Status: Currently on Hiatus until further notice :(

Hello Brooklyn, Hey L.A

Chapter 1: Canada to the US

“No No No!” I yelled. “You cant make me!!”
“Honey, please calm down.” my mom put her arm around me.
“No! I ... gahh!!! I’m not moving!” I pouted crossing my arms over my chest.
“Sweetie, we have to move. Your dad’s work is sending him to the states.” she explained the situation.
“Nope. I can stay here. I’ll stay with Josh.” I stated.
“C’mon Andi, I’ll be fun!” my twin sister nudged me. Yes. I have a twin. We’re obviously identical, but we are very different. She’s calm, professional, whereas I on the other hand, well you’ll soon find out.
“No, nope, no...” I shook my head viciously.
“Okay, just think It over,” My mom got up off my bed and walked to the door.
“I already thought about it. I’m moving in with Josh and his family.” I said matter of factly.
“Andi, you can’t just go live with them.” my sister looked at me and tapped her head to indicate my craziness.
“Aud, how would you know? Josh is my best friend,” I snapped. “And as a matter of fact, I will text him right now.” I smirked at my sister, pulling out my phone.
“You are crazy Andi...” Audrey rolled her eyes as always and walked out of the room.
Why do I have to move all the way across the country. Well to a different country and the other side of it. Fucking Baltimore. Where the hell is that? Or was it Brooklyn? I don’t even know. Somewhere not home. Home is Vancouver. British Columbia. Canada. Home of Awesomeness. And what is wherever the hell were moving home of? I don’t know.
I looked at my phone. Yup, just like Aud said, Josh thinks I’m crazy. Well coming to think of it, it is crazy. I’ve know Josh for my whole life. No he is not my boyfriend. We’re just really good friends, he’s like a brother I never had. And besides, he has a girlfriend. She’s not as crazy as us though.
“And...??” Audrey poked her head into my room.
“Fuck off.” I glared at her.
“Told ya.” she smiled sweetly and left.
“I hate the world!!” I moaned as I fell onto my bed. “Why God? Why?” I beat my pillow with my fists, but whatever words that were coming out of my mouth were muffled by the pillow.
“It’s not the end of the world,” I heard my dad say as he entered the room.
“Yes it is,” I said into the pillow.
“Sweetheart, It will be a fresh start,” he assured me.
“I want to stay in Canada.” I sulked.
“Andi, You’re acting like your 5, please... act like you’re actually 17 for once.” Dad rubbed his forehead. My family has a handful with me. they never know what to expect. I can never sit still and my attention span is that of a 2 year olds. I don’t have ADD or ADHD, I’m just weird and I’m not even on drugs.
“Okay... I’m so sorry sir.” I sat up and saluted my dad.
“God Andi, why are you so difficult.” my dad looked at me.
“That’s ... what ... she said!!!” I yelled out sheepishly.
“Andi, have mercy on me,” dad looked tired.
“Oh I’m sorry sir.” I apologized immediately.
“Okay, well You better get packing, we leave in a week.” he got off my bed and left my room!
“But I don’t want to go!” I yelled out dramatically, flinging myself backwards on my bed.
“Andrea, start gathering your things, put them in boxes, and get to work.” Dad looked at me seriously over his glasses. Oh shit, he said my full name- that means shit’s serious.
“Fine...” I huffed and started to rummage through my closet, pulling out random shit that may or may not be need in whatever State we’re moving too.
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Yea... so let's hope it's gonna get more interesting than this.