Status: Currently on Hiatus until further notice :(

Hello Brooklyn, Hey L.A

Chapter 11:

We looked at one another. We sat in a circle. Jack, Me, Audrey, Alex, Rian, Cass, Sierra and Zack.
“I’ll start!” Jack volunteered. “Okay so we’ll ask a question and then we’ll go around in the circle and give our answers. So...What is your favorite color?” he asked.
“Orange,” i answered, and looked at my sister.
“Green,” she replied.
“What? No one likes yellow?” Jack pouted.
“Hey! I like orange! It’s also a citrus colour!” I told him. He seemed to brighten up. I saw Alex shake his head a bit from the corner of my eye. “Okay my turn, How many instruments do you play, if any?” I asked being the music freak I was.
“None. I used to play piano, it was boring” Audrey said nonchalantly. Told you my sister is crazy.
“Guitar, and i sing,” was Alex’s answer.
“Drums” Rian replied,
“I sing?” Cass laughed.
“Yea I sing,” was Sierra’s answer.
“I play bass.” Zack answered with a smile.
“Guitar all the way!” Jack yelled and did an air guitar solo. I laughed.
“Well I play, piano, guitar, bass, and i also sing” I answered. All eyes were on me. Fuck. Awkward silence. Everyone was gaping at me.
“That’s alot.” Alex was first to speak.
“Uhm.. yea... I love music. And back in Vancouver my friends and I made a band we wanted to get signed but then I moved here.” I replied.
“Really?! You were in a band!?” Jack was surprised. I nodded.
“We,” he indicated to the remaining guys,” are in a band too. We are All Time Low,” he explained.
“Yea... We’re hoping to get signed this year.” Alex added with a stiff smile.
“That sounds awesome!” I replied.
During the time we played the game, I saw something was going on between Jack and Alex. Soon Rian had to go home, so he left with Cass who I found out was his girlfriend. Then Sierra had to leave so Zack left with her. Soon it was mine and Audrey’s time to leave. It was getting dark when we started to depart. The crickets were chirping in the grass. I was last to leave.
“I’ll see ya guys tomorrow,” I winked at the boys.
“Yeah! See ya!” The boys replied. I walked across the lawn to my house.
Jack’s POV

After everyone left, Alex turned to look at me.
“You like her.” he pointed a finger at me and said in an accusing tone.
“What are you talking about?” looking at him.
“You like Andi.” he said crossing his arms across his chest.
“Yeah... she’s my friend.” I answered
“No... You like, like her.”
“No I don’t.” I tried to hide the defensive tone.
“HaHa Very funny Barakat. I may look like an idiot but I’m not.” Alex challenged.
“Do you want to start a fight over a girl?” I looked at him in disbelief.
“So what if I do?” my cousin replied.
“Yeah. It’s on. May the best man win.” Alex stuck his hand out.
“You’re a douche.” I stated looking at his outstretched hand.
“Oh Jacky, are you scared that I’m gonna win?” he taunted me.
“No.” I said forcefully.
“Then shake on it, you fucker.” He stabbed his hand into my chest.
“You’re the fucker you asshole!” I replied and walked up the stairs to the bedroom, which unfortunately I had to share. I shook my head. After his break up with Emily, he wants to treat girls like property.
Audrey’s POV

I sat quietly the whole time when Andi and I were over at Alex and Jack’s house, and only answered when it was my turn. Andi was having so much fun talking to the boys. I guessed I didn’t fit in. I kept glancing in Alex’s direction and wished he would acknowledge my presence but his gazed was focused on Andi and his cousin. I was relieved when It was time to go home. Since when has Andi been a head turner. She never cares how she acts or how she dresses. When I got home I went to take a shower and i needed to redo my nails, since I haven’t painted them since we left Canada.
“Whore! Hurry Up!!” I heard banging on the door to the bathroom.
“Calm down!” I yelled back. Yeah I love Andi, she’s my sister and best friend but sometimes she takes things way to far.
“Hurry up Miss Perfect!” she kept knocking on the door.
“Fuck you,” i opened the door and went to my room.
Andi’s POV

After dinner and shower I went to my room. I checked my email, hoping for something from Josh. Nope. I was disappointed. I bet he found other friends. A tear rolled down my cheek. I brushed it away furiously. From outside, I heard a guitar being tuned. I walked to my window. There I saw Alex sitting on his driveway and he started to play.

Lipstick has a way of leaving more than just a mark on my sheets,
coloring my senses cherry red; at least for this week...
Kisses under starry night skies, talked about in song,
we play along, so bitter sweet by our design.
I'm sick and tired of writing songs about you,
This is it, this is the end...

I listened to the words. I could tell he was heartbroken and angry at someone. I crept out the window and sat listening to him. When He was done he looked up.
“Oh. Hey Andi. I didn’t see you were there.” he spoke softly.
“Sorry, I just heard music so I came to listen.” I replied from the roof with a smile.
“It’s okay.” he replied and sat silently for a while. Another awkward silence.
“Uhm.. well goodnight...” I said. Alex looked up.
“Goodnight,” he replied as i crawled back into my room. I lay down and just thought of everything. I mauled over the song Alex sang. It related really well to what happened back in Vancouver.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun Dun Dun DUUUNNN!!! What happened in Vancouver ?? O.o and awwe Audrey has a crush on Alex!! :3 And Andi has 2 guys fighting over her O.O wish guys fought over me :P haha

sooo... comments?? and subscribe too? maybe?

More coming soon!!! :D
and yea... I didn't know how to title this chapter... any suggestions? :)