Status: Completed! :D

Alice in Wonderland - A Twist on the Real Thing

Chapter 6: The Duchess

The 2 walked and walked and walked. Alice talked while the “cat” listened. Then they switched the “cat” talked and Alice listened, until they finally got there.
“Well I’m sorry Miss Alice but this is where I leave you...” The “Cat” explained with a sad look in his eye.
“Don’t worry...” Alice said giving him a hug. “If I need anything I’ll be sure to look in every tree in this forest.” The girl giggled as “Danny slowly disappeared.”
The house was big. And there were bushes everywhere. As Alice walked up to the house, she saw two more similar people. But they weren’t the usual happy selves. One had a dorsal fin growing out of him and the other had huge bulging eyes and webbed fingers, reminding Alice of a frog. “That is the oddest thing I have ever seen in my life… Gustav and Georg don’t look like them selves.” She told herself, as she walked up to the house.
Gustav, probably not Gustav at all, produced a large white envelope from under his arm and handed it to Georg.
“For the Duchess. An invitation from the Queen to play croquet.” He stated in a solemn tone.
Georg took the letter and repeated what Gustav had said but switched up the words:
“From the Queen. An invitation for the Duchess to play croquet.”
Alice had to laugh as the two bowed so low they’re faces almost touched the dirt pathway. Soon the Gustav guy left and Georg was sitting on a chair by the door. Alice timidly walked up to the door and knocked lightly.
“There’s not sort of use in knocking” “Georg” said, “And that for is two reasons. First, because I’m on the same side of the door as you are. Secondly, because they’re making such a noise inside, no one could possibly hear you.” he explained. Alice could hear constant singing combined with screaming and an occasional smash of porcelain.
“Um…so Georg or whatever your name is, tell me… how can I get in?” the blonde girl asked.
“Oh well I don’t have a name, I’m just the footman.” He looked at Alice.
“Good. Then you can be Georg.” She smiled.
“It seems so amazing to have a name.” he looked into the sky.
“Yeah so can you tell me how to get in?” the girl asked again.
“Wow my first name ever.” He went on admiring the name which Alice had given him.
“Well if you’re not gonna tell me, I’ll go in for myself.” Alice looked at the dorsal fined creature, who was still admiring his name. “Geeze. A name is a name… nothing special.” Alice looked one last time at “Georg” before entering the house.
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yea... sorry bout the delay... :/
I wrote the whole story so I'll just post all the Chapters at once :3