‹ Prequel: Lost In Stereo
Sequel: Painting Flowers
Status: Complete! Sequel coming soon! ---->

Just The Way I'm Not

Chapter Seven

As the last note of Dear Maria hung in the air as the crowd went crazy, Jack couldn’t help but grin as he glanced over to his band mates to see that they had the same look on their faces. Alex was breathing heavily as he smiled at the crowd and gave his last words as Zack pushed his hair away from his eyes and Rian stood up from his drum set. They all stood next to each other on the stage and gave one last goodbye to the screaming crowd before turning and walking off the stage.

“That was freaking amazing!” Jack yelled over the roar of the crowd as the rest of their crew came over to congratulate them.

They gave their guitars back to their techs and then made their way back to the dressing room to cool off. All of them were sweaty and tired and nothing sounded better than grabbing something cold to drink and going to bed. But there was still some things to do and they were all excited for the kick off tour party that Jack was sure that they were going to have.

“So, has anyone mentioned anything to We Are or the boys that we’re going to have drinks at ours tonight?” Alex asked.

“Um, I think it’s sort of a given bro, I mean c’mon, we’re always drinking.” Rian replied as he pulled off his shirt and wiped is face with a towel.

Alex just shrugged and went to raid his bag for some clothes. Jack did the same figuring he should grab a shower before they went back to the bus and take advantage of some of the time they had left while the crew packed up. The first night was always the longest because the crew had to find the proper system to tear everything down so it always took them a little longer. Not that Jack was complaining or anything, he could use the time to his advantage and he needed a shower badly.

He walked with Alex down to where the showers were and took a stall and put his things down before turning the shower on and letting himself cool down. When he was done, he changed into a pair of sweat pants and a shirt and made his way back to the dressing room leaving Alex since he was taking his good old nature time.

When he walked in, the rest of the bands were there talking and messing around. Jack smiled as Max and Tay bounced over to him with drinks already in hand. Music was filling the room along with the other voices and drunken laughs that came along with all the crazy friends that filled the room. Thankfully it was a larger room and so they didn’t have to worry about too many people being in there. It was going to be even worse on the bus.

Alex came back a while after Jack did and then the rest of the crew did also. Flyzik started to try to calm everyone down along with the two other managers there so that they could get out of the venue and to the busses. When everyone crowded inside their bus, music was turned on and more drinks were passed around and the rest of the night was a blur to Jack.

He woke the next morning to a pounding headache and a loud noise coming from somewhere in the bus. Sighing, he rubbed his hand over his eyes and tired to remember what happened the night before. All he could remember was playing the show and then the first two drinks he had, then nothing. But it really didn’t surprise him. It was the first party of tour and they always usually drank more than they should and had to deal with it the next morning.

“Yo Jack! Get up!” A voice yelled followed by the sound of the curtain of his bunk opening. Wow. He had actually made it back to his bunk sometime during the night. That was a first. Someone poked him with a laugh and he groaned and rolled over snuggling into a pillow. “Wow, comfy?”

“Go away Flyzik. Don’t wake me up until its noon.” Jack muttered in reply.

Flyzik gave an annoyed huff as he started to pull at Jack’s blanket to try and get him moving. “Dude, it’s after one in the afternoon. It’s time to get up.”


“Yeah, now get up and help me get the others up.” Flyzik continued hoping that that would get the boy up moving. But unfortunately it didn’t. “Whatever, I give up. I’ll leave you and your human pillow to snuggle.”

That got Jack up. He opened his eyes and looked to the left to where he was holding what he thought was a pillow but stared with wide eyes when he realized that it really wasn’t. Instead of a pillow, Jack realized that he had been spooning with the one and only Vinny.

Rolling his eyes, he forced himself up out of the warm bunk and realized that it wasn’t even his. It was Zack’s and he was surprised the bassist hadn’t come to kick them out sometime whenever he had gotten up to go to bed. Zack happened to be one of the only people to make a effort to go back to his bunks after a party while everyone just stayed where they passed out. For Zack not to be back at his bunk just proved what a insane night they had had.

He stumbled into the main part of the bus to find the rest of the band still sleeping. Alex was lying on his stomach on the couch with his face buried in a pillow while Rian and Zack were both on the uncomfortable chairs across from the couch. Max and Dan were both lying on the floor next to each other and there was bottles and things scattered all around.

“What time is it?” Alex groaned as he moved his head without opening his eyes.

“Nearly one fifteen,” Jack replied as he went to pour himself a cup of coffee. Anything to wake him up and help swallow the pills he was about to take for his headache. He needed to get rid of it before the show or it was going to be a long night.


“Yeah, that’s what I said. Do you want coffee?” He asked as Alex pushed himself up into a sitting position and pushed his hair away from his eyes.


Jack took a sip of his coffee before pouring Alex one and handing it to him. He smiled gratefully as he took a sip and hummed in response. After he had a few sips of the hot liquid in him he turned and nodded toward the other two band mates who were still dead to the world. Jack took the hint and walked over to Rian and gave him a sturdy kick in the leg while Alex did the same to Zack.

The drummer jumped in his seat as his eyes snapped open and looked around with a confused expression. “What the hell?”

Zack was also up mumbling something neither of them could understand but really didn’t question it. It usually took him a few moments to understand what was going on when he first woke up in the morning.

“Good morning sleeping beauties, we’re here at the new venue.” Alex said as he handed Rian his cup of coffee and he took it giving him a weak smile.

“Shit, what happened last night?” Zack asked as he snatched Jack’s coffee from him and Jack started to whine. “Bro not so loud, I’ve got this killer headache.”

Jack just glared, “Then stop being an ass and give me my coffee back.”

Zack just rolled his eyes and downed half the cup before handing it back. Jack frowned at the nearly empty cup and turned around for a refill as Alex filled the other two in on what was going on. As he was in the middle of explaining, the door to their bus opened and a happy go lucky Zo bounced up the stairs smiling happily to them.

“Good morning!” She said brightly as they all groaned at her in response. “Dude, you guys are wrecked.”

“Thank you, for stating the obvious,” Alex muttered as she rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek lightly.

“Mm I’m sorry babe, but I’m glad you’re all up. Flyzik sent me to see if you actually were functioning and if not he was going to bring out the air horns.” She replied and laughed at the rest of their reactions. “Ok, so get ready you have a lot to do today. I have to go find Vinny.”

Jack smirked as he looked to Zack as Zo began to head towards the bunks. “He’s in Zack’s bunk!”

Zack started swearing as he followed Zo back to his bunk and the three of them laughed at him. Once they were ready for the day, Zo ushered them out of the bus and Jack groaned as the bright sun hurt his eyes and he wished he had his sunglasses. But he had slept in his contacts so his eyes hurt and he had switched back to his glasses, so he was going to have to deal. But it wasn’t that far of a walk and he sighed in relief as he walked inside the building.

“Look they’re awake!” Jeff laughed as they passed him by in the hallway and Jack glared at him. He was so not in the mood for this. He wanted to go back to the bus and crawl into his bunk and sleep.

Zo showed them their dressing room that they were sharing with the others and when they walked in, Jack felt a little better knowing that the rest of them looked just as trashed as they did. Max was sprawled out on one of the couches with his feet on Josh’s lap, both sleeping. Tay had dark circles under her eyes and was super pale and even the most hyper members of her band were silent and nursing cups of coffee or tea to get rid of the hangovers.

“Look who finally came to play,” Tay said as she managed a weak smile as Jack flopped on the couch next to her and rest his head on her shoulder. She patted his hair gently and he allowed his eyes to close.

“Mm, play no. Sleep, yes.” Jack mumbled as she laughed making his head bounce against her shoulder. The rest of the guys found a place to sit also and they all kept up a small conversation really not in the mood to start anything big.

But eventually Jack got bored. His headache was starting to let up and he looked over to Tay who seemed to look a little better also. He poked her lightly and she looked up and returned the smile he was giving her and glanced over to see Max lying there asleep still. He wiggled his eyebrows and pointed to the sleeping boy.

Jack found some empty cups on the table next to the couch they were sitting on and grabbed some handing a few to Tay before pulling back his hand and throwing one at Max. It made a slight pop as it bounced off his head. He only made a slight growl when it hit his head but he stayed sleeping. Tay smiled as she took her turn and instead of hitting his head she hit his lower back with the bad aim and Jack started to poke fun at her for it.

After a few more tries and they still didn’t get a response from the boy, Jack and Tay gave up and decided to try something else. They both got up and started to looked around the room trying to find something more to do to the sleeping boy. Finally Alex joined them adding in his ideas to their little brainstorming.

“Ok guys so we- what are you doing?” Flyzik asked as they were just about to begin their genius plan. They looked up and smiled sweetly to him.

“Nothing,” Jack replied.

“Whatever,” Flyzik shook his head and turned to the rest of the people in the room. “Anyway, set up is done so everyone can start sound checking now. So my boys are up first.”

“Aw why Flyzik! Make We Are go first!” Alex whined wanting to get back to their evil plan. But Flyzik wasn’t buying it.

Their tour manager shook his head. “No, you’re all up to no good and need to distract you. So lets go!”

They all started whining as they stood up and followed him down the halls toward the main room where the stage was. As they were walking, someone’s phone started to ring and everyone instantly went to check their phones but ended up being Flyzik’s phone ringing.

“Hey Kora what’s up?” He asked once he answered it. “Oh you’re here? Ok just let me finish what I’m doing and then I’ll meet you guys around back? Ok? See you in a few.”

With that he hung up and shoved the phone back into his pocket and continued down the hall toward the main room. When they got there, Jack whistled as he looked around the large room. They were currently at one of the biggest venues that they would be playing at during that tour. The rest of the crew was bustling around going about their jobs as they headed toward stage for sound check.

“Hey, so I need to meet the Code Name kids in back. They just got here. Zo can you hold down the fort while I got?” Flyzik asked as she smiled and nodded.

“Aye aye Capitan!” She replied with a salute as he rolled his eyes and walked off. “Ok troops! Line up!” She demanded as Alex and Jack share a look as they stood next to each other and straightened their posture. Rian and Zack rolled their eyes but followed suit as Zo started to march back and forth.

“Ok, now I want no horsing around, no funny business, no making out, and no dick jokes!” She continued as Jack frowned.

“What!? No dick jokes?” Jack nearly yelled as Alex bumped fists with him.

“Yeah!” Alex agreed as Zo glared at them.

“Did I tell you to speak?”

“No,” Jack muttered as she smirked.



“You shall address me as ma’am.” She corrected as Jack rolled his eyes. This being in charge crap was going to her head. “So why don’t you try that again.”

“Yes ma’am!” Jack yelled as he saluted her.

She smirked, “that’s better. Now get your asses on that stage and start your sound check! You have a half hour.” They all stood there waiting for her to dismiss them but she didn’t. She glared at them as she pointed to the stage, “well go!” They all rolled their eyes as they turned and headed up to the stage obeying their assistant tour manager with too much power…
♠ ♠ ♠
Lol I love Zo. I have been sort of ignoring her these last few chapters so I wanted to add a little part for her too. Lol

And thanks to alleson for my first comment! <3 See you next chapter!