‹ Prequel: Admiring From Afar
Status: Active!

You Still Have All My Heart


Cassandra woke up the next morning to find herself lying in a very comfortable bed. Naked. She don’t really remember what happened but she could already tell it wasn’t a good thing. She sat up and took in all of her surroundings. Clothing scattered the floor and she’d come to the conclusion that she had slept with someone. Which at first was fine, but then she remembered something. She had a boyfriend! Zack! Oh, shit! What is he going to think of this? Should I tell him? Of course I should tell him! He’ll probably break up with me…I don’t want that. How could I be so stupid?! He’s going to hate me forever! Maybe if it’s with someone I don’t know it’ll be better? I could tell him that they didn’t mean anything to me and that I only loved him. That’s what I would do! I could only hope that Zack had enough trust in me to forgive and believe me when I tell him that it was a onetime thing and that it’ll never happen again. She thought to herself. She looked next to her to figure out who she had slept with to see familiar dirty blonde hair. Oh, shit. It’s Jason that I slept with. And I know Jason! And Zack knows Jason! And he knows that I’ve slept with him before! Fuck my life. She thought bitterly. Maybe she could get out of bed with waking him and leave? Yes, she concluded, that was the best option. She slowly got out of the bed and once she was successfully out she picked up her clothes and ran into the bathroom to get changed. She then quietly left the house and walked to her apartment as fast as she could. Once she arrived she called Jordan immediately. She was the only person that Cassandra could talk to about this.

About twenty minutes later Jordan arrived and the girls pigged out on ice cream and just talked about what happened and what they could do to make it seem like it never happened.

“So, when I see him next time I should make it seem like it never happened?” Cassandra asked her friend for verification.

“Yeah, that would be for the best. Plus it won’t give him hopes of getting together or anything like that,” Jordan told her.

“True. Now what do I do about Zack?” she asked her friend.

“Well,” Jordan said, while eating a spoonful of French vanilla ice cream, “I think you should tell him but don’t make a big deal about it. Try to bring it up next time you talk to him? Oh, and make sure that you get it across that you don’t like Jason like that and that you only have him in your heart. You have to reassure him that he’s the only one you love or else you’re done."

“Okay, well. Hopefully Zack will be understanding,” Cassandra hoped.

“So, I have nothing to do today what do you want to do?” Jordan asked her friend.

“I think we should spend it in,” Cassandra suggested. “Plus, you never told me about what happened between you and John! I saw you two talking!”

“Oh, well, I was surprised that he was there and so was he and we just started talking,” Jordan explained.

“Talked about what?” Cassandra wanted to know more.

“Well, he told me that he liked me but that he would stop making advances on me and stop asking me to go out with him because I guess he figured out that he made me uncomfortable. Plus he’s Alex’s friend and I guess that it’s against the bro code or something like that,” Jordan told her friend.

“Interesting,” Cassandra concluded. “Now, I have a question for you. Do you have any lingering feelings for him?”

“None whatsoever. Alex is all I think about and I cannot wait for the guys to get back home,” she told her friend.

“Well, that’s good,” Cassandra said while smiling at her friend. Suddenly she got up and ran into her room. When she came back she was dressed in a different outfit and had her camera with her. “Photoshoot?” she asked her friend. Jordan just smiled and ran into Cassandra’s room. They were about the same size she could wear some of her clothes. She came back a couple of minutes later with a nice outfit. She looked a little hippie with a headband tied around her head and dream catcher earrings on but they suit her.

The girls decided to go to the local field to do the photoshoot. Jordan just started posing and Cassandra clicked away with her camera up to her face. After a couple of pictures Jordan started to spin around in a circle and put some wild flowers in her hair and just have a good time. Cassandra thought that those were the pictures that turned out the best. After doing that for an hour or two the girls just laid in the field and watched as the sun set which meant that the day was close to its end. The day was almost over and Cassandra hasn’t gotten a call from Zack or Jason. She figured that Zack would call her since he had almost everyday since the tour started and she thought that Jason would call her because he wanted to talk about what happened the night before.

They had finally packed up their stuff and were going to head back to Cassandra’s apartment and just order some Chinese food and watch whatever movie happened to be on TV. Jordan decided that she would sleep over since she didn’t have an appointment until 12 noon the next day. They were just about to order their food when Cassandra phone rang. She couldn’t pick it up since she just started to tell the guy what they wanted to order so Jordan picked it up.

“It’s Zack,” she whispered to her friend reading the caller ID.

“Pick it up,” Cassandra mouthed before talking to the guy again.

Jordan started talking to Zack until Cassandra hung up and before Jordan handed her the phone she told her, “he wants to know about last night and if you did anything stupid.”

All Cassandra could think then was fuck my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jordan’s outfit

I hope you liked it!

Next chapter is Zack’s reaction…what do you guys think is going to happen?

And I’m happy to say that I now have 21 subscribers <3 Thanks you guys. And I would love it if you commented on my story <3

Readers: 57; Subscribers: 21; Comments: 7 LOVE YOU GUYSSS <3

Anyway, comment&subscribe!!!!!!
Thanks <3

ps. sorry's it's so short...I was in a rush. I'll make it up to you next week<3

Devastating Home.