Status: Completed! :D

Alice in Wonderland - A Twist on the Real Thing

Chapter 5: Cats and Rabbits

When Alice walked up to the door, and knocked. No one answered. She jiggled the handle. It opened easily “Um…Hopefully he doesn’t have an alarm. Well what am I gonna do now?” she thought. “He won’t mind me grabbing his sweater and leaving. He won’t notice.” Alice told herself, as she walked into the house. “Hmm…I wonder where he keeps his clothes?” she wondered as she went into what she assumed was “Harry’s” bedroom. “Well most logical place to look is the closet.” Alice walked over an opened it. Many sweaters of the same type- blue Hurley hoodies- neatly hung on hangers.
“In reality, Harry isn’t this organized and he doesn’t have replicas of his clothes either.” Alice stared at the weird sight, but just took a sweater, and folded it neatly. As she was about to leave the room she noticed something strange. Something she didn’t notice before. She walked towards a door beside the bed. “That’s odd…it wasn’t here before.” Alice looked at it. “It never hurts to take a look inside.” she decided and once she opened it, and stepped inside she no longer was in the “rabbit’s” house but on a path way similar to the one that she used to get to the house.
“Ah… we meet again… and this time have sweater. Is that the only type he wears??” the girl looked at the nearest tree. And there, as Alice suspected sat Da-I mean the Cheshire Cat.
“Yes… very good to meet you again.” Alice greeted the “cat”. “I’m afraid he does have this one and only type of sweater. His whole closet is filled.” She rolled her eyes.
“I thought so…He does irritate me sometimes…running around doing errands for the queen and duchess… He thinks he’s all so special…” the “cat” hissed.
“I would very much like to meet the duchess… Could you point me in the right direction?” the girl asked still holding the sweater in her hand.
“Of course. And I will accompany you, but sadly I can’t go into her house. He cook hates me and when ever she sees me she starts throwing things at me and it is sometimes very painful, so I will just lead you to the gate and leave you there.” “Danny” explained.
“Alright, I’m very glad to have you as a friend.” Alice smiled.
“I am flattered.” The “cat” grinned at her, jumping off the tree.
“You don’t really act like Danny…” Alice stated.
“Well of course I don’t I’m not him who is he anyway?” the “cat” asked.
“Well… Danny is my older brother, and if he would jump out of a tree like you, most likely he would either crash into something or he would just fall.” The girl giggled as she pictured the actual Danny jumping from a tree.
“Oh my. I am glad I am a cat.” The animal stroked its tail.
“I am very glad you live here. So you can lead me around.” Alice looked at the “cat” that would be shorter than her but wasn’t because he was standing on his two legs just like a human. A human not named Danny, but a cat named the Cheshire Cat.
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