Status: Currently on Hiatus until further notice :(

Hello Brooklyn, Hey L.A

Chapter 10: Friends

I woke up the next morning feeling somewhat down. I kept thinking of home. I looked at my alarm clock and adjusted my vision. Shit! It was 11! Fuck Fuck fuck! I was going to get a tour of Baltimore today from Jack. I leaped out of bed and pulled on what was insight. I grabbed my straw fedora off my chair, and put it on my messy hair, that i didn’t even bother to brush. I ran downstairs and into the kitchen.
“Good Morning Starshine! The Earth Says hello!” I sang.
“Finally! I thought you died in your sleep” A voice said from behind me. I spun around. Jack was sitting at the table.
“Jack you fucker!” I glared at him.
“Andi... Language!” I heard my dad call from him office down the hall.
“Oops! Sorry Dad” I called to him.
“Morning Andi Dandi,” Jack grinned.
“You’re dead! How long have you been waiting here for?” I asked, nervous to know the answer.
“Oh just what felt like forever.” Jack replied nonchalantly.
“Fuck you.” I replied biting down into apple.
“Andi... Watch your language,” he warned me jokingly.
“No...” I looked at him trying to looked disgusted.
“So are we ready?” Jack asked looking me up and down. I nodded.
“Where to first?” i asked looking up at the boy as we walked out the door.
“Well I dunno?” Jack Shrugged.
“Left or right?” i rolled my eyes.
“Uhmmm...” Jack started.
“Fuck it... We’re going Left.” I decided and started to walk down the sidewalk, Jack ran to catch up to me.
We walked around, Jack showed me random stuff. We walked to a park.
“Fuck yes! Swings!” I yelled and dashed to the playground.
I sat down on the swing, and started to swing back and forth.
“I’m like a bird! I wanna fly away!!” I yelled at the top of my lungs as a swung higher and higher and stretched my arms out. Jack sat on the swing beside me and just looked at me.
“Here Catch!” I told him as I took my hat off and threw it down to him as I swung past. He caught the hat and put it on his head.
“How do I look?” He looked up at me as I slowly started to stop swinging. That was enough for today.
“Very Sexy,” I winked and laughed. I was so tired. I looked at my phone. It was 3:30.
“Home Time?” Jack asked.
“Yes Please!” I nodded eagerly.
“I met your family... Now It’s time for you to meet mine.” Jack said as we walked towards our houses.
“Uhm... okay?” I wasn’t too sure of how this would turn out.
“Let’s go!” He took me by the hand and pulled me to the porch. He opened the door and walked in.
“Jack! Where the fuck were you? I woke up and you were just gone!” We were greeted by the boy I recognized from the day before.
“Yea... I took Andi for a tour of Baltimore.” Jack explained.
“Ohhhh... cool! I’m Alex.” the boy introduced himself.
“The name’s Edwards, Andi Edwards.” I did my best impersonation of James Bond. Alex laughed.
“Awesome to meet you,” he winked. “So... where’d you move from?” He leaned against the railing of the stairs.
“Vancouver.” I replied. I could sense he was trying to flirt with me.
“Oh.. that’s in British Columbia right?” he went on. Mr. Smarty Pants
“Yes it is.” I agreed with him.
“So uh... how you like Baltimore so far?” he went on.
“It’s nice... Not like Canada but it will have to do.” I joked.
“Alex! Jack!” a female voice asked.
“yeah?” Alex asked flashing me a smile as he turned his head to face a woman.
“Why are you standing in the doorway?” she asked.
“Hi!” I piped up giving the woman a smile.
“Hello Darling.” she greeted me. “I’m Isobel Gaskarth, Alex’s mom and Jack’s aunt.”
“I’m Andrea Edwards. But I prefer Andi. I’m new, just moved in two days ago.” I introduced myself.
“So are you going to come in or are you all just going to stand in the doorway?” Alex’s mom joked.
“Yea mom, we are...” Alex replied laughing. “Rian and Zack are gonna come over with Cass and Sierra” He added.
“Alright guys, Have fun.” she nodded, and left.
“Maybe you should get Audrey,” Jack suggested, turning to me.
“Sure... If you guys want,” I agreed and walked out the door to call her. I walked into my house.
“Whore! Where are you?!” I yelled as I walked up the stairs.
“Shut up Bitch! What do you want?” she asked from her room. Yes we call each other names. Problem?
“Let’s go! You need to make friends!” I opened her door. She was sitting typing away on her laptop.
“Fine,” she grumbled and closed the macbook, and followed me down the stairs and to the Gaskarth household.
“So this is my twin sister Audrey.” I introduced my “clone” with a grin.
“Hey, I’m Alex.” the boy smiled.
“Hi.” my sister replied and shook his hand.
“So we can head over to the living room while we wait for the rest.” Alex led us through the house.
“Have a seat guys.” Jack sat down on the couch. I sat down on the leather sofa beside him.
“So you guys want anything to drink?” Alex asked being a good host.
“Water! Bring me water!” Jack told him.
“Fuck you Jack, get it yourself. You live here too.” Alex glared at Jack.
“God Alex, You’re the permanent resident here though,” Jack rolled his eyes and got up and walked to the kitchen.
The doorbell rang soon after.
“I’ll go get it.” Alex got up and left the room. He came back a few seconds later with 4 people.
“Andi, Audrey, this is Rian, Zack, Cass and Sierra” Alex introduced Aud and myself to the 4 people.
I stood up and introduced myself, “Hey! I’m Andrea but call me Andi,” I smiled. “And that is my twin Audrey.” i added pointing to my sister.
“Hi.” she smiled.
“Awesome to meet you guys” Cass replied with a big smile.
“Let’s play a game.” Jack interrupted.
“God Jack are you 5?” Alex asked annoyed.
“I think it’s a good idea.” Rian said.
“Yea we can play like 20 questions, truth or dare or something to get to know each other.” I added.
“Awesome Idea Andi.” Rian exclaimed, and we high fived.
“Alrighty then.” Alex was unsure.
Who goes first?” Zack asked as we all settled down.
♠ ♠ ♠
woah woah woah! This chapter is long! hopefully you enjoyed it :3
comments would be awesome!! :D