Status: Completed! :D

Alice in Wonderland - A Twist on the Real Thing

Chapter 7:

Once Alice entered the House she knew she had made a big mistake, but on the other hand no mistake at all. In the middle of the room stood “Harry” the white “rabbit” and in front of him… the creepiest person Alice had ever known in her life. Lady Gaga.
“Hey… bunny…” she inched towards Harry. “I wanna take a ride on your discostick…” Harry backed away, and cleared his throat
“I’m sorry Madam…but you see I am a… rabbit…” he stuttered.
“That makes no difference for me…” she kept inching forward.
“Cook!!!” a loud voice interrupted Gaga’s seducing of the “human rabbit.” “Get back to work!” a person appeared. “I’m sorry Mr. Rabbit. She’s clearly uneducated…” the person explained.
“WTF?? Shanaynay??” Alice thought, But accidentally, said it out loud.
“Oh…it’s you again…” “Harry was glad to see the girl. “Do you have it?” he asked.
“Um…yes…” Alice nodded passing the Sweater to the rabbit.
“Ah…Thank you…much better. I was getting quite a chill.” The “rabbit” thanked Alice.
“You’re welcome…” Alice could barley finish the sentence before the rabbit raced out the door.
“Hello darlin’ you that rabbit’s housekeeper?” Shanaynay, who clearly was the duchess asked.
“Uh…no… he treats me like one though.” Alice explained.
“Ah yes…” she agreed, then she turned to the cook. “Your breaks over… get back into the kitchen… before I pull my trigger.” Shanaynay barked at Gaga, while pulling out a gun. Lady Gaga sulked back into the kitchen.
“Anyway darlin’ what brings you here?” The duchess turned back to Alice.
“Well um… my cat friend brought me here.” The girl explained, smiling when she mentioned “Danny.”
“Oh yea… that cat… he’s messed in the head.” The duchess rolled her eyes. Then a loud smash filled the air, and another one and another one.
“Stupid cook!” the duchess groaned. And went to see what was happening in the kitchen. Alice took that time to quietly slip away, before the things in that house became uncontrollable.
As Alice walked out the door she noticed that “Georg” was sleeping peacefully. Head resting on the door frame and in his hand he was clutching the letter, Gustav had earlier had brought him.
“He looks passed out.” Alice looked at the figure awkwardly. And quietly walked passed him and onto the dirt road.
“Now where?” She asked.
“That depends where you want to go.” A familiar voice stated.
“Cheshire Cat… Am I ever so glad to see you” Alice exclaimed.
“I’m glad to see you too. How was the visit with the Duchess?” he asked.
“Weird… She called you messed in the head.” The girl told the cat.
“Not surprised… she calls everyone messed in the head.” “Danny explained.
“Oh… so where can I go now?” she asked.
“That depends on how mad you are.” The “cat” explained.
“Um not very…”
“Well you must be…seeing you are here.” He exclaimed. “We are all mad here.”
“Um ok… well can you point me in the direction were less madder people live?” Alice asked.
“Well over there live the Hatter” the cat pointed to the right. “And that way…” the cat pointed in the opposite direction “lives the March Hare.”
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weird i know- i'm sorry :/