Status: Completed! :D

Alice in Wonderland - A Twist on the Real Thing

Chapter 2: Hallways, Rain and Wonderland

“Well this hallway never ends” Alice muttered as she walked for what felt like forever. But as she neared the ‘end’ she saw that “the rabbit by the name of Harry” disappeared behind a door.
“To go or not to go?” Alice debated in front of it. “Why not…” she made up her mind and reached out to grab the handle. When she turned the knob, she entered a room filled with windows… But they weren’t normal windows… In some Alice saw her own reflection, in others she saw her family, and as she moved along she saw her friends. Each time she walked by she saw a new reflection. “Well this is pointless...” the girl saw down and put her back against the wall which was covered with a thick red curtain.
“This wall is quite cold…”she told herself. She turned around and moved the curtain aside. There she saw the prettiest view… hills and gardens…”Oh how I wish there…” she sighed looking out the window, but then in the hills she saw a sign similar to the Hollywood sign but it said “WONDERLAND” in all caps. “Ok…that is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” She tried to open the window but it wouldn’t budge. “Great I’m stuck in a messed up room with windows that aren’t really windows.” She sat beside the locked window with her knees pulled up to her chest and looked at her converse. She sat there until, she noticed the familiar figure. It was the “rabbit again.”
“Harry please tell me what are you doing?” Alice looked at him. “Where are we?”
“I’m sorry my dear but I can’t talk right now and I don’t know Harry. I am very late…Oh what will the Queen do?” the rabbit who apparently wasn’t Harry stated very quickly as he left the room by a hallway that randomly appeared thought a window.
“But Mr. Rabbit!” Alice called out. But there was no reply. “Oh well I guess the only thing there is to do is see where this strange hallway leads to…” the girl sighed and started off in the direction where the strange not Harry rabbit ran. The hallway got narrower and narrower, smaller and smaller as Alice walked. “Ugh how can any one fit in here?” She thought as she made her way down, squeezing against the walls. She could barely fit when she got near the end. “Oh great… I’m stuck… Crap… this fails…” Alice muttered. “If I am stuck here forever then what will happen to Danny… Mom and Dad will blame him… They’ll think I was kidnapped… But I’m stuck in this hallway.” Thinking of her family, a tear rolled down her cheek and splashed onto the black and white checked floor.
“Oh dear me…” the giant of a girl heard and looked down to see rabbit ears. “Raining inside? I have never heard of such a thing… And the day I forgot my umbrella at home.” The non-Harry rabbit exclaimed in surprise.
“It isn’t raining… I’m crying… Please help me…” Alice begged. “What? Talking walls?” the rabbit was surprised until he looked up. “Agh! What are you doing? A Great girl like you to go crying in this way! Stop this moment, I tell you! ” the animal said.
“I can’t I’m stuck. Please help me.” Alice explained timidly to the rabbit.
“Oh all this nonsense… Look you have made my sweater wet… Oh the Duchess, the Duchess! Won’t she be if I’ve kept her waiting!” the “rabbit” muttered taking off his sweater. “You owe me a new sweater… go to my house and fetch me a fresh one…” he pointed accusingly at the blonde girl who had quieted down a bit and scampered down the hallway. Alice reached down, picked up the piece of clothing and surprisingly the sweater fit her. She soon felt her self shrink until she was the size of a mouse…
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yea... 2nd chapter :D comment and subscribe :3