‹ Prequel: Admiring From Afar
Status: Active!

You Still Have All My Heart

Austin & Alan

The next morning, Cass was woken up by her phone going off. She stumbled around her hotel room looking for her phone. She finally found the small white object and held it up to her ear.
“Hello?” she said into the phone tiredly.

“Cass? Sorry did I wake you up?” Jaime said into the phone.

“Not gonna lie, you kinda did,” Cass told him truthfully.

“Aww shit. I’m so sorry. The guys and I were just wondering if you and Jordan wanted to hang out with us today and get brunch or something together?” Jaime asked her.

“Can I get back to you on that? Let me talk it over with Jordan. I’ll let you know soon,” Cass told him.

“Yeah, sure. Let her sleep a little more. From what I heard she was quite the party animal last night,” he chuckled.

“Tell me about it. That’s Jordan I guess. This time she was especially wild since she recently broke up with her boyfriend,” Cass summarized.

“Well, that’s terrible to hear. When are you guys leaving?” he asked her.

“We’re actually checking out of our hotel tomorrow at noon. Then, we’re driving out to Tempe to meet up with a couple of friends,” Cass told him.

“Then you definitely have to come! I think Austin and the rest of the Of Mice & Men guys will be there too,” Jaime told her.

“Awesome, I’ll call you right back,” she told him and hung up the phone. Cassandra went to her suitcase and took out a bottle of Advil and went to the bathroom and took one of the cups they had by the sink and filled it with water. She took out two pills from the Advil container and brought the medicine over to her friend’s bed. She placed them on the table next to her friend’s head and sat down on the side of the bed. She gently started to shake her friend’s shoulders. Jordan slowly woke up from her sleep and squinted up at Cass from her bed.

“Morning,” she said tiredly. “Aww, fuck. My head is pounding. It’s like a sledgehammer is beating my skull,” Jordan complained. Cassandra just handed her the medicine and Jordan quickly swallowed the pills with the help of her water.

“Hey, Jaime just called and wondered if we wanted to go out to brunch with them. He also said that Austin and those guys might be there,” Cass told her.

This immediately made Jordan wake up.

“Austin? As in Austin Carlile? We’re gonna have brunch with him? Really? Hell yes! We’re going! Call Jaime back and say that we’re definitely going to be there. I can’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity,” she said excitedly. It seemed that singer was better for her hangover than the medicine.

Cassandra walked over to her phone to call back the Mexican that she had become friends with.

“Hey, Jaime? I just talked to Jordan and we’re going to be there,” Cass said with a smile into the phone.

“Awesome. This is going to be so fucking fun. I can just tell. I suggest you take out a pen and paper to write this down,” he told her. Cassandra took a nearby napkin and grabbed a pen from her purse and quickly wrote down the address and time that Jaime told her over the phone.

“I’ll see you guys then,” Cass told him and she hung up the phone. She turned to where her friend was still sitting in bed. “We’re leaving in an hour,” Cass told her friend, “I suggest you get ready.”

Hearing those words fall from her friend’s lips made Jordan scramble off of the bed and run straight to her suitcase. She started looking through her suitcase and threw the articles of clothing she didn’t need for this occasion out. When Jordan finally found what she was looking for it was like her suitcase had thrown up all over their hotel room. While Jordan was changing, Cass walked over to her suitcase and immediately saw what she was going to wear. She picked out the outfit that she has been meaning to wear for quite a while. It was a little weird but she liked it. I mean it wasn’t every day that a girl felt like wearing suspenders right? She picked out a shirt that she felt would look nice with shorts. She took out her gray sneakers that she got recently since her other ones were wearing out. She picked out a couple pieces of jewelry and applied a little bit of makeup and the girls were off.

Cassandra had a little bit of trouble finding the place but when they pulled up they saw that it was a cute little diner and when the two girls walked into the diner they were greeted warmly by a couple of waitresses and they immediately spotted their party. They walked over to the huge table of boys in the back. Cassandra saw all of the Pierce the Veil boys and saw Austin and Alan. There were two boy sitting next to them who she didn’t know but she figured that they were their band mates. There were also two girls that she didn’t know. They were sitting next to Tony and Mike and it seemed that they were together.

“Cass! Jordan! I’m glad you could join us! Oh my God! Jordan’s we’re twins!! We’re both wearing the same shirt! You have to sit next to me!” Vic said when he saw them approaching their table.

“Uh, dude, I’m sitting next to you,” Jaime told him awkwardly

“Oh, sorry,” Vic said blushing from embarrassment.

The girls looked for free seats to sit in and saw one across from Austin and one next to Alan. Jordan took the one across from Austin. The girl couldn’t seem to get enough of the lead singer that she admired. She saw Vic’s smile fall a little when he saw her choice of seating but it was quickly back to its original placement. This left Cass to sit next to Alan, which she didn’t complain about.

“It’s nice to see you again,” Alan told her when she sat down next to him.

“Yeah, you too,” she replied with a smile.

“Jordan! Cass! This is Frenchi, Mike’s girlfriend and Stephanie, Tony’s girlfriend,” Vic told them after they settled down into their seats. He was pointing to the two unknown girls at the table.

“Hi,” Jordan and Cass greeted the girls.

“And, we have Tino and Phil over there,” Vic told them pointing to the boys that Cass didn’t know.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Cass told them politely. The guys smiled in response and everyone looked at their menus. When almost everyone was ready to order the waiter came over to their table and took their orders. Cassandra decided that she would have a cup of tea, a bowl of fruit, and a plate of chocolate chip pancakes with a side of bacon. After telling the waiter their orders the table started to engage in their own little conversations.

“OHMYGOSH! You guys are Pierce the Veil! Of Mice & Men are here too! Can I please have a picture with you guys?! Please? I want a picture with all of you!” they heard. Everyone turned around to see who said it and they were faced with a girl who looked to be about sixteen years old. She was wearing a Pierce the Veil t-shirt with shorts. She was definitely a fan of the guys’ music.

“Of course,” Austin said with a smile. The girl asked one of the waitresses to take a picture and handed her her phone. Everyone got up and walked over to the nearby window and they all too a group photo.

“Wait!! I want one! I need to have memorabilia of this moment,” Jordan sad. She walked up to the waitress and handed her her phone to take a picture. The waitress took the picture and handed the phones back. The girl waved goodbye and everyone sat at the table again. Jordan was on her phone a little bit, probably uploading the photo to her Twitter.

“So, Jordan I didn’t see you when the party started,” Vic told her, leaning over Jaime so that he was looking at her while talking to her.

“Yeah, I didn’t see you either. Where did you go?” Jordan asked him.

“I was in the living room the whole time,” he told her.

“Well, I was moving around a lot, so that explains it,” Jordan told him.

“I saw you,” Tino told her with a smirk, “you’re quite the party girl aren’t you?”

Jordan blushed a little but replied, “Well, I’m definitely not one of those annoying girls who get buzzed over a beer, that’s for sure.”

“What happened?” Vic asked her, curious to what he missed.

“I don’t really remember. Hopefully nothing too bad,” Jordan said with a worried expression.

“You weren’t so lucky this time,” Tino told her sympathetically. “This girl was on the table taking a million shots of tequila and she was doing body shots as well,” he explained.

“It wasn’t that interesting,” Austin said, speaking for the first time.

“Don’t play if off like you’re innocent,” Tino said to his friend. “You were the one who was taking the body shots from her,” he said smirking. This caused Austin to blush a little and he had a small smile on his face.

“Awww, why do I have to miss all of the fun?” Vic whined. Cass looked over at him and she saw that he was genuinely upset. It looked sad and a bit angry. Was he jealous? Cassandra just shook that thought from her mind. Sure, Jordan and Vic had a little thing going on before the party but it was probably something causal. That’s what Jordan said they were doing anyway.

Cassandra talked a little with Alan and found out that they both liked the movie (500) Days of Summer. It was the romantic comedy with Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

“I love Zooey Deschanel,” Alan told her, “and cats and sushi.”

Cassandra laughed at this. “Well, I love Andrew Garfield and cats and pineapple,” she told him.

“Well, I approve of all of those things,” Alan smiled. After he said this their food arrived and they began to dig in. Cassandra saw Vic kept throwing glances towards Jordan but it seemed like she didn’t notice any of this since she seemed to be in a deep discussion Austin. It seemed like he really wanted to talk to her but couldn’t find the right time to since she was already engaged in another conversation. He kept on staring at her and she saw his mouth grimace a little whenever Austin made her laugh. Yup, he was jealous.

“So, do you know what I think we should do?” Alan asked her pulling from her thoughts and making her realize she was drowning her pancakes in syrup.

“What?” she wondered what he was going to say.

“I think we should hang out later,” Alan told her.

“I would like that,” Cass replied. She knew that she wasn’t over Zack yet but she was just hanging out with him. It’s not like she was going to have hot, crazy sex with him later. She didn’t object to that idea though. He was quite an attractive ginger.

“Hey, Austin. Cass and I are going to hang later, do you wanna join?” Alan asked his friend.

“Yeah, I’m free,” he replied.

“Awesome, anyone else want to hang out later?” Alan asked everyone at the table.

“I’m free,” Jordan said with a smile.

“I got some family shit going on today,” Tino said.

“Yeah, same. I think it’s my great aunt’s birthday or something like that,” Phil said with a frown.

“I’m free!” Vic said with a smile. He seemed happy that he could go hang out with Jordan again.

“Uh, no you’re not. We have recording this afternoon,” Tony reminded him.

“What the fuck. Really? So this will be the last time I see you?” he asked Jordan with a frown on his face.

“It’s very likely,” she said, “unless you want to wake up pretty early and see me for about half an hour before we hit the road for Arizona.”

“Fuck. Well, we better keep in touch,” he told her.

“Of course we will,” she told him with a smile. He seemed satisfied with that answer because he just smiled and continued to eat his pancakes.

After everyone had finished they went their separate ways except for Austin, Alan, Jordan, and Cass.

“So, what do you want to do?” Cass asked them.

“Well, I have (500) Days of Summer at my house. Do you want to watch it?” Alan asked Cassandra.

“Duh! Who wouldn’t want to watch that movie?” Cass asked him.

“I haven’t seen that movie before,” Jordan said.

“What?! How have you been living?” Alan asked her in shock.

Jordan just shrugged.

“So, do you want to follow me to my house?” Alan asked them.

“Sure, show us the way!” Cass told him.

The guys got into their cars and the girls got in theirs and Cassandra followed Alan’s car. The drive was a little longer than Cass expected it would be but they got there after about thirty minutes. They pulled up into a nice house and Alan got out.

“Welcome to my humble abode,” he said to everyone. They all walked in and Alan showed them to his TV room. “I’ll be right back, I’m just need to pee and then we can start the movie!”
Cassandra, Jordan and Austin stayed in the living room and just talked for a little bit until Alan returned with an empty bladder. He went to his movie collection. He found what he was looking for and popped it into the DVD player. They watched the previews and then the movie started.

’The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Especially you, Jenny Beckman. Bitch.’

~all my heart~

“That movie was okay,” Jordan said when the credits rolled. “But Zooey Deschanel is hot,” she added.

“I know right? She’s my favorite celebrity ever,” Alan told her with a smile, “she’s so fucking beautiful.”

“I always love the Ikea scene,” Cassandra said.

“Yeah, ‘darling, I don’t know how to tell you this, but there’s a Chinese family in our bathroom’ that cracked me up,” Austin said with smile.

“Ahh, and the penis game. I really want to do that somewhere,” Cassandra told them.

“Yes, that was funny. We should totally do it next time we get together,” Alan told her with a smile.

“Uhh, sorry to break up your little moment but I don’t get what’s so great about the movie. I mean in the end Summer gets married even though she said that she didn’t want to become someone’s girlfriend. Plus she was just stringing Tom along the whole entire movie so that he would fall in love with her and her character just angered me. She woke up one morning and realized that she didn’t want to be with Tom anymore and she wanted to be with the other guy? Like what kind of bullshit is that?” Jordan asked her friends.

“But! In the end Tom meets Autumn at the interview place and they connect so he can be with her instead of Summer and so starts the days of Autumn,” Cass told her.

“I guess, but it’s still not my favorite movie,” she said.

“So, I don’t know about you guys but I’m starving,” Austin said while patting his stomach.

“Now that you mention it, yeah, me too,” Alan agreed.

“How about the four of us go out to dinner? Like a double date?” Austin suggested.

“That would be awesome. You’re going to have to pick out the place to eat since we have no clue what to do around here,” Jordan told them.

“Will do, I already have a place in mind,” Alan told them with a smile.

“Could you give us directions to get back to our hotel?” Cassandra asked them.

“Why? Wouldn’t it be easier just to stay here?” Austin asked them.

“I want to get into something dressier, if you don’t mind,” Jordan told him.

“I think you both look fine the way you are right now,” Austin told them.

“Yeah, there’s no need to change,” Alan agreed.

“We’ll be really quick. Don’t worry,” Jordan reassured them.

“Well, then let’s all just go over to your hotel and then well just wait for you to get ready,” Alan suggested.

“But won’t this ruin your idea about where to eat dinner?” Cass asked him.

“We’re in California, baby, there are tons of places to eat,” Alan reassured her with a wink.

“Whatever you say, baby,” Cassandra replied to him with a smirk. She was flirting and she knew that, but who cares? She’s on vacation! Sure she still had feelings for Zack but that doesn’t mean that she can’t have fun!

“So, we’ll follow you again?” Jordan asked.

“Yeah, just tell me what hotel you guys are staying at and we’ll drive you there,” Austin said. They all walked outside and Austin and Alan got into Austin’s car and Cass and Jordan got in their rental. They drove down to their hotel and Cassandra and Jordan quickly ran up to their room. They brought the guys up to their room so that they wouldn’t have to wait in the car. The girls quickly changed and the decided to take one car to the restaurant.

“You look really beautiful,” Austin told Jordan with a smile. “I look like a homeless peron compared to you,” he added looking at his clothes and the looking at hers.

“You look fine,” Jordan said with a smile.

“Yeah, Cass you look really nice in that dress and those shoes do wonders for your legs,” Alan said while looking her up and down.

“Well, thanks. Your shirt really brings out the red in your hair,” she joked.

“Hey!” Alan said pretending to be offended. They just laughed and piled into Austin’s car.

“So where are you taking us, Mr. Carlile?” Jordan asked the man driving.

“That will be a surprise for you, Ms. Carter. You’ll just have to wait and see,” he said with a smile.
When they finally arrived to their destination they all got out of the car and headed into the restaurant. It was an Italian restaurant so it was sure to have something that everyone liked. It wasn’t too fancy and it wasn’t too casual it was just right for their choices of clothing. They got shown to a booth for four and given menus. Cassandra and Jordan sat next to each other on one side and Austin and Alan did the same on the other side. They ordered their food and while they waited for their food to come they started to talk a little.

“So, you guys are single right? I don’t want to be going after some other guy’s girl and then having my ass beaten,” Alan said.

“No need to worry. No asses will be beaten. We both got out of some serious relationships recently but were trying to move on, hence the reason that we’re on vacation,” Cassandra told them.

“Yeah, they were on tour a lot so it put some strain on our relationships, more so with mine than Cass’s because she was perfect with Zack. They were even engaged for quite a while,” Jordan explained.

“They’re musicians? Really? What band?” Austin asked, interested.

“All Time Low,” Cass said.

“I’ve heard of them. The lead singer has the pink hair right?” Alan asked.

“Yup, that’s Alex, also known as her ex-boyfriend,” Cass said.

“Let me guess, you were dating that tall lanky guitarist?” Alan asked.

“Nope, she dated the buff bassist,” Jordan said with a smirk.

“So you like the buff guys?” Alan asked her.

“It doesn’t really matter. The reason we got together in the first place was because our parents wanted us to get married, it was arranged almost,” Cassandra explained to them.

“Really? Well, do your parents know about this?” Austin asked her.

“Well, my mom ran off with some bartender a couple years ago and my dad runs a super successful business so I don’t think they really care about the marriage that much anymore,” Cass said.

“Well, that’s good for me,” Alan winked at her from across the table.

“So, do you like your guys with brightly colored hair or something?” Austin asked Jordan.

“No, not really, but I do like me some tattoos and you’re a musician so that gives you huge brownie points,” Jordan joked.

They joked for a little bit more until Jordan’s phone went off. She took it out of her purse and when she saw the caller ID she muttered, “speak of the devil.” She picked it up because she knew that Alex wouldn’t stop calling her until he talked to someone. She put it on speakerphone because she thought that if heard someone tell him how overprotective and stupid he was being then he would learn.

“Jordan! What’s this picture I see on your Twitter? You’re with so many guys! I thought you liked me?” Alex said over the phone.

“Alex, this hasn’t seemed to go through your head but we’re done, over, well, that’s how you felt when you saw that picture of me ‘kissing’ Kellin. You didn’t let me explain so now I’m not letting you explain,” Jordan told him. She hung the phone without letting him say something in return.

“He’s going to call back soon. Cass you answer it this time. Maybe he’ll listen to you?” Jordan suggested.

“I’ll try,” Cass agreed. Sure enough a minute later Jordan’s phone rang again. Jordan handed the phone to Cass and she answered it. “Listen Alex. We’re on a double date right now so it’s not the time to be calling. We’re trying to move forward and we would gladly appreciate it if you tried to do the same,” Cass told him.

“Why the fuck are you guys moving on? Is that why you left? You wanted to get west coast boys? Is that it? You got sick of us? Cassandra! Zack would not like to hear this. Y’know I can’t believe that you of all people would cheat on him. You slept with someone behind his back! I mean really? Are you that much of a slut I mean seriously?” Alex said angrily.

Cass was about to shout something back at him but the phone was taken out of her hand. She looked over to see that Alan had taken. He must’ve heard what Alex was yelling at her, he did have a loud voice.

“Now you listen here you annoying fuck. You don’t talk to ladies that way, especially girls that are as nice and beautiful as Jordan and Cass. So you need to shut the fuck up and learn how to treat a girl right,” Alan told him angrily. He was about to hang up but Austin took the phone from him and gave Alex a piece of his mind as well.

“I mean really man, you guys fucking broke up. Why don’t you grow some balls and accept it? Oh, and stop stalking her Twitter man, it’s annoying and childish,” Austin told him. He hung up the phone and gave it back to Jordan. “Sorry about that,” he told her while blushing. “It’s just that that guy was seriously getting on my nerves,” he explained.

“It’s totally fine. I’m actually glad that you did that. Maybe now he’ll leave me alone for a while? I just want to clear my head of all things Alex and have some fun!” Jordan said.

“If he calls you again just give the phone to us and we’ll take care of him,” Alan told her with a smile.

“Guys, I love you. You’re the best guys out there and I’m surprised that you aren’t with someone. The whole world’s missing out on some pretty amazing guys,” Jordan told them sincerely.

The guys just blushed and started on a new topic. A couple minutes later their food arrived and they started eating what they ordered. About halfway through the meal Jordan’s phone went off again.

“Holy fuck, if it’s that Alex kid again I will be seriously pissed,” Austin told her. Jordan checked her phone and was relieved when it was just a text from Vic.

“It’s only Vic,” she told the guys so that they wouldn’t have to worry. Cassandra watched her friend’s reaction to the text. She saw her friend blush a little and bite her lip while replying to the text. When she was done Jordan showed the text to Cass.

Hey. I miss you. Do you think you could come over later? I’d like to taste your lips again.

Cassandra just stared at the text with her mouth shaped like the letter ‘o’. She was surprised that Vic was this forward. She looked under that little speech bubble and saw what Jordan replied with.

No can do buddy. I’m on a date right now with Austin, Alan & Cass. There’ll be more though later ;)

Cassandra just shook her head and smirked at her friend. They finished up their dinners and Cassandra noticed that Austin and Alan were talking to each other in quiet voices. Cassandra wondered what they were talking about. She found out when they were just about to leave and Austin suggested something.

“It’s pretty late and dark and Alan and I agreed that we’re having way too much fun with you guys to let the night end here. We were wondering if you wanted to have a sleepover? Just the four of us? We get it if you say no but we would really like to spend some more time with you guys,” Austin told them with a smile.

“I would love to!” Jordan said a couple seconds after Austin finished talking.

“What about you Cass?” Alan asked her with a smile.

“I’m not so sure. We just met you and now you want to spend the night with us? This is a little too fast for my liking, sorry. Things were never like this with Zack,” she whispered the last sentence but it was loud enough for Alan to hear. He pulled her aside and leaned down to ear and whispered something.

“You’ve had more than 500 days of Zack, all I’m asking is for one night of Alan,” he whispered. This made Cassandra blush, it was cheesy but she liked those sort of things. She started to think. It wouldn’t be too bad. There would be other people there and Alan seemed like a really nice guy. He wouldn’t try and take advantage of her. She was on this trip to try and clear her head of Zack. What better way than to fill it with another guy?

“Okay,” Cassandra finally agreed.

Alan smiled such a big smile it almost didn’t fit on his face.

“All plans are a go!” he yelled walking over to Austin and Jordan hand in hand with Cass.

This was going to be an interesting night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cass’s brunch outfit
Jordan’s brunch outfit
Cass’s double date
Jordan’s double date

Such a long chapter. I’ll do the sleepover in the next chapter. If I did it here I feel the chapter would be too long. It’s already over 4,500 words. Comments please! This is the longest chapter so far!

Next week’s chapter won’t be as long since I’m starting SAT classes next week :/ I’m going to be studying so yeah…and I’m going on vacation the week after that and Internet isn’t garunteed. I’m sorry, so I’m not promising an update then.

But! On a happier note, today was my last day as a counselor at my camp and I got paid :D I’ve never had this much money in my life! :P (since it’s my first real job)

Devastating Home.

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