Rachel Taylor Series

A Day to Dream

A Day to Dream
I closed my eyes to the sound of the clock. I wanted to see my parents again and my dog, Peppermint. Flowers surrounded me. My territory was different. The sky was a light pink with white puffy clouds. Someone poked me. I turned around to see Steve. “Hi. Do you know where you are?” He asked. I shook my head no. He stated, “This is Dream Creek. When you want to think you can come here but it only works when you go to sleep and when you’re emotional.” I nodded giving the information a time settle. “You come here often?” I asked. Steve nodded his head. I suddenly felt a pain, and then I saw my dog. Peppermint had his red and white collar on which reminds me when I got him. A little Dachshund tail wagging, back and forth. Peppermint came over and brushed by me. Steve just smiled and snapped his fingers. I awoke with a startle. I must have fallen asleep. When I went to Dream Creek I was sleeping. I went to Starbucks for breakfast. Emma and Alicia asked me if I wanted to go to the mall. I nodded my head kind of in a daze. After we were done at the mall we went to Emma and Alicia’s apartment to show each other what we got. In the end we forgot how much it cost. Steve wanted to see me. We walked to where I met Steve the first time. We waited for a reason I didn’t know of. I asked, “Steve, what are we waiting for?” He held up his pointer finger signaling to wait. Then all of a sudden a bright light came and it blinded me for a while. When I looked back up a Dachshund took the place of the light. Peppermint had a note around his neck saying, “Hi, Rachel. Car crash.” I started to cry.