Status: Complete

Me and You (Brian Haner Jr)

Me and You

“I think this is the one!” Isabelle said happily as she spun around, seeing how the dress moved.

I looked up at my soon to be sister-in-law and saw the beautiful white gown she was wearing. “It’s definitely the winner!” I assured her.

We had spent the day together, planning the wedding. So far, everything had gone perfectly! We chose the most elegant cake, decorations, and I absolutely loved my maid-of-honor dress! Isabelle was really cool to hang out with too. We had always been friends and that’s actually how her and my big brother, Matt, met. The only problem was her obnoxious, perverted, older brother. Brian Elwin Haner. Brian and I have never gotten along well. Ever since I can remember, he’s always picked on me and just bullied me in general. All because I was his best friends little sister.

“So what’s left on the list?” Belle asked as we walked out of the store.

I pulled out my phone and checked the list we set up. “We still need to set the flowers you want for the venue and the bouquets. And you still haven’t set the menu either. The last thing is the wedding band.” I reminded her.

She nodded her head. “Wanna grab a bite to eat before we continue the madness?”

“Gladly!” we both laughed and went to Chipotle.

We sat at the table and ordered our food.

“So has Matt chosen his best man yet? Or is he stalling till the end?” I asked her.

She smiled nervously and started playing with her finger nails. “He actually made his decision already.”

I looked surprised. Matt had four best friends. I didn’t think he’d be able to choose so quickly. “Really?” she nodded. “So who’s escorting me down the aisle?” I smirked.

She smiled sheepishly. “Brian.”

My smile dropped and I choked on my breath. “Who?”

“Em, I know you hate him and all, but please, can you just not fight with him for that one day? Please?” she gave me a puppy dog look.

“I’m not the one who starts all the fighting!” I said defensively. “The one you need to be talking to is that demon of a brother of yours.”

She laughed at my reaction. “So I can count on you faking a smile and pretending like you’re happy to be there?”

“You’re lucky you’re my best friend and you’re marrying my favorite brother!” I warned her.

“Matt’s your only brother, Hun.”

“Hence being my favorite!” I said in a ‘duh’ tone.


“Ugh! My feet are killing me!” I complained as I plopped on the couch and kicked my shoes off.
Isabelle sat next to me and laid her feet on my lap, “You’re telling me! At least you’re wearing sneakers!”

I pushed her feet off of me. “Hey, I wasn’t the one who told you to wear sandals!”

“I know,” she looked at her feet and pouted. “But they matched my outfit.”

I laughed and playfully pushed her shoulder.

“What’re you two complaining about now?” Matt asked as he walked into the room followed by the rest of the guys.

“Our feet hurt, babe.” Isabelle told him in a childish voice. “You guys should massage them!”

We both smiled cutely at them.

“Hey! Look at the time!” Zacky said as he looked at the invisible watch on his wrist.

“Yeah, we’re late for…that thing.” Jimmy said, going along with Zacky.

“Oh yeah, that…thing. The thing that we’re going to be late to if we don’t leave right now!” Johnny added.

We laughed at their stupidity. It was always fun having these guys around! They acted like little kids. We were all one big family.

“You guys know she was joking right?” I asked them.

They all looked nervously at each other and started playing it off.

“Psh, of course we knew you were joking.”

“Yeah, we just wanted to…play along…”

Belle and I laughed like crazy.

“So did you guys get everything set for the wedding?” Matt asked as he sat on the couch next to Belle and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

She nodded. “All except the music. I was hoping we could do that together.”

“Actually,” Brian interrupted their gooey lovey dovey moment. “I was actually going to ask if I could be in charge of the music.”

Belle’s eyes widened in horror. “No! Absolutely no! Knowing you, you’d book Pinkly Smooth for our reception!”

“Hey!” Jimmy shouted. “I take offence to that!”

“I don’t care! I will turn into a bridezilla if I need to!”

“Relax Isabelle, I actually wasn’t planning on that!” Brian assured her.

“I think we should let him.” Matt told her.

Brian smiled victoriously. “I promise you’ll absolutely love it.”

She huffed but agreed anyways.


I rang the doorbell for Isabelle’s house and waited for her to answer the door.

“What are you doing here?” Brian asked rudely.

I rolled my eyes. “Where’s your sister?”

“Not here, obviously.”

I was starting to lose my temper. “You know, I’m trying to make sure your sister and my brother have an amazing wedding, can you just stop being a jerk to me long enough to let me do that?”

He scoffed. “Yeah, cause I’ve got a gun pointed at your head. Anyways, like I said before, Izzy’s not here so can you just leave? I’ve got things I need to do.” He said the last part suggestively.

I scrunched my face in disgust. “I really don’t want to know about your personal life you know!” I stuck my tongue out, but he grabbed it before I could put it back.

“Watch your tongue missy.”

I slapped his hand away and spit at the ground. “That’s disgusting Brian! Eww! You could’ve given me aids!”

“Whatever bitch. You wish I had aids.” He turned and slammed the door in my face.

I stood there in shock. Did he really just slam the door in my face? How more fucking rude could he get?

I noticed that he left the door open so I barged in and walked to the room that I heard his voice. I threw the door of what I assumed was his room open and saw him sitting in the middle of his bed with a guitar in his lap.

“What the fuck are you doing in my room?” he nearly yelled.

“You left the door open.” I stormed over to him and punched him in the face. “And that’s for slamming the door in my face!”


“Emily! You have to be the bigger person!” Matt scolded me.

I rolled my eyes. “Matt, what did he tell you?”

“That you broke into his room and punched him in the face!”

“Did he tell you why?”

“Either way, you know you shouldn’t have done that! He’s family!”

I scoffed. “So if someone slammed the door in Belle’s face, you’d want her to just walk away like nothing ever happened?”

He scrunched his eyebrows together. “What do you mean?”

“What I mean is that you’re best friend slammed the fucking door in my face when I went to talk to Belle about wedding stuff. That’s why I punched him in the face.”

He scratched the back of his head. It’s always been a nervous habit of his. “I’m sorry, Em. It’s just, I only heard one side of the story and it kind of got me pissed.”

I shrugged. “Shit happens.”

We heard yelling coming from downstairs. It sounded like Isabelle.

“Go! Right fucking now!”

Matt and I looked at each other in confusion as we heard footsteps coming up the stairs. There was a light knock on the door and Matt got up to open it. Brian stood there with his head hung like a little boy visiting the principal’s office.

He saw me and started mumbling something under his breath. Isabelle appeared behind him. “You know, I really doubt she heard you. Speak louder.”

He grumbled and shifted his feet. “I said I’m sorry for slamming the door in your face. I completely deserve the punch you gave me for being such a dumbass.”

I laughed and looked at Isabelle. “How the hell did you get him to do that?”

She smiled. “Apparently there’s nothing worse than a pissed off bride!” Matt covered his mouth to keep from laughing and Isabelle playfully elbowed his ribs. “Hey, Em, I still don’t trust Brian alone with the music so is there any way I can leave it to you to help him?”

I gave her a ‘serious’ look which she returned with a puppy dog pout.

“Why don’t you trust me?” Brian yelled.

She laughed. “Brian, I’ve lived with you my entire life. That’s enough reason not to trust you.”

Matt and she left, leaving Brian and me alone. There was so much tension in the air and the silence was unbearable.

“So…” I started awkwardly. “Want to go swim?”

He looked at me and smiled. It was such a cute smile! So charming and innocent at the same time. Wait! I did NOT just think that! I hate this man!

We went out to the pool and jumped in, fully clothed. “So what band were you thinking of booking for the reception?”

“Well, I was thinking she could walk down the aisle to Warmness on the Soul, and at the reception book one of her favorite, not hardcore, bands like Three Days Grace.”

“You know Three Days Grace?” I asked amazed.

“Well yeah, don’t you remember we toured with them for Uproar 2012?”

“Oh yeah!”

He laughed at my stupidity and I just glared at him.

“And I’m thinking of having Jimmy show up as The Reverend Tholomeu Plague just to scare her a little.” He joked. There was that gorgeous smile again. The one that made me feel things for him that I really shouldn’t!


“Introducing, for the first time, Matthew and Isabelle Sanders!” The DJ announced. They walked into the venue and everyone cheered.

I clapped and cheered for my brother and new sister. Brian and I hadn’t argued ever since we bonded that one day and it was really nice. He was actually really cool when he wasn’t being a jerk.

“I’ll be right back.” He whispered in my ear. Yes, he was my date for the night. I don’t know how that happened, but I guess it did. I saw him walk to the stage and grabbed a microphone.

“Can I get everyone’s attention please?” he asked the audience. Isabelle looked at me in horror. I returned the look because I honestly had no clue what he was doing. “First of all, I would like to congratulate the happy couple on their big day.” Everyone cheered and Matt kissed Isabelle. “She’s your problem now!” he told Matt. Everyone laughed while Belle scowled and Matt shrugged his shoulders and laughed. “I planned a little surprise for you guys. I actually wrote a song for your first dance.”

Zacky and Jimmy rolled out a piano and put it in the middle of the stage. Brian sat down and started playing a few keys. Everyone cleared the dance floor to let Matt and Belle dance.

Ordinary no, I really don’t think so
Not a love this true
Common destiny
We were meant to be
Me and you

He looked at me while he was singing and smiled.

Like a perfect scene from a movie screen
We’re a dream come true
Suited perfectly for eternity
Me and you

Every day, I need you even more
And the night time too
There’s no way
I could ever let you go
Even if I wanted to

Every day I live
I try my best to give
All I have to you
I thank the stars above
That we share this love me and you

Every day, I need you even more
And the night time too
There’s no way
I could ever let you go
Even if I wanted to

Ordinary no, I really don’t think so
Just a precious few
Ever make it last
Get as lucky as
Me and you
Me and you

He finished and everyone cheered. I had tears in my eyes. That song was so beautiful and somehow, I knew it had more meaning behind it than just Isabelle and Matt’s first dance.

He walked back to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. Belle ran over to him and attacked him in a hug. “Thank you Brian! That was the most amazing song ever!”

He laughed and hugged her back. “You should be thanking Emily.”

I was shocked. “Me? Why should she be thanking me?”

“You were my muse. That song wouldn’t have existed if you weren’t in my life.”

I teared up even more and hugged him tightly. I didn’t even notice that Isabelle and Matt had walked away.


“Brian! Stop being a jerk!” I yelled.

“Sorry, Em! You’re going to have to reach a little higher if you want your phone back!” he pulled the phone out of my reach when I almost had it.

“Really guys?” Athena asked us. “You guys are such little kids!”

Brian and I both looked at our four year old daughter.

“Did she just call us little kids?” Brian asked me.

I nodded.

“Maybe I wouldn’t call you guys little kids if you acted your age!”

We smiled at each other and chased her around the house before collapsing on the couch. I laid against his chest and he hugged me tightly.

“How’d we end up like this?” I asked him after a moment of catching our breath.

He laughed. “Chasing a four year old who’s more mature than her parents?”

“Well that too! But who would’ve ever guessed that we’d end up married?”

“That’s the beauty of destiny. It always shocks you, but it was always meant to be just me and you.”

Athena jumped in my lap and smiled up to us.

“And Athena of course!” I added.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! So I hope you guys like this one-shot! The song in it is Me and You by Kenny Chesney. I absolutley love that song and I hope you guys do too! If you guys want a one-shot just message me with all the info and I'll try to write it as soon as possible! Love you guys!

Peace, Love, Starbucks