Status: Completed! :D

Alice in Wonderland - A Twist on the Real Thing

Chapter 12: Going Back Home

“What? Me? Not me. I suck at getting rid of people.” Alice protested.
“You are good at making them look and feel like idiots.” Danny pointed out.
“Uh yeah… but that takes thinking and having a plan. And why do we have to get rid of her?”
“You outsmarted the twins. And you didn’t know they were there.” “Danny” went on. “She heard you were here and now she wants ”off with your head” Dougie explained.
“So now you have to think quickly.” Danny went on and nudged Alice.
“Ok… if you want…” Alice sighed and smiled at “Danny.” And described the plan she had thought up quickly to “Danny” and “Dougie.” The “king” and “cat” nodded, indicating they understood what would be happening.
“OK… are you ready?” Alice asked the two.
“You bet.” “Danny” exclaimed enthusiastically.
“Um... I think so…” “Dougie” told the girl nervously.
“Don’t worry you’ll do fine.” Alice told him.
Once the “queen” came back, Alice put the plan to action. She started climbing over the hedge.
“What are you doing?!” Frankie yelled. “Come back here!!!” Alice waved.
“If you want me there you first have to come over here.” She yelled out and jumped to the other side. Frankie groaned and ran, but tripped along the way, because of her stilettos. “Danny” appeared on top of the hedge.
“What the hell is that?!?” Frankie screamed with fright.
“I would think you knew a cat when you see one.” “Danny” sounded annoyed.
“Arg... never mind where is that girl?” Frankie asked with an evil smile on her face.
“Hello. You were looking for me?” Alice asked standing behind Frankie.
“How? What?” Frankie asked startled. Then her expression changed. It became dark. “Why Yes... Yes I was looking for you.” She grinned like a madman, more like a madwoman but that’s not the point.
“Uh… mommy?” Alice squeaked. “Some creeper is trying to kill me…”
“I’m not trying to kill you.” “Frankie” explained.
“Listen Buddy… I don’t trust people that look what you look like right now.” Alice told her.
“But.. I’m not trying to kill you.” She told the girl.
“Not convinced.” Alice shook her head.
“Fine then…” “Frankie” took a breath and was about to yell her famous words, until Danny put his hand on her mouth, Dougie then tied her, until she was wriggling on the ground.
“Well Alice what would you like to do?” “Danny” asked.
“If I yell off with her head will they decapitate her?” the girl asked “Dougie”
“No… they’ll just send her to the jail cell” The king explained.
“Oh…ok… Off with her head!” Alice yelled. And a bunch of cards dragged the “queen” off.
“Hey! This isn’t fair!! What did I do?” She screamed and kicked.
“I look like a four year old having a temper tantrum.” Alice explained.
“Urgh!... Next time!!! I will get you.” “Frankie” screamed. Alice nodded and rolled her eyes. When the “queen” was gone, “Danny” came running.
“Wow you are amazing.” He exclaimed.
“Thanks… “Alice laughed
“So this Danny guy has you for a sister…I’m jealous.” “Danny” went on.
“Well I’m jealous that I don’t have a cat like you.” Alice told him
“You should be… everyone wants a cat like me.” Danny Grinned.
“Um… Alice… Thank you for saving me from that evil woman….” “Dougie” came up to “Danny” and Alice.
“Don’t mention it… She needs to go to a mental asylum… She’s that crazy.” The girl laughed. “Anyway guys… I better get going home… If I can find my way out.” Alice giggled.
“Well… I think I can help you with that…” “Danny” laughed, and walked Alice to the end of the garden. “I’ll miss you Alice… You are a great friend.” He gave the girl a hug.
“I’ll miss you too. Cheshire cat.” Alice smiled.
“Well you better go.” “Danny” said.
Alice looked back at Wonderland. And smiled, tears formed in her eyes.
“I’ll miss this place.” She whispered, and started walking into the sunset.
“Alice! Alice! Alice!” someone called. The girl looked back and saw “Dougie” running towards her. Alice smiled, waved and “Dougie” disappeared from her view.
♠ ♠ ♠
and she goes home! Next chapter is the last one :3