Status: Currently on Hiatus until further notice :(

Hello Brooklyn, Hey L.A

Chapter 15: Sister Time + 1

The next morning I woke up earlier than usual. Mom already went to work, and dad was no where to be found, he probably went out for his morning run.
I sat down at the table with my laptop, I put my headphones in and proceeded to listen to music while refreshing my tumblr dashboard a million times, trying to ignore the burning sensation on my shoulders. I sat drowning in my music, and in the background I heard the screen door slam. “Probably just dad coming back,” I thought to myself. All was quiet and peaceful, until I felt hands squeezing my shoulders.
“Guess who?!” Alex’s voice asked as he placed his hands on my sunburn. I screamed bloody murder and I was sure I woke up the whole neighbourhood.
“HOLY FUCKING SHIT ALEX! GET YOUR FAT HANDS OFF ME YOU FUCKER!!” I yelled. Alex quickly released his grip terrified.
“What Just happened?” Alex and I turned around to see Audrey stood in the doorway in her pyjamas and messy hair. Ooh this should be a show.
“This son of a bitch touched my sunburn.” I said between clenched teeth. Audrey realized who stood beside me and looked embarrased.
“Oh...” she looked at Alex shyly and left as quickly as she appeared.
“God, I’m sorry Andi. I didn’t know.” Alex said quietly.
“Alex. I fucking hate you. Why are you even in my house in the first place?” I asked glaring at him.
“Uhm... I wanted to hang out today,” he mumbled. I looked at him.
“That’s cool, but Im not leaving this house looking like a lobster.” I informed him.
“Oh okay...well we can chill inside, we can go play on the xbox at my house.” he suggested.
“I was actually thinking of making brownies today,” i told him.
“Well uhm... I can help,” he offered.
“Sure...? Why are you so keen on chilling with me?” I asked getting up and making myself a bowl of cereal. “Want some?” i motioned to the cereal box. He shook his head “no”. I shrugged and continued eating.
“Well I dunno... you’re cool to hangout with,” he answered.
“Seriously? I’m the least exciting person, Audrey is more interesting than me.” i told him.
“No you’re not!” he protested. “And I never see Audrey.”
“That’s because she sits in her room all day solving math problems, thinking of the cure for cancer and looking at the new fashion trends.” I replied. “That’s more exciting than me. All I do is sit on the internet, listen to music and play my guitar, in between being a psycho bitch,”
Alex chuckled at my explanation. “That’s why you’re interesting,” he grinned.
“You are crazy.” i rolled my eyes as i finished my cereal.
“Aud! Get your fat ass down here!” I yelled.
“What do you want?!” I heard her ask.
“I said, Come down here! We’re gonna have sister time!”
“I’ll be right down!”
I nodded feeling accomplished.
“Sister time?” Alex asked.
“Yup and if you want you can stay, and be our sister for today.” I laughed. Alex flipped his hair and tried to act girly.
“Not working bud,” I shook my head with a smile.
“Awwe man! I tried real hard though.” he whined.
“Not hard enough,” poked my tongue out at him.
“That’s what she said,” Alex replied.
“I know” I winked. My sister appeared in the doorway, all pimped and preened.
“good morning Ms Audrey.” I greeted her.
“What did you want to do?” she asked as she glanced in Alex’s direction.
“We’re gonna make brownies!” I was excited. “And Alex is going to help us!”
“uhm... okay.” she said quietly glancing every few seconds at Alex. My dear sister has a crush on him. Facepalm!
♠ ♠ ♠
yeaa... kinda a filler... BUT! We now know Audrey like Alex ;) awwwe haha

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