Rachel Taylor Series

A Day of Faith

A Day of Faith
Steve woke me up from my sleep. I moaned,” What could be so important that you had to wake me up?” “Rachel, I need to show you something now.” He anxiously said. I sleepily got dressed. I brushed my hair and teeth washed my face then I was ready to go. We stopped at Starbucks for some breakfast. We sat in silence. I asked, “How did you get in Paradise Springs?” He solemnly replied, “Car crash. Parents survived. Just like you. Ready to go?” I nodded my head. As we walked out of town I wonder if my parents and friends missed me. That shouldn’t have happened to me. But I stopped thinking about that. I asked, “Where are we going?” He replied, “Faith Rivers. Which is two hundred feet left? Then you’ll see where were going.” Guess this is really important if we have to walk two hundred feet. “Do you want to take the shortcut?” He asked Steve and I smiled at each other. “Heck yeah!” I replied. He wasn’t surprised that I said that. Steve said, “Well let me show you.” He snapped his fingers and then in a flash we were in a place I never saw. Faith Rivers was a gateway to Earth. As I passed through I felt lighter than usual. “Are we there yet” I felt stupid asking that old cliché. Steve laughed, “Yeah, almost. But when we arrive nobody will see us.” “Okay. Am I going to see my parents?” He nodded. I was surrounded by people I recognized all my family. My mom and dad were crying. I walked over to where they were standing. My name, Rachel Miranda Taylor, was chiseled into the stone. Roses and a different assortment of flowers were layered near the stone. I started to cry. Steve put his hand on my shoulder. I knew we had to go but I just wanted to say “Hi” or “Goodbye”. But my new home is Paradise Springs and my family is Steve.