Friends That Were Alibis

"God, I need another fix."

"RONNIE! WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?" My shaky hands rummage through pockets of jeans, drawers and cupboards, under my bed and inside pillow cases as my thunderous voice almost shakes the walls of my crummy apartment.

"...H-Huh...?" My best friend's groggy voice replies halfheartedly from the living room.

I groan and make my way towards the couch were he lays sleepily, and crouch down to his level. "I said, WHERE ARE MY FUCKING PILLS?" I scream into his ear, it masked by his knotty black hair.

He yelps and bolts upright, clutching his head tightly. "What the hell, dude?!" 

"YOU HEARD ME! I. Need. Them. NOW." I state clearly, getting more and more pissed off, my brain starts throbbing against my skull. Shit, it can't be that bad already, can it?

His face softens, and then changes into one of nervousness.

"Max... I told you-" 
"Just because you've quit doesn't mean I automatically have to!" I yell at him helplessly.

"I'm as desperate as you, but it's not healthy! You could be dead by next week if you don't stop! What about our fans?"

I think for a minute, but the addiction washes away any reasonable thoughts out of my brain. 

"What did you do with my pills, Radke?" I fold my arms over my aching body and give him a questioning glare.

"I... Um..." he motions to the bathroom door with his eyes.

I couldn't help it - I grasp onto the neck of his shirt and tug him out of his seat. 
If the adrenaline wasn't pumping through my infected veins I wouldn't even have attempted that; Ronnie is a lot taller and heavier than me, but he's also extremely brutal if anyone messes with him. 

The top of my head barely meets his chin as I stare him down, his chocolate brown eyes never fully meeting my grey-green ones. 

"Don't tell me you fucking flushed them." My hands ball into fists by my sides.

He closes his eyes for a second. "You don't know how hard it was to do it. I was fucking tempted-"

My anger and desperation takes over and I swing my right fist at him, smirking as it collides with his eye.

Ronnie cries out  in pain and staggers back a few steps, trying to regain his balance. I grab his shirt again and slam him onto the cracked wall as it makes a deafening smash.
He throws himself at me and tackles me to the ground. 

Pain shoots through my back and all the air in my lungs is knocked out. 
I clutch onto Ronnie's arms as I choke on nothing while tears leak out of my eyes.

All I can hear is his scratchy voice. "Shit, Max? Are you okay? I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I feel his rough fingers run down my face and wipe the tears off my cheeks. 
The words don't process enough for me to care, so I just lay there in agony.

When my fit has subsided, I use all my strength to pull him to the floor, and climb on top of him.
I manage to smash his face a few times, each time he takes a blow Ronnie howls and kicks his legs out behind me in attempt to escape my bone cracking hits.

We wrestle on the hard wood floor for a while before he finally slips out of my hold and rolls us over, then pinning me to the ground by straddling my waist and stretching my arms above my head.

"Max... Just... Calm... Down..." Ronnie pants. The blood from his nose drips onto mine, as our faces are only inches apart. He struggles to keep my wriggling body under control.

"FUCK YOU! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE MY BEST FRIEND, NOT STEAL FROM ME!" I growl, hatred dripping from every word. 
I sneer as his face distorts into heartbreak and he loosens his grip on my tattooed arms.
"I won't see you ever again anyway. After your sentencing."

He takes an unsteady breath and blows out, and I smile slightly when the breeze tickles me.

"You know I didn't do anything wrong. I was looking out for you..." he says quietly. 

I tilt my head closer to his face so our noses are touching. "You deserve what you're getting." I hiss.

We sit like this for minutes before either of us says anything. I was sort of enjoying his warm breath on my skin.

"...fine. If you want to live your own life." Ronnie pulls himself off my abdomen, and runs a hand through his black hair. He hesitates a little before opening the front door, stepping into the dirty hallway of the complex and slamming it behind him.

All that goes through my mind at this point is God, I need another fix.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh, it sounded better when it was in my head. e.o