Status: Completed! :D

Alice in Wonderland - A Twist on the Real Thing

Chapter 9: The Mad Tea Party

Alice soon saw the Hare’s house. It wasn’t that hard to spot. It was the only house which ears grew from it.
“That is pretty odd…”Alice told herself as she walked to the gate. She stopped in front of it. In the yard there was a long, very long table. 3 figures were sitting at the end.
“Hm… I wonder who that is.” Alice wondered, as she pushed open the gate, and walked to the end passing many teacups.
“No room! No room!” the three cried.
“There’s plenty of room. And strangely you all look familiar.” Alice replied and sat down.
“We remind you of someone?” the rabbit asked.
“Yes. As a matter of fact you look like Ryan.” Alice told the March Hare.
“Did you just say I look like an insect? Last time I checked I had 2 legs and 2 arms and no things that stick up from my head.” “Ryan” said.
“No… clean your ears.. I said Ryan- my brother’s friend, Ryan Ross.” Alice explained.
“Never heard of him.” The Hare shook his head.” Oh and by the way… Have some coke.”
“What? I don’t see anything.” Alice told him.
“There isn’t any.” The Hatter took of its hat.
“Brendon?!?” Alice stared at the Hatter.
“Who?” the Hatter asked.
“Never mind… and it wasn’t very civil of you to offer it.” Alice told them.
“It wasn’t very civil of you to sit down without being invited.” The Hare answered.
“Well I didn’t know it was your table” Alice told him.
“It’s on the Hare’s property so it’s his.” The hatter answered.
“How am I supposed to know where his property ends and where it starts?” Alice asked.
“You came through the gate so you’re standing on my property.” The Hare said.
“I think you are dressed quite oddly.” the dormouse spoke up.
“Spencer?” Alice looked surprised to see her other friend. The “mouse” looked back at her. “Anyway… you should learn not to make personal remarks. It’s very rude. ” Alice told her.
“Well it’s not my problem how you dress I’m just saying you look weird.” The “mouse” replied.
“I don’t see what’s wrong with jeans, converse and a sweater?” Alice told her.
“Can you guess this?” “Brendon” asked.
“Guess what?” Alice asked.
“Patience and I will tell you.” The hatter answered.
“Ok-I am very patient.” Alice was ready.
“What is originally green, when bounced once turns black, bounced another time turns fuchsia, bounced for the third time turns yellow, once again turns blue, bounced once more turns white and bounced for the last time turns teal.” The hatter asked. Alice sat and pondered on the riddle.
“What is the day and month today?” The hatter asked.
“February 8th.” Alice replied.” My birthday” she added.
“No one asked you”  ‘Ryan’ replied
“5 days wrong.” ‘Brendon’ said sadly. “I told you butter wouldn’t suit the works.
“And it was the best Butter,” “Ryan” said meekly.
“Yeah… but you should have not used the butter knife… crumbs probably got into it.” “Brendon” told him.
“Hm… I think we can fix that problem…” the hare answered, taking the watch from the hatter, and dunked it in his tea cup. “So have you guessed the riddle yet?” he asked Alice.
“No… I give up, what’s the answer?” she asked.
“I haven’t the slightest idea.” “Brendon” answered.
“Nor I.” “Ryan” agreed.
“Well… I probably have better things to do than waste time asking people riddles which have no answers.” Alice told them.
“Well no one invited you… so who cares?” Spencer told Alice.
“Ok…I’ll leave…” Alice got up to leave.
“Wait…wait… wait… I still haven’t told you about my song I wrote for the queen!” The hatter told Alice.
“Ok… but be quick about it. If I sit here any longer I’ll probably go as mad as you three.” Alice rolled her eyes.
“Hey… I’m not mad.” “Spencer” told her.
“Nor I” Ryan agreed
“Same here… and as I was saying… my song went like this:
Twinkle twinkle, little bat!
How I wonder what you’re at!
Up above the world you fly
Like a tea tray in the sky!

I didn’t even get to the second verse before the Queen yelled off with her head.” “Brendon” explained to Alice.
“Hm… very interesting…” Alice nodded, “Well I’ve got to go and not interrupt the rest of your tea party.” She stood up again.
“It was very nice to intrude…” The Hatter spoke up.
“Agreed.” The hare nodded .
“I still think you are dressed weird.” The mouse called out.
“Thank you for your compliments.” Alice said sarcastically.
“No problem. You know where to find us.” The mouse kept going.
“That is the, most wacked out party I’ve ever been to. Frankie should have been there. Then maybe she wouldn’t complain.” Alice looked back and the 3 where having a “tea party” where they were throwing things around.
“Well then… no comment...” Alice sighed and walked on into the forest hoping Danny would be there…
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Panic! :D