Rachel Taylor Series

A Day in Paradise

A Day in Paradise
It was a bright and shiny day. Everybody was as happy as they can be. Then the Pilot announced some unnerving news. The plane was about to crash. I remember everybody freaking out. It was nerve racking. I woke up huffing and puffing. My surroundings were different. Questions filled my head. Where are my parents? Where am I? Did the plane crash? Who were these people around me? ‘’Hi, Rachel Taylor. Welcome to Paradise Springs. Your new home.’’One of them said. I replied ‘’who are you? Besides this is not my home. My home is Missouri.” “My name is Steve. I’m your tour guide. That was some crash you took. But all of your questions will be answered soon! I’ll let you take a look around” Steve replied. I guess I know why they call it Paradise springs for a reason. Most of the land was a plain with a spring running through the land. It is paradise with everything being peaceful and quiet. Steve came out of nowhere. “So how do you like it here?” Steve asked “I love it. Um may I ask this? How old are you?” I asked “I’m fifteen years old. How old are you?” He asked. I replied “I’m thirteen. Do I get to stay here? Is there a school here?” “Yes and yes. You start tomorrow. You will get a schedule when you arrive at the school. You’re going to the same school as me so I’ll show you where you go. Your apartment is right next to mine. So if you have any questions you can just ask me. Do you want to go into the town?” He asked and replied. I nodded my head. The bakery was open with smells pouring out the windows. Starbucks was busy with customers. Malls were open for business. Kids and parents played in the park. That led me to one question in particular. I asked,” Where are my parents?” Steve answered, “Your parents survived the crash.”