Status: Completed! :D

Alice in Wonderland - A Twist on the Real Thing

Chapter 4: Cheshire Cats and Sweaters

So if you’re not Danny then who are you?” Alice slowly started backing away.
“Can’t you tell who I am?” the thing jumped off the tree it was sitting on.
“Uh… You are Danny with a cat tail, ears and whiskers?” Alice replied unsure of her answer.
“I am the Cheshire Cat… I though you can tell a cat from a…a… Danny” the “cat” spat.
“Ok... I’m sorry… you just remind me of someone.” Alice apologized.
“…Of some Danny character which you mentioned 3 times already.” The cat stated examining his fingernails.
“Yeah… but last time I checked cats walked on four legs…not two.” Alice pointed out.
“And how would you know Young Lady? You’re not a cat are you now?” “Danny” asked.
“No… but my brother’s friend has a cat… And I’ve seen it plenty of times…” Alice explained.
“Ah… well you see young lady… I bet this cat can’t do this…” and when he said that sentence he disappeared.
“Yes... I guess you’re right… but please come back… I really don’t like to talk to an invisible cat. I prefer to see it.” The girl stated.
“Ok… tell me young lady what brings you to Wonderland?” “Danny” asked.
“Um…well… first of all. You can call me Alice.” The girl introduced herself.
“Alright then…Miss Alice what brings you to Wonderland?” the cat restated his question.
“It’s quite a long story… and I don’t really want to bore you…” Alice explained.
“But I love stories…” “Danny” replied.
“But Mr. Cheshire Cat… I would love to chat but… I really have to find my way back home… And to tell you the truth I don’t actually know how or why I am here… I followed a white rabbit here down a sewer pipe which actually wasn’t a sewer pipe in the first place.” Alice let her whole story pour out, and the “cat” listened patiently until the girl finished.
“Very interesting story Alice… The best one I heard in... Oh…well years…” the “cat seemed impressed by the girl’s tale.
“I’m very glad you like it… I still keep wondering how I am going to get out of here.” Alice explained.
“Well of course you’ll have to pay the white rabbit a visit... as you said so yourself.” The “cat” reminded the girl.
“Yes of course…but how do I get there?” Alice asked.
“That’s simple my dear…just follow the bricks that have “W.R.” engraved in them.” The cat pointed at the ground where on the bricks “W.R.” popped up.
“Oh thank you… Mr. Cat…”Alice exclaimed.
“I’ll see you around…” said “Danny” as he started disappearing slowly starting from his tail ending on his face.
“Ok… thank you once again.” Alice smiled, at the “cat” before it disappeared fully. And Alice started following, The W.R. bricks.
“I wonder what the W.R. stands for.” Alice wondered. “I think it stands for White Rabbit, because it’s the most obvious reason...” she went on, until she got to a gate which read: “WHITE RABBIT. Trespassers will be prosecuted.”
“Yup! And I’m assuming he doesn’t like visitors…” Alice told herself. “But I’m not a trespasser… I need to go and fetch him his sweater.” She stated. So the girl opened the gate, and walked up the path way…
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yea.. these are short chapters... I apologize :/
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