Status: Currently on Hiatus until further notice :(

Hello Brooklyn, Hey L.A

Chapter 12: Jack the Hair Stylist

The next morning I woke up to the sound of rain pattering against my window. First rainfall in the US- cool. I wasn’t feeling to well either.
“Wake up Andi,” my mom came into my room.
“Oh God I’m dying!” I moaned from my bed.
“Okay Miss Drama Queen, your friend Alex came over, and is waiting for you downstairs.” she informed me.
“Wait. What?” I asked as she was leaving.
“Alex is waiting for you, Or do you want me to get him to come up?” she repeated.
“Uh...” I was dumb stricken. Alex? What was he doing here?
“I’ll just get him to come up.” mom answered.
“I’m dying here! It might be contagious!” I warned.
“Andi... please.” mom rolled her eyes and went to get Alex. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I hid under my covers. There was a light knock at the door.
“Come in.” I said from under the covers.
“Hey Andi.” I heard a voice say.
“What do you want from me?” i poked my head out a bit to see Alex, more like his waist, standing in front of my bed.
“Uhm... I just wanted to chill with you today,” he explained and crouched down to see my face.
“I’m dying... step away! Board the entrance to my room and then burn everything I own.” I replied.
“C’mon Andi, you’re not contagious, probably just the weather change,” Alex did a half smile.
“Fuck you,” I answered and sat up wrapping my blanket around me. Alex grinned.
“No seriously. You’re a fucker.” I answered, and threw my pillow at him.
“Andi, no need to turn to violence,” Alex laughed, and threw it back.
“I hate you!” kneeled on my bed and started to whack him with the soft weapon.
“No, you don’t!” replied and grabbed my waist and spun me around!
“Put Me down!” I screamed and flailed around.
“Okay!” He grinned slyly and dropped me on my bed.
“You will die in your sleep.” I growled and turned to face the wall.
“Awe Andi, Don’t be that way,” Alex pouted.
“No.” I answered looking at the photos that were pinned on the wall. Fuck memories. I didn’t want to show Alex my emotions. I turned around and Alex was also looking at the Wall.
“Sweet Pics” he said. “Who are these guys?” he asked pointing to the picture of Josh, Matt and myself.
“The guy with the black hair and blue tips is Josh. He’s my best friend. And the other guy is Matt, my other friend. We were in a band together, until i moved here” I explained. Alex nodded.
I looked out the window, the sun started to shine. “Speaking of blue hair, I need to go buy dye. Wanna come? More like show me where I can buy hair dye,” I turned to Alex.
“Sure! It’s clearing up so we can go.” he agreed.
“Awesome I’m just gonna go change, Feel free to snoop around.” I winked. He grinned.
“And that’s what I will do,” he laughed.
I went to the bathroom to change out of my pj’s. I actually brushed my hair for once and put on some makeup.
When I came out of the bathroom, Alex was sitting with my guitar at my desk. He looked up, and smiled.
“You’re looking spiffy.” He commented, placing the guitar back in it’s case. I looked at him rolling up my sleeves. “What? Don’t you like compliments?” Alex asked standing up.
“You clearly didn’t see how my sister dresses.” I replied and grabbed my backpack, from my closet.
“Yea I did,” Alex protested. I gave him a look, “okay, yeah I didn’t” he corrected himself, as we walked downstairs. I went to the kitchen to grab some food and we headed out the door.
Went went to the store, i found the dye, paid and started walking back home. I saw Jack shooting some hoops by himself.
“Hey Jack!” i called out. He turned around, smiled and waved. I heard Alex mumbled something, but ignored it.
“HI Andi! Where were you?!” Jack yelled as I walked to my porch.
“I went to get some hair dye,” I replied with a laugh. “You guys wanna stick around or...?” I asked looking at the boys.
“Sure!” Jack replied. Alex nodded his answer.
“Sweet! Let’s go!” I held the door open for them as I walked up to my room. And I got everything ready for this ‘party’.
And hour and a mess later, my hair was finally done.
“Well that was interesting, it made me hungry” Alex stated and got up.
“You’re always hungry,” Jack told his cousin.
“You guys are just weird,” I shook my head and rolled my eyes at them.
“I’ll come over later, Right now I need to pig out,” Alex laughed as he left. Jack and I heard him leave my house.
“Your hair looks good. I like it,” Jack said with a shy smile.
“Thanks,” I answered, “And thanks for your help,” I added with a laugh.
“No problem,” Jack chuckled.
“You should be a hair dresser” I joked.
“Oh I know,” Jack answered pretending to toss back his hair. I shook my head with a smile.
“i cant believe school starts in 2 weeks”Jack stated all of a sudden.
“I know!” I agreed. “I haven’t been anywhere all summer, well okay I moved here but I haven’t been to the beach all summer” I continued.
“We can go tomorrow! I wanted to go to the beach too! But Alex was being a dick.” Jack exclaimed. I laughed at Jack’s last statement, and agreed to go tomorrow.
“We should go earlier at like 9, cuz it get’s crowded really fast.” Jack explained.
“Alright!” I nodded.
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Soo... you guys liking it? Comments and subscribe? :3
I think Andi has a bit of a crush on Jack and vice versa ;) but then Alex has a crush on Andi... But what about Josh O.o this is getting to the point of a complicated Love triangle, square, trapezoid thing.
What do you think of Jack quitting ATL and becoming a hair stylist ;D lol