Status: Completed! :D

Alice in Wonderland - A Twist on the Real Thing

Chapter 10: Twiddle Dee & Twiddle Dum

“That was the creepiest tea party I’ve ever been to.” Alice said out loud.
“I agree with you.” The familiar voice said.
“Ah… It’s you again.” Alice smiled at “Danny.”
“Yes. Those three maniacs have been driving me mad ever since I came to Wonderland.”
“They are kinda on the weird side of life but I won’t be seeing them for quite awhile.” Alice stated.
“You don’t want to see them at all.” “Danny” told her. “And By the way… Are you going to play croquet with the Queen?” he asked.
“I didn’t get invited and I don’t want to intrude and get her mad just like what happened back there.” Alice explained.
“Don’t worry… the queen doesn’t care, she invites every one.” The cat explained.
“Ok… but where is it and which way to go?” Alice asked.
“It is at the royal gardens, that way.” The cat pointed down a left path.
“Thank you… would you like to accompany me?” She asked the cat…
“Of course… but I’ll have to leave in the middle of our nice walk…” “Danny” explained.
“Alright I won’t mind. I’m actually used to people and things appearing and disappearing.” Alice giggled, as she and “Danny” started walking down the road The “Cat” indicated earlier.
As “Danny” had said he disappeared 15 minutes into the walk.
“Well then I’m on my own now.” Alice told herself and started walking in the direction the “cat” had told her before he disappeared, until something stopped her. She looked up and two familiar figures stood in front of her.
“Hello!” they said.
“Um… Hi…?” Alice answered unsurely.
“I’m Twiddle Dee…” The first guy said.
“And I’m Twiddle Dum.” The second finished the sentence.
“Well um… I’m Alice.” The girl introduced herself.
“Ah... Very nice, very nice.” The two people answered.
“Yeah... So can you stop blocking my path?” she asked.
“I don’t know can we?” they asked each other. As they were negotiating, Alice turned around and wanted to walk back, but they appeared in front of her.
“Hello!” they said.
“I’m Twiddle Dee…” The repeated him self
“And I’m Twiddle Dum.” The second did the same.
“I know who you are!! You just introduced yourself to me a minute ago!” Alice yelled.
“Ooh... Harsh!” the two people said.
“Can I go? Seriously. Do you guys, have nothing better to do than block people’s way?” she asked.
“Yes… it is very fun and it helps us concentrate.” The one that looked like Bill said.
“Concentrate?” Alice asked. The twins nodded. “On what?” she went on.
“On…on…on… something we can’t tell you.” “Tom” said.
“Uh Huh...” Alice told them. “Well I advise you go find something better to do.” She smiled and tried to get pass them.
“But we still aren’t finished talking with you.” The ran and stopped her.
“Well… here’s a news flash for you…” Alice started. “I’m finished talking with you.” She looked at them and went on walking. She heard the twins arguing, and one of them- Tom- ran after her.
“Are you going to see the queen?” he asked.
“Yeah… why?” she asked.
“Don’t… don’t go… she’s weird and scares everybody.” He told her.
“Glad to hear that… I really don’t care.” Alice patted his shoulder and walked on.
“Very nicely handled.” “Danny” appeared beside her.
“Ah… Thank you.” The girl brushed some blonde strands of hair off her face.
“I knew you’d handle that very well.” The “cat” told her.
“Is that why you left?” she asked.
“Partially. But I was hungry and went off to search for food.” He turned a bit red.
“Don’t worry.” Alice told him, “I would have probably done the same thing.” She laughed, as they walked down the path together without any interruptions.
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