Status: Currently on Hiatus until further notice :(

Hello Brooklyn, Hey L.A

Chapter 14: Sunburns and e-mails

We walked along the beach. Chatting away. Jack suddenly stopped and looked at me.
“Andi... uhm... do you wanna hang out sometime?” he asked quietly.
“Aren’t we hanging out?” i laughed.
“I meant like a date thingy” he replied. I looked at him. “As friends,” he added quickly, seeing my hesitation,
“Um... sure, what day were you thinking?” I asked.
“Like Friday maybe?” he suggested.
“Sure,” I nodded with a smile. Friday... that’s in 3 days.
“Sweet! I thought you’ know... laugh at me,” he looked relieved.
“Why would I? You’re my friend. My second best friend,” I gave him a hug. I saw a smile spread across his face.
We spent the whole day at the beach, and we decided to go home.
“Oh god I can’t walk.” I whined. “I feel like a cripple.”
“Here, I’ll give you a piggy back” Jack suggested, crouching down.
“No, I’m heavy.” I replied. “I’ll live”
“C’mon Andi,” Jack insisted.
“Fine,” I jumped onto his back and wrapped my legs around his waist.
“Ready? Let’s Go!” he exclaimed and walked to the car.
When we got to the car, I got off Jack’s back and hopped into the car. I leaned back against the seat.
“Oh God! It burns!” I yelped. Jack looked at me from the driver’s seat.
“What happened?” he asked, eyes open. I pulled the back of my shirt up, and like I predicted it was red.
“Oh god Andi, that looks painful,” Jack looked at my sunburn.
“I’m a lobster!!” I cried.
“But you’re a cute lobster.” he chuckled.
“I’m in pain! It hurts so much.” I pouted.
“Awe, we’re almost home.” he tried to comfort me, but the burn hurt.
He pulled up into his driveway. I grabbed my things and got out.
“You’re gonna be okay.” Jack smiled.
“Thanks Jack, It was fun. Apart from this.” I laughed pointing at my shoulders.
“No problem. I had fun too, sunburn or without” Jack winked.
“You’re too cute,” I replied with a smile. God, what was I doing? “I’ll see ya tomorrow.” I turned around to leave.
“Yeah.. see ya,” Jack replied, as we departed.
I walked into my house.
“Honey! I’m home!” I yelled.
“Hey Andi,” mom called from the kitchen. “How was the beach?”
“Painful.” I replied, showing my shoulders.
“Someone forgot to put sunscreen on.” Dad sang.
“Thanks Captain Obvious. It wasn’t my fault.” I protested.
“No whose was it then?” Dad asked.
“I dunno,” I shrugged.
“Well Missy, now you know that you should get your head out of the clouds and come down to earth.”
“But Houston we got a problem, my head isn’t it the clouds in the first place.” I grinned.
“Andi... life is difficult with you.” mom sighed.
“You enjoy my presence,” I laughed, and I started up the stairs to take a shower. Ew sand was everywhere. After I was done, I decided to see if Josh sent me anything. And in fact he did.

To: Andi <>
From:Josh <>


Why aren’t you in Canada. Woman, I hate your parents for taking you away from my, My heart is broken. I broke up with Daria, well more like she broke up with me., cuz she was thinking something was between us two. Although I insisted we are best friends. I miss yo face too!!! Jack? Are you replacing me that fast? D: I will get my butt over to Baltimore and kick his ass, he ain’t stealing you away from me.
The band is okay, Matt and I found two guys, Ian and Mike so we’re recording demos, We really want to get signed! God, you should have stayed!! And the blue is still in, I re-dyed it 2 days ago. haha. Yes!! We need to Skype! How about on Sunday?

Love from Canada and bagged milk (haha)


I read and re-read the email. I love Josh and i miss him like crazy. I wrote and sent him a reply.

To: Josh <>
From: Andi <>


I told you I hate my full name. But I forgive you :P I know I secretly hate them too. Really? That sucks, sorry to hear. But let me tell you, i wasn’t really a fan of her in the first place. oops! haha I miss yo face more!! No I’m not replacing you! Why would you think that!? :O He’s not stealing me away from you. Although he asked me out on a friendly date on Friday. I’ll tell you all about it. I got a sunburn, cuz we went to the beach today, and being the genius I am, I forgot to put on sunscreen. >.<

I need to see your band! Why am I not there? That’s awesome, you should totally come to Baltimore on your first tour. Just Sayin’. ;D
Good, the colours in our hair is our connection haha. Alright! Sunday sounds good! Call whenever, I’m gonna stay at home, crying, eating ice cream and on tumblr all day.

Love from “I hate you and your bagged milk and maple syrup”


I sent him the email. So tired. i put on something I found for sunburns. God it burns. I flopped on my bed. So I was passed out.
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yes... hooray for sunburns- they're sexy ;) haha but seriously you guys should comment and subscribe. I give out free cookies ;D

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