Status: Completed! :D

Alice in Wonderland - A Twist on the Real Thing

Chapter 11: The Queen of Hearts

They walked until they reached a gate. On it said: Wonderland Royal Gardens.”
“Well… we’re here.” “Danny” exclaimed. Alice nodded in agreement.
As they entered, immediately on their right a deck of cards… literally a deck of cards were painting white roses red.
“Uh… I’m not even gonna ask.” Alice told Danny.
“Yeah… I don’t think you should... or you’d get a weird answer.” “Danny” told her. Just then, music started playing from somewhere.
The cards started yelling and running around.
“The queen’s coming.” “Danny” whispered to Alice and disappeared. Alice nodded and stood looking at the scrambling cards.
“Why do they look like normal cards when everybody else looks like someone I know?” Alice asked herself.
“Who the hell is she?” a voice yelled. Alice turned around to see Frankie with Dougie trailing closely behind her.
“Can’t you see...? She’s a girl?” He told Frankie.
“I see that but what is she doing here?” She asked with attitude.
“Um... standing here?” Dougie replied.
“Well I don’t want her here.” The “Queen” said.
“I’m sorry but I’m standing here and I don’t plan to move.” Alice smirked. “Oh and by the way please put some clothes on cause you look like a slut in that bikini thing.”
“How dare you say that and insult me!!!” “Frankie” yelled.
“Just telling the truth.” Alice told her calmly. Behind the “Queen’s” back, Dougie was trying to control his laughter.
“And I’m still trying to deduce why you have a problem with me back home and why you have a problem with me here…” Alice wondered out loud.
“Back home?” Frankie asked suspiciously. “Where is…”back home”?”
“Never mind.. It’s a long story and I assume you don’t like stories.” Alice told her arrogantly.
“Do you know who you are talking with missy?” Frankie asked the girl.
“Yeah… with a slut.” Alice smiled sweetly.
“Don’t you dare talk like that to the Queen of Hearts.” The “Queen” threatened Alice.
“More the Queen of Bitches.” Alice shot back and grinned triumphantly. The “Queen” was turning red with anger.
“You call me one more name and I will Scream “of with your head.” She warned Alice.
“Oh.. ok.. Hi my name is Alice… Pleasure to meet you.” The girl held out her hand. Frankie was about to scream but “Dougie” stopped her.
“She didn’t say anything to insult you…” He told her.
“Stop it!! All of you!!!” Frankie yelled.
“Ooh… Have a cow.” Alice whispered.
“What?!?” Frankie glared at the girl.
“Nothing…” Alice told her innocently.
“Do you play croquet?” The “Queen” asked all of a sudden.
“That depends on how I am supposed to take the question. In a Dirty or Clean version.” Alice explained.
“Come and I’ll show you.” Frankie reached out and pulled Alice towards her. The girl made a face when the “Queen” wasn’t looking. “Dougie” once again stifled his laughter.
The procession went on throughout the gardens. “Frankie” spoke with Alice as if they were BFFs forever.
“She is the weirdest Queen I’ve ever seen.” Alice thought. Dougie, nodded as if he read the girl’s mind, and made a face. The girl giggled, and surprisingly the “queen” didn’t notice.
“Don’t worry Alice… if you outsmarted the twins, you can outsmart the queen.” A voice said. Alice smiled. She knew who’s voice it was.
“What? Who said that?” “Frankie” turned around all of a sudden. Alice and Dougie shrugged.
“Oh... ok…” the “queen” looked at them sceptically. When she left, “Danny” appeared.
“That was the best face I’ve ever seen on her.” He laughed, and then he looked over to “Dougie.”
“How can you survive with that woman?” he asked.
“Um… I am actually trying to get rid of her…somehow.” Dougie said quietly.
“Well you’ve met the right person.” “Danny” grinned and pointed to Alice…
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