Status: Currently on Hiatus until further notice :(

Hello Brooklyn, Hey L.A

Chapter 19: Sisters

I spent all of Saturday at All Time Low’s band practice. I got to know Sierra and Cassadee better, and by the end of the practice, if felt as if we had known each other for ever. Audrey left half way through the day.
I walked into her room.

“Spill.” I stated flopping on her bed.

“What do you want Andi?” she asked.

“Why did you leave?” I looked at her.

“Just cuz, I needed to do some other things,…” she replied.

“Aud, I am your twin sister- I can tell if shit’s going on. Now tell me!” I threw a pillow at her.

“Andi, stop! There’s nothing to talk about.” she threw the pillow back onto the bed.

“Aud- stop bullshiting me.I can tell you like Alex. What did you guys talk about 2 days ago?” I said.

“He went on about you. I asked him questions but he answered them in relevance to you. Not me. You.” Audrey replied.

“Awwe Aud,” I pulled my sister into a hug. “Let’s watch a movie or something,” Our parents left for the weekend for some business trip our dad had.

“Andi, is there something wrong with me? Am I not good enough for anyone?” Audrey sniffed.

“No Aud, you’re perfect. Alex is just dumb. He will realize you’re awesome. I don’t like him and he needs to realize that.” I answered as we turned on a movie.

“I feel like I’m not good enough,” Audrey whispered.

“You are perfect baby girl. You’ll find new friends at school. Alex will be jealous. I know you miss Jeremy, but he was a dick- you’re worth more than that.” I smoothed her hair as she buried her face into my shoulder.

“Thanks Andi.” she smiled, her cheeks stained with tears. “Let’s talk about you. How’s Josh back home?”

“He broke up with Daria, and he wants to get signed with Matt for a band,” I filled her in.

“Really? That sucks, you miss him- don’t you?” she asked.

“Yeah-I do. I’m skype-ing with him tomorrow,” I replied with a smile.

“He likes you.” she said all of a sudden.

“What are you talking about?”

“He told me. He said that he just got together with Daria to try and erase any signs of feelings for you.” Audrey explained.

“What? Seriously?” I was bewildered.

“It’s true- and I know you like him too,” Aud nodded.

“Yeah, but we had an agreement to stay friends- nothing more.”

“Uh-huh… you guys would be cute. Too bad he’s in Canada and now you have Jack,” my sister sighed.

“Jack is nothing more than a friend.” I replied quickly.

“Andi… let’s not lie to ourselves. You spend way too much time with him.” she emphasized.

“He’s just a friend,” I protested.

“Andi- We all know you like him. So much wheels!” Audrey laughed.

“Audrey- don’t make me kill you,” I warned.

“Whheeeelllsss!!!” she laughed.

“Fuck you Audrey…”

“3 guys Andi, threeee!!!” she put up 3 fingers.

“Not my fault.” I shrugged looking at the movie that we started a while back.

“I still can’t believe it-my big sis,” she giggled.

“Shut it whore!” I nudged her.

“Hey.. be nice” she warned smirking.

“No… not unless you shut up.”

“So… whose gonna be the lucky man?” she made her eyebrows move up and down in a suggestive manner.

“No one.” I replied as I got up to leave.

“You’re gonna leave me?” she asked looking up.

“Yes whore I am.” I answered.

“Whatever bitch,” she shrugged and laughed. I rolled my eyes and left the room.
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