Chapter one - A New Day

Daybreak. The sun rose over the small rolling hills of the Mendips. Somewhere an alarm clocked buzzed and kettles everywhere began to boil, ready for the working mans cup of tea or coffee. Wives began to wake up children in time for school and teenagers the world over began complaining about the early wake up after a night partying.

John awoke from his deep slumber. He slowly opened his sleep laden eyes and took a quick glance around. He began to panic, not knowing where Lois was. He began to jump up and down violently and angrily. He slammed his hand down hard on the dashboard, leaving a groove where his hand had been. The events of last night started flooding back to him. "I can't believe we were tricked by that bastard" he shouted angrily. Suddenly, getting very claustrophobic being stuck in a car seat, John stepped out of the small Renault and lit up a cigarette. He was bummed. The love of his life had been taken from him, and he had to have her back. Back before it was too late. He began to think of all the favors he had that he could call in to find Lois. He had to. He couldn't leave her in the clutches of the man they both despised. He finished his cigarette thinking about how to make his next move. So far the killer had always been one step ahead of them, as last night's events now proved. He got back in his car and started the engine, released the handbrake and sped off into the sunlight of a new dawn. It was a new day. Time to find his lost love.

Lois opened her eyes and saw nothing but darkness. She tried to rub the sleep out of her eyes and found she had been tied violently to a chair. She guessed from the fact she could feel her blood trickling down her arm that she was bound by barbed wire and every move she made made her arms hurt more. She screamed in pain from moving and began sobbing loudly. A spot light flickered on above her. She looked down to confirm her fears. It was barbed wire she was tied up in. She was momentarily blinded by the stronger part of the spot light finally kicking in. She looked round blinking her eyes in frustration that they weren't clearing fast enough. She still couldn't see any of her surroundings. Suddenly a voice said some garbled words over a PA system. "Who's there" Lois said loudly. All was silent. Then she received a reply " Ah, so your awake then. Perfect. Stage two can begin." "Stage two? Whats that?" Lois asked, a million other questions racing through her mind, knowing that not all would be answered or even acknowledged. "Who am i?" the strange voice replied, sounding tinny, almost like he was speaking through a voice modifier of some sort."That's a good question, Lois. I'll give you a riddle to solve dear. I have two eyes and a tongue that's long, a tail that's slender and i change color when needed. What am i?" Lois was silent for a long time. A few minutes passed. Lois's heartbeat was loud in her ear. "Well, do you have an answer?" The deeply metallic voice said impatiently, It's tone growing more aggressive over the PA system."A Chameleon?" Lois quizzed, worried about what he would do if she was wrong. "That's right, I'm known as the Chameleon. And pretty soon your pretty little boyfriend will be joining you in here. Hopefully in one piece" The Chameleon said while trailing off to maniacal laughter. Before a very worried Lois could even begin to ask what he meant, the spot light shut off and again she was plunged into darkness, with only her thoughts and screams, Echoing through the dark warehouse she was in.