Status: Currently on Hiatus until further notice :(

Hello Brooklyn, Hey L.A

Chapter 13: "Jack... I will ***ing kill you while you sleep"

I was up at 8 the next morning, ready to chill at the beach with Jack. When he came to get me I was already waiting for him at the door.
“Hey Andi Dandi!” he grinned.
“Hey Jack... i don’t have a rhyme for your name.” I greeted him.
“Well make one up then, geeze,” Jack pretended to be annoyed.
“Very funny. Give me some time and I will,” I answered.
“Okay, anyway we’re gonna drive,” he replied jiggling his keys, as we walked over to his driveway.
“Is it yours?” I asked out of curiosity pointing to the nice pickup truck.
“Nah, It’s my dad’s but he’s out of the country with my mom being all Indiana Jones,” Jack explained.
“That belongs in a museum! No, You belong in a museum!” I quoted.
“Basically that’s what they do,” Jack laughed, as he started the car, and pulled out of the driveway.
Soon we drove onto a sandy road that led to the beach parking. Once we got out of the car, i noticed that there was a huge sand dune. I started to climb it.
“I am the Queen and you are my servant!” I yelled to Jack, when I reached the top.
“Oh really?” He looked up at me. I nodded, and started to wave like the Queen to him.
“I think not.” He ran up and swung me over his shoulder before I got the chance to realize what was going on.
“Jack! You idiot! Put me down!!!” I screamed.
“Nope!” He laughed. “Let’s look for a place to sit,” He turned from one side to another, me still on his shoulder.
“Jack! You fucker! Stop! Put me Down!!” I continued and started hitting his back. You could say we re-enacted the scene from Shrek really well. Jack ignored me and continued walking, to a an empty space. We received a lot of looks questioning our level of intelligence.
“Your Royal Highness,” Jack laugh as he put me down.
“Wow Jack really?” i asked as I spread my towel out and took off the shirt and shorts that were over my bathing suit. I walked down to the water, and let the tide rush over my feet. This reminded me of the trips Josh and I took to the Pacific during the summer back home.
“Come on your highness, we don’t have all day!” Jack said from behind me as he lifted me by the waist and started walking into the water.
“Jack... don’t...” warned, but to no avail, he kept going deeper and deeper.
“Why Andi Dandi? Are you scared of the water?” Jack taunted.
“No,” I replied.
“Are you sure?” Jack teased with a twinkle in his eyes.
“Jack... I will fucking kill you while you sleep.” I warned.
“No... you love me too much.” Jack replied with a grin.
“Maybe right now i love you but after I won’t.” I growled.
“And what makes you think I’m gonna do what I’m gonna do?” Jack asked.
“Stop being all philosophical!” I yelled.
“Awe You don’t like smart guys?” he pouted. “I try so hard.”
“Jack... just put me down.” I replied calmly.
“You mean like this?” he asked and threw me into the water. I screamed. I yelled as if someone was being murdered. I fell into the water and when I came up for air, Jack stood grinning like a madman.
“Barakat. You are going down.” I said through clenched teeth as I charged towards him. He was too busy laughing at me and didn’t notice. Well he noticed when the force of my body hit his and the impact caused him to fall backwards into the water.
“Oh no you didn’t” he looked shocked as he sat in the water
“I just did,” I smiled triumphantly standing in front of him.
“That’s not fair! I wasn’t prepared!” he whined.
“Neither was I,” I shot back.
“Awwe... help me up.” Jack stretched his hand out in my direction. I looked at him, knowing what he was gonna do. Fuck it! I grabbed his hand, and like I predicted he pulled me down into the water.
“Oh Andi Dandi! You are crazy!” he exclaimed like a 5 year old. The kid’s easily amused. Well I shouldn’t be talking, I am too.
“Well, Jacky... you are too.” I answered with a grin sitting in the water. Jack got up, and helped me.
“Let’s go take a walk,” he suggested. I nodded in agreement.
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yea... kind of a filler :/ do you guys like it? More to come soon i promise!! :) and check out: You're All I Ever Wanted cuz that would be just awesome :D