and Darren? I looked at Quinn, who just shrugged. I sighed and went to go back and see what was taking them so long when I saw them.
Cody and Paul were fighting and had rolled out on the ramp, kicking each other’s asses like there was no tomorrow. The fans were eating it up as I ran over to try and break them up. “Stop it!” I screamed as I got up to them and grabbed Cody by the back of his shirt, trying desperately to pull him off Paul. Quinn tried to get Paul as Phil, Titus, and Darren came out and helped us finally get them apart. I walked between the two of them and was ready to bite both their heads off when Ace walked in with a huge smile on his face, David by his side like the lapdog he was.
“Now now Miss, Bobbie, you and your little love triangle is becoming a bit much, don’t you think?” I was handed a mike and got right in his face.
“So this is my fault you ugly little troll? Maybe if you could do your job and keep your damn superstars away from me-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” David cut in. “Now, from what I understand, I thought you were back with Justin Gabriel after he saved you? Or did I miss something?” I wanted to rip out his throat, and I probably would have had Quinn not stepped in for me.
“Hey now. We’re just trying to have a match here, so keep your stars on a tighter leash Ace.” She sneered. “Titus, Darren, if you would.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Titus said as he continued to hold back Cody.
“Get off of me!” Paul screamed. “I’ll kill him!”
“Shut up you cheating son of a bitch!” Cody snapped back.
“Oh you’re one to talk!” Paul retorted.
“That’s enough!” I hollered. The entire place went dead silent as everyone looked at me. “Both of you get out of my sight.” I snapped.
“But-” Cody tried.
Now.” I growled. They both pulled away from Titus and Darren and sulked backstage as I turned and walked back to the ring like nothing had happened.
“Bobbie-” Quinn was right next to me, but I refused to look at her. It was my stupid heart that had gotten her kidnapped. Had I just told Paul and Cody to get lost a long time ago none of this would have happened.
Ace was fuming, furious that Cody and Paul had listened to me and that I’d taken away his spotlight. Titus and Darren quietly slipped into the ring, now terrified of me after my frightening display back there. I sure as Hell didn’t want to lose that, so I started as the bell rung and launched myself at Titus with a flying hook kick that took his legs right out from under him.
I pulled him back to his feet and Irish whipped him into the ropes, hitting him with a boot to the face when he bounced back. He dropped like a hotcake as I glared Darren down, letting him know he was next as I tagged in Quinn.
She picked up the still disoriented Titus as I jumped from the ring and made my way for Darren as she hit the Kill Drop. I grabbed him from behind to keep him from helping Titus as Quinn got the pin.
Our music hit and the fans lost it, but I just couldn’t force myself to smile, not even for them. I just stalked with Quinn backstage as she smiled and waved, grinning from ear to ear. However, the second we got backstage it dropped.
“Anita-” But she didn’t have a chance to finish before Matt strode up with a camera man in tow.
“So, Quinn, Bobbie, can we get a quick word?” I glared at him, but Quinn just put her hand on my shoulder and I relaxed.
“Make it fast.” I growled.
“Bobbie, your little love triangle with Justin Gabriel and Cody Rhodes is getting out of hand fast. Is there any chance it may ruin your guys’ shot at the tag team title?”
“Matt, I’ve been kidnapped and we’ve stuck together as a team.” Quinn said. “We’ve faced blackmail, intimidation, death threats, and we’ve still pulled through. I have full faith in Bobbie, she’s a professional and Cody and Justin better stay the Hell away from her.” I looked at Quinn a little surprised at her kind words.
“Bobbie, anything to add?” Matt asked.
“If Quinn can fight after being kidnapped then I think my personal life isn’t much of an excuse at all. And no, it will not threaten our chance at the title because as you saw out there, I’m pretty damn scary when you piss me off.” With that I walked off to the locker room as Quinn stayed behind to wait for the camera to cut out.
Luckily as I trudged into the locker room no one was in there as I let loose and punched one of the lockers. “God dammit!” I screamed. I was so furious I was shaking as a trickle of blood started to run off my knuckles.
“Anita?” Quinn popped in and ran over to me. She saw my hand, my expression, and the furious look on my face and pieced it together as she sighed and dug some gauze out of her bag. “Look, what Matt did-”
“He made me look like so soap opera whore. That’s what he did.” I snarled. “My parents are probably rolling over in their graves right now.” I muttered.
“Don’t talk like that. All that happened is that you got some bad press. People are going to remember you and Phil saving me-”
“I know people Quinn; they’ll remember me as the slut who keeps her men on a leash. That’s how I’m going to be in people’s minds now.” I quickly changed and Quinn gave up and did the same. I took the gauze Quinn had set down and quickly wrapped my hand. Finally I sighed. “I’m sorry.” I whispered.
“It’s understandable, we saved Ace’s ass and that’s how he repays us. I’m pissed too.”
“Not that, I meant about you getting kidnapped.” I admitted.
“Anita that wasn’t-”
“Yes it was. If I had just ignored Paul and Cody then you never would have been kidnapped because I wouldn’t have been distracted with my own problems and I could’ve-”
“They would have just kidnapped you too.” Quinn said, cutting me off. “If they really wanted us out of the way that badly they would’ve snatched you too. If Paul hadn’t told us about them, if Cody hadn’t gotten us that photo, we’d have been fucked. They both helped us in one way or another.” I bit my lip.
“If we’d never gotten the photos you wouldn’t have been kidnapped.”
“And they’d just be tormenting us. It needed to happen and it couldn’t have happened if you didn’t care about the two of them.” I sighed and was about to keep arguing when there was a knock on the door.
“Come in.” Quinn said. Ted stuck his head in and looked at me. “Hey Quinn, can I talk to Anita for a second?” Quinn looked at me and I nodded.
“I’ll be outside if you need me Anita.” She promised. I sat down and Ted came and sat down next to me.
“If you’re here to defend Cody-”
“No, I’m just here to tell you the facts.” He said simply. “The biggest of those facts being that Cody loves you more than anyone or anything else in this world.”
“Ted, look-”
“Let me finish. You didn’t see him when you rejected him, it tore him in two, he was devastated. He’s been crazy about you since you started working here, but didn’t think you’d care because you were with Paul.”
“So he acted like a dick?”
So he waited until he got the championship to prove to himself that he was worth your time. He’s broken without you.”
“So that’s why he teamed up with the whack jobs who kidnapped my friend?!” I snapped.
“He did that because…” Ted’s face turned ashy. “He was covering my ass. They caught Cody with Spice, but it was mine. He took it from me because he was worried that I’d overdose if he didn’t. We’ve been friends for forever, he wasn’t going to rat me out to Eve and Barbie, so he took the fall.”
I was stunned. I’d known Cody was covering for someone, but I’d never thought in a million years it’d be Ted. He was obviously embarrassed. “Ted…I…”
“I figured that if he would do that for me, his friend; imagine what he’d do to get the girl he loves. That’s just how Cody is. He’ll do anything to make sure that the people he cares about are happy. He knew Paul was cheating on you and figured that he could take better care of you then him, as for Paul, I don’t know his excuses, but I know that Cody loves you and I think he deserves a second chance.” I felt butterflies in my stomach, but then I remembered that Cody had let Eve and Barbra and Chris take Quinn.
“I gave him a second chance and he kidnapped my best friend.” I said solemnly. “I’m sorry Ted, but I just don’t think I can trust him again.”
“Anita, please, just promise me you’ll think about it.” I looked at Ted, begging me to let his friend prove himself. I smiled slightly and Ted beamed. “Thank you.” He said simply.
“I didn’t say yes.” I said.
“You didn’t have to.” He said. He walked out and Quinn opened the door open.
“Ready to go?” She asked.
“Yeah.” I said, grabbing my bag and tossing her hers.
We managed to squeeze through the mob of paparazzi, eager to get Quinn to spill about who kidnapped her, but we’d been instructed to keep our mouths shut. Phil picked us up in his rental and we left for the hotel.
As I got home I sighed and flopped down on my bed. I’d decided it’d be for the best if I stayed at the other hotel so Cody and Paul couldn’t bother me. Quinn and Phil had insisted they’d keep them away from me, but I’d told them that I was sure they needed the peace and quiet. I pulled out my phone to check my messages, but when I saw the date I froze.
It was already the twenty-first? That wasn’t possible. I leapt up and ran to my laptop, which only confirmed the date. I felt my blood freeze as I shakily dialed Quinn’s phone number. It ringed for a while before she groggily answered.
“Quinn, it’s me.” When she heard the worry in my voice she was wide awake.
“What happened?” She asked. I took another deep breath.
“I- I need you to drive me to the store.” I said.
“Because I can’t right now.” I said. My hands were shaking just trying to hold the phone. Quinn promised she’d be right there as I sat on my bed, shaking uncontrollably. Finally Quinn was knocking on my door. I leapt up and opened it. She saw my face and immediately sat me down on my bed, shutting the door behind her.
“Anita, what’s wrong?” I felt tears start to form in my eyes. I felt so weak and helpless.
“I…I missed my period.” Quinn’s eyes got huge.
“Are you sure?” She asked. I nodded.
“It should have been two weeks ago.” I felt my face flush as Quinn’s eyes got even bigger.
“Look, maybe it’s just late, you don’t know-” But she saw my eyes, how terrified I was, and sighed. “I’ll take you to the store.” She said.
We both made sure to disguise ourselves as we walked into a small convenience store and picked up the pregnancy test. When we got back I followed the instructions, now all we could do was wait.
“I’m sure it’s nothing, maybe you’re sick, that messes it up for me sometimes.”
“I slept with Cody two weeks ago.” Was all I could say. “And Paul two days later. How could I be so stupid Quinn?”
“Who’s do you think it is?” She asked. “I mean if there’s even-”
“I don’t know.” I admitted. God I’m just a stupid whore. Chris was right, so were Eve and Barbra.” I felt like I was going to cry.
“Don’t talk like that! Kharma wrestled for months with her baby, if you have one it’s not the end of the world-”
“And she lost it! Besides, at least she knew who the father was! My life has become the Jerry Springer show!” Quinn wrapped her arms around me as we continued to wait. I was praying silently, this was the last thing I needed right now. And what if it was Paul’s kid? As sure as I was he’d be a great dad I didn’t want him near me. And Cody, Jesus, Cody was just a kid, this would ruin his career.
Finally time was up and I slowly walked over to the test and picked it up.
“Well?” Quinn asked, nervous as I was. I felt tears roll over onto my cheeks.
It was positive.
♠ ♠ ♠
How will this influence Ani's life?
Can she and Quinn still obtain the titles?
Who is the father?
Find out next time from SEG!!

Ani Raw
Anita Street Clothes