Status: In progress. Updates when I get the chance.

Cross My Heart

Here's the End

I sat at the kitchen table with my head down as Adam bustled around attempting to make a good breakfast.
He seemed happier than usual and was determined to have some ‘bonding time’ with me. Truthfully, I wanted three more hours sleep and was terrified of his cooking.
“You seem tiered.” Adam said, trying to make small talk.
“Ya, a little bit.” I said sarcastically.
Our conversation dropped. I had gotten closer to Lisa over the past months than Adam, making it awkward to talk to him.
“So what were you up to last night to make you so tiered?” He asked.
I already had my alibi ready. “Hanging with Josh and his family. His sisters are tiring.”
“So they’re like him?” Adam laughed, shooting a smile to me over his shoulder.
“Yeah, scary like him. He denies it though, of course.” I smiled.
“Why does he deny it?” Adam asked, pouring the first of the pancakes into the pan. The batter made an odd sizzling noise, as if the pan was too hot.
“I dunno…they annoy him I guess.” I watched Adam attempt to flip the pancake before it was done.
Batter sprayed across the stove and to my surprise, he laughed. “I’ve never been very good at this cooking thing.”
Not that I was very good either, but I took over the pancake making. It was simple, just watch the batter until all the bubbles are popped and flip.
“Thanks for breakfast, Phoenix.” Adam said as we sat at the table with our syrup covered pancakes. The good ol’Canadian way.
“The thought was yours.” I didn’t feel like a conversation at all. Adam was way too happy, it seemed like he was the one who got laid last night.
We devoured out pancakes in silence. “God, I’m stuffed.” Adam pushed his plate away dramatically. “I’m going out today, Phoenix, I’ll be home at around 11 tonight.” He said. I nodded and swallowed the last of my pancake.
Standing up, I collected both of our plates and rinsed them in the sink. “Did you know you can actually tell if someone is a virgin by the way that they walk?” Adam said nonchalantly.
“Uh…” I didn’t know what to say.
“I’m not mad at you. You’re 16, bout time you got a little action.” I sighed with relief. Adam wasn’t the stereotypical dad. He wasn’t gonna take a shot gun over to Josh’s house. “Well, I am sort of mad that you lied to me. So…grounded for the day. Kay?” Adam offered the punishment.
I smiled. “Yeah sure.”
“Once last thought.” Adam had stood and walked to the kitchen door. “It was Josh, right?”
“Yeah.” I laughed.
“Good…and you were safe?”
Without thinking I simply said yes. Of course we had been safe, Josh wasn’t careless. But the more I thought about it the less I knew.
Throughout my day alone I tried not to think much. Just go on like a zombie, never getting out of my PJs. I watched the Titanic and bawled my eyes out. Made myself grilled cheese for lunch and devoured the scrumptious carbs while watching Spongebob. At one, I found myself alone in my room listening to Green Day, day dreaming about meeting Billie Joe Armstrong.
Three soft taps on my window woke me from my fantasy. Of course, Josh was looking into my window. When he saw that I looked up, he pushed it open.
“Ello beautiful” He said in a fake British accent. Uninvited, he climbed through the window.
“I have a front door, just saying.” I stated as he sat beside me on my bed, kissing my cheek.
“Window was closer…so why are you hiding in your cave?” He asked.
“I’m grounded. Therefore, you should leave.” I don’t know why I was being so bitter. Maybe I just wanted to be left alone with Billie Joe Armstrong.
“But Adam’s not here, since when do you care?” I shrugged.
“Kinda liking the quite I guess.” As I said that, the phone rang. “God.” I moaned as I picked up the conveniently placed phone on my bed side table. As I turned to accommodate the wire, Josh shifted and started kissing up my neck. I rolled my eyes.
“Hello?” I said into the phone.
“Hey!” Shaun’s voice answered. “I have an invitation for you.”
“A friend of Matt’s friend is having a party tonight and we were wondering if you and Josh would tag along?”
“Can’t, I’m grounded.”
“What did you do?” Shaun asked in an exasperated voice.
“None of your beeswax.” I said.
“What did you do?” Josh asked, still kissing at my neck.
“Not your business either, Ramsay.” I said to him.
“So…You’re grounded…yet Josh is there?” Shaun asked me.
“Adam’s out till 11 and Josh won’t leave.”
“Well if Adam’s out till 11 so are you! I’ll be there in half an hour. Be ready.” A click and dragged out beep signalled this was not up for argument.
I sighed and hung up the phone. “Now that your lips aren’t busy…” Josh cupid my chin in his hand and turned my face to kiss him.
I got lost in the kiss. I knew I had to get ready, for starters, but I ended up making out with Josh for ten minutes.
I opened my eyes slightly and looked at a clock. “OH SHIT!” I screamed and jumped off my bed, running for my closet. “Shaun is forcing us to go to a party with her and Matt in 20 minutes!”
“Mention that before you shove your tongue down my throat.” Josh said as I tugged my PJ shirt off, completely ignoring the fact that he was staring at me.
“Shut up, Ramsay. You started it!” I threw my shirt and him and tugged on a cleaner one, not even caring if it had a slang word for poop printed on it. (Author* Dookie, Green Day album. Js)
“You escalated it.” He calmly laid back on my bed and watched as I ran around my room without pants on searching for my jeans.
“You could leave, pervert!” I was stressed and rushing with 20 million things running through my head at once. Who was this friend of Matt’s friend? What was he all about? How do they know each other? Did Josh know him? What if Adam found out? What if I got smashed? Why was Josh just smirking at me?
“I’m happy right here.” His smirk grew smirkier, if it was possible. I threw another shirt at him – one that just happened to be laying on my floor.
I finally found the jeans I was looking for and tugged them on. I ran to my bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth and painted on my face.
I walked back out into my room just as the doorbell rang. “C’mon, Ramsay, you’re in this to.” I grabbed Josh’s hand and pulled him up the stairs with me.
“Hey.” I said to Shaun as I opened the door. She stood there with Matt.
“You ready, girly?” She asked me. I was surprised to see it was dark outside. It was maybe 9 o’clock I guessed.
“As I’ll ever be. I only got 3 hours.”
If I could go back in time and tell my 16 year old self one thing it would be to just say no to those whole three hours.