Status: In progress. Updates when I get the chance.

Cross My Heart

Friends? What?

“Are you really going to walk all the way to Matt’s wearing those?”
“Yes, yes I am.” I said as I stumbled once again, this time falling on Josh and taking him to the ground, luckily in a grassy patch of yard.
“Are you sure?” Josh said as I got up off him.
“Yes. I am. I’m not going to disappoint Lisa.”
“It’s not my fault if you break something.”
“But it is your job to catch me at any expense.”
“NOT MY HAIR!” Josh screamed like a little girl and grabbed his head. I laughed.
“Do you really care about your hair more than my life?” I asked, acting hurt.
“Ha, no.”
“That’s good, Ramsay, I was fearing I was going to have to mess u that pretty face of yours”
“Oh that makes me feel safe.”
“Oh, damn, must not be working.” I laughed and so did he.
“Okay, we’re almost at Matt’s, one more block.” As he said that, I tripped over air and twisted my ankle.
“Fuck!” I screamed through the pain in my ankle.
“YES REALLY!” I screamed at him. My ankle hurt so much. Okay, high heel shoes = bad idea.
“You okay?” He said and knelt down beside me.
“No.” I said. I was clutching my ankle and kept closing my eyes and gasping through the pain in it.
“Take your hands away and maybe I can look at it?” Josh said.
“Fine.” I snapped at him. Yes, I like him, yes, I’m in pain, yes, I will yell at him.
“It looks okay, you probably just twisted it.”
“Yeah…” I said, cooling down now that I was getting used to the pain.
“Take the shoes off and see if you can put wait on it.” He said. I reached forward and undid the shoes, throwing them to the ground beside us.
Josh helped me up then I tried to put weight on my ankle, causing me to yelp in pain.
“Okay, that’s not going to help.” Josh said.
“No shit Sherlock? So, what now, genius.”
“We find a way to get back home.”
“Why not go to Matt’s and get him to give me a ride?”
“He doesn’t have a car.”
“Bastard is making this difficult for me.” I said and purposely fell down onto the grass. “Well, the dude has parents, doesn’t he?”
“They’re out of town.”
“Fuck.” Josh sat down beside me. “So, you’re telling me I’ve gotta find a way to make a half hour walk back on a twisted ankle?”
“Yes…or I could carry you.”
“Are you willing to carry me for half an hour? If so I’ll put up with it.” I said, secretly hoping he wouldn’t then say ‘yes, good point’ and I would have to walk.
“Yeah, you don’t look that heavy.”
“Okay…thanks…up!” I put my hands in the air. He laughed, stood, then helped me up. Then lifted me into his arms.
“Oh shit!” I screamed and grabbed on to his neck to keep from falling.
Josh carried me back to my house, but, once we were inside, dumped me on the couch. “Dammit your heavier than you look.” He said and sat down beside me once I scrambled up into a sitting position.
“Yes, that’s what every girl wants to hear.” I said and took the shoes off my feet, then threw them at a wall. “ITS ALL YOUR FAULT SHOES!” I said and slid off the couch and started crawling towards the stairs.
Once at the stairs, and switched over onto my butt and scooted down them, then crawled to my door.
Changing into comfy PJs was difficult, it involved a lot of hopping…hopping…falling.
Once I was finally done, I hopped out of my bed room, back up the stairs.
Josh sat on the couch. “Here” He handed me a little pack of ice once I sat down.
“Thanks.” I put my foot out, placing the ice on my ankle.
“So…what now?”
“I dunno.”
“Wanna watch a movie?”
“I don’t care.”
I ended up watching a crappy movie Josh found in a drawer with him. I feel asleep half way through.
I sat up in bed, wondering how I got here. I figured Josh had carried me down after I feel asleep.
I swung my legs over the side of my bed. My ankle was colorful, but it didn’t hurt as bad as last night. The phone rang loudly, making me jump, scream, and fall off the bed.
“PHOENIX! PHONE!” I heard Adam scream.
“GOT IT!” I yelled back. I picked up the phone that was fortunately placed about a foot from where I lay on the ground.
“Yo.” I answered it.
“Hey. Awesome party last night. Why didn’t you and Josh show?”
“Who is this?”
“Oh…well, if I tell you the real reason we didn’t come, you have to promise not to laugh.”
“Cross My Heart and hope to die” (Author* remember? I promised to underline :P)
“I fell and twisted my ankle.” I told Shaun, she burst out laughing.
“You promised you wouldn’t laugh. Oh well, just to keep you laughing, I’m on the floor cause I fell out of bed when the phone rang.” She continued laughing….then coughing.
One she was finished she said: “Hair ball.” My turn to laugh. “You do realize there is no school Monday? You seem like the type that would be talking about the holidays for the longest time.”
“WHAT!? I was unaware of this!” I said and jumped up, diving over the bed for my glasses. I put them on and looked at my curious kittens calendar. Sure enough, the puffy white kitten in a Santa hat surrounded by presents stated that holidays started Monday.
“And…seeing as you were unaware of that, it’s snowing outside. Bout and inch. Been going since midnight.”
“SWEET POMEGRANATE YOUR KIDDING!” I screamed and ran to my window. Sure enough, about an inch of snow covered the ground. As I admired it, I saw Josh run down the street, fall on his ass, get back up, and fall down again laughing. I started laughing so hard.
“What? What am I missing here?”
“I was just looking out my window and Josh wiped out so bad. It’s hilarious.”
“Dammit. I would pay so much to see that.” She said. Then laughed about five seconds later.
“What am I missing now?”
“My brother is having a spazz. He’s like, 3, and this is the first year its snowed since he was born.”
“I’ll trade you! Falling 16 year old for spazzing 3 year old!”
“Naw, my mom doesn’t like Josh. She thinks he’s high all the time.”
“No, he’s just naturally like that.”
“That’s what I tell her. Anyway, can you meet me at Starbucks or something? I wanna go shopping for Christmas presents but I don’t wanna go alone.”
“Yeah, sure. I’ll meet you there in…an hour, is that okay? What time is it?”
“Its noon.”
“Howly shit.”
“Yeah. See you at Starbucks at 13 hundred hours solider. Don’t be late.”
“Yes, sir mam.” I said and hung up the phone.
I quickly had a shower, changed into black skinnys and a black Green Day shirt, threw on a red hoodie. Blow dried my hair, and straightened it, then did a quick make up job.
I pulled on my shoes and as I walked out the door, I was hit in the side of the face with a wet, mushy snow ball. I looked down into the bushes beside the door to see Josh laughing.
“Sniped.” He said and stood up.
“I saw your wipe out earlier. Was that fun?”
“I was glancing out my window.”
“Label me as you wish.” I said and started walking down the street.
“Whatcya doin?” Josh followed me.
“Going Christmas shopping with Shaun.” I said. I had my beat up old purse bag thing that I got from Clair’s when I was 12. It had panda’s all over it.
“You ankle seems better.”
“Oh, right. I forgot about that. I must have just rolled it.” I said and looked down at my ankles. I had completely forgotten about that.
“Or you just wanted me to carry you home.”
I looked up at him with a false sweet smile on my face. “And what are you implying?”
“That you like me.” He said and nudged me. “I can’t blame you, who could resist this.” He said and smoothed back his hair.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Josh.” I pushed past him.
“Changing subject. What do I get for Christmas?”
“I dunno, what do you want?”
“I am unsure.”
“Then you get what ever I see on the rack that screams ‘JOSH’…which means it’s your fault if you get a goofy hat.”
“Goofy hats can be cool.”
We walked in silence for a bit. “Are you going to go back to your business or are you going to follow me to Starbucks?”
“I will go about my business once we pass Matt’s house.”
“Omg this is the funniest shirt I’ve ever seen!” I screamed and dove for the shirt in Blue Note. I had Pac Man chasing the little ghost things in their blue for and said ‘I ain’t afraid of no ghosts.’
“I have an idea. We can get each other out Christmas presents early. This ensures we don’t hate them. Yours is that shirt.” She said and added it to her pile. So far, this store had been the biggest hit. I found a cheap hoodie for Josh, a shirt for Lisa, and a shirt for Adam. I couldn’t spend much on Christmas, seeing as my only income was working 3 hours after school on Monday, and Wednesday at HMV, and the odd Sunday.
“Okay, what do you want? You’re the last person I’m buying for. I know nobody else to the point where I’m buying them a gift.”
“OMG this one!” She pulled out a shirt with a piece of dancing toast covered in jam on it, bordered by dancing knifes and jam jars and the caption : ‘We be jammin’.
“Perfect. Christmas shopping, DONE!” I screamed and ran for the check out.
Once I had gone through, then Shaun, and we were outside in the food court Shaun said: “Christmas shopping is not done yet. He have to treat ourselves in some way.”
“And you are suggesting?”
“Run off to our favorite stores and buy ourselves a Christmas present.”
“And where does that mean you’re running to?”
“Yay, at least were not alone!” I said and ran for HMV jumping and kicking. Shaun followed suit.
“OMG OMG OMG!” I ran across the store to where Shaun was looking through the country section. I had immediately run to the punk section. I held up the Green Day CD I had been eyeing for the longest time. 39/smooth. It was embarrassing to say I didn’t own my favorite band’s first album, yet, I owned their first EP.
“Yes, that is called Green Day. Supposedly named for their fondness of marijuana. Did you know the day we started talking you said that 50 times.”
“Oops, my bad. I have an addiction. It’s very serious. I still can’t find any support groups.”
“Oh well, keep looking. I found the CD I want. Let’s go buy them.
We ran up to the register…well, more I dragged her.
“Well well well. Little miss Green Day is buying a Green Day CD. The guy at the till said. He worked Sunday’s and Saturday’s, so I had seen him sometimes when I worked Sunday’s. And I had seen him around school. His name was Eric. He had black hair gelled into a mini Mohawk with the tips dyed purple. His nosed pierced with a hoop, and spacers in his ears. He was in grade 12, if I was correct.
“Shut up, Eric.” I said.
“You gonna use attitude, you can ring them up yourself.”
“Fine, move over.” I jumped over the counter and hip bumped him out of the way.
Just to piss him off, I gave Shaun the employee discount to.
Shaun and I walked out of the mall, her doing all the talking and me looking through the windows. Until, in a dollar store, I saw the goofiest hat I had ever seen in my life. I HAD to get it for Josh. Just to show him that yes, goofy hats can scream out his name.
“One sec…I gotta prove a point.” I said and ran into the store, grabbing the hat on my way in.