Status: Completed! :D

Alice in Wonderland - A Twist on the Real Thing

Chapter 8: The Hookah King

“Oh…ok…thank you.” Alice said gratefully.
“No problem.” The “cat” replied as he disappeared. “Wait… did I say the hatter lives that way?” He reappeared all of a sudden pointing to the right.
“Yes.” The girl replied. “Ok…just checking” he disappeared again. Alice sighed. She hated when he became invisible.
“Wait…” “Danny” reappeared again “Never mind…” he said and was about to disappear again but Alice stopped him.
“I wish you wouldn’t keep appearing and vanishing so suddenly.” She replied.
“All right." the cat grinned and started to disappear slowly starting with his tail first moving up until all Alice could see was, “Danny’s” perfect smile. “She loved it when her older brother, back home smiled at her even though she sometimes got him angry, but he never was mad for a long time.
“Well! I’ve often seen a cat without a grin,” Alice said out loud, “but a grin without a cat! It’s the most curious thing I ever saw in all my life!”
“Well now you have and I’ll be seeing you around.” “Danny’s” smile smiled, and then vanished.
Alice decided that she should pay The March Hare a visit. “It shouldn’t be mad since its only February.” She thought to herself and walked down the left path as the Cat had indicated.
As she walked she felt as if she was shrinking, until she was the size of a bug.
“Great… this is going to be fun… be the size of a caterpillar…” Alice muttered.
“How could you not like this size?” a voice from behind Alice said.
“Wait... What?” Alice spun around and came face to face with Tom. “Tom? You’re here too?” she asked.
“I am a caterpillar. Not Tom.” The “Tom” with 8 arms and 8 legs said.
“Uh… I can see…” Alice looked awkwardly at the creature. “And I originally am over 5 feet tall and now I am 5 inches tall. Would you like it if you shrank in 5 seconds?” she asked.
“Well you don’t need to give me that much attitude .” the caterpillar explained emphasizing some words and going back to smoking his weird object.
“I see you can’t help me…” Alice stated frustrated and turned to leave.
“Come back… I’m not finished with you. I’ve something important to say!” The caterpillar called out. Alice sighed and turned around to face “Tom.”
“Yes?” Alice rolled her eyes.
“Keep your temper. ” the caterpillar told her.
“That’s it… That’s all you wanted me back here for?” Alice asked arrogantly.
“Whoa… you are very arrogant for a little girl.” The caterpillar sounded offended.
“Hey! I’m not a little girl, Buddy.” This time Alice sounded offended.
“Let’s not argue… and explain to me why you are mad about being 5 inches tall? It is such a beautiful height.” “Tom” explained.
“If you’d be 5 ft. tall then randomly shrank, I don’t think you’d be very happy.” Alice grumbled.
“But why be so upset. You see the world from a different perspective.” The caterpillar took another puff from the weird looking pipe.
“Sorry to ask… but why are you smoking that thing… Smoking kills you know.” Alice told “Tom.”
“This is a hookah, and smoking does not affect caterpillars.” He said
“You never know… and how are you going to get me to my right size?” Alice asked.
“You see my mushroom?” the caterpillar asked.
“Duh…you’re sitting on it.” Alice told him.
“Well on this side.” The caterpillar pointed in front of him. “The mushroom makes you grow larger and behind me it makes you grow smaller.” He carried on.
“Oh…and what if I don’t like mushrooms?” Alice asked sheepishly.
“Then that’s your problem and I can not help you with it.” “Tom” answered calmly. “Anyway…Thank you for your time.” He continued and disappeared just like Danny had but much quicker.
“I hate it when they do that…” Alice sighed and took a piece of the mushroom. “Tall in my right hand and short in my left…” she told herself, and nibbled on the piece in her right hand. Instantly she grew taller and satisfied with the height she was, made her way to the March Hare’s house.
♠ ♠ ♠
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