Status: Completed! :D

Alice in Wonderland - A Twist on the Real Thing

Chapter 1: Parties and Rabbit Holes

“This is the most pathetic party I’ve ever been to! Like nothing interesting is happening here!” Frankie yelled out. Alice stood calmly facing the brunette.
“You shouldn’t even be here in the first place. You should be happy that you actually have a boyfriend who is willing to let you tag along. If it weren’t for Dougie, you wouldn’t even be here…”Alice explained with a straight face.
“Yes I know Dougie is a good boyfriend…That’s why I love him… And you’re just jealous of him… too bad you don’t have a boyfriend like him. Well, you don’t even have one at all.” Frankie smirked at the blonde girl.
“I don’t need one.” Alice faced her opponent.
“Right... that’s what everyone says… and they obviously don’t mean it.” She went on. Clearly she liked the sound of her own voice.
“Uh huh…” Alice rolled her eyes.
“Don’t roll your eyes when I’m talking to you...” Frankie screamed.
“If you have a problem go talk to my brother… he organized this party for me… ‘So much for a Happy Birthday’…” she indicated to Danny who was talking with the two Toms. McFly Tom and Tokio Hotel Tom.
“Yeah whatever…”Frankie commented with a venomous touch to her words as she scanned the room for Dougie. When she spotted him she walked over, glancing over her shoulder to give Alice a last cold stare.
Alice’s face burned. She walked towards the front door. When she reached it, tears were streaming down her cheeks. She ran to her favourite spot under the apple tree. She wiped the tears off her face, and stared absentmindedly at the road were occasionally a car or two passed. Until from the corner of her eye she saw something.
“Hopefully it isn’t Danny looking for me…” she thought, but it wasn’t …
“Harry?” she yelled as she saw him run by. “Harry!” she looked at the figure.
“Oh Dear! Oh Dear! I shall be too late ...” He looked behind him at the girl.
“Harry…why are you wearing rabbit ears…?” she asked confused at the sight.
“Oh I am terribly late.” he muttered glancing at his watch, as he hurried toward the street.
Alice got up and started after the “rabbit.” As she got closer to where the figure was disappearing down a sewer pipe.
“That is disgusting” Alice said out loud to the disappearing rabbit. But the rabbit was out of view.
“Well… here goes nothing…” she stepped into the hole, but she didn’t fall as she thought she would. It felt as if she began to drift downward like a feather. “This is really awkward…” she looked around and on the sides there were shelves, filled with books, food, CDs, DVDs. Down Down Down. There was no end. Alice began to get bored. She started humming, when suddenly she fell. She looked around and noticed she was on a bunch of clothes.
“This is getting weirder by the minute.” She thought to her self as she saw Harry the rabbit hurrying down the hall way…
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Comments greatly appreciated :3 Sorry the chapters are kinds short :/