Status: Currently on Hiatus until further notice :(

Hello Brooklyn, Hey L.A

Chapter 2: God, I hate Goodbyes

“Ramsay!! Get your fat ass over here!” I yelled at Josh from across the street.
“Calm your fat tits Edwards !” He replied.
“Fuck You!” I answered as he looked both ways before he ran across the street.
“Love ya too darling” he grinned. “Why must you leave me?” he then started. He got down on his knees and looked up at me. “Why must you go!” he asked dramatically.
“I’m sorry Honey! Ask my parent’s they’re forcing me to move to the land were pizza is a vegetable and where they are convinced we live in igloos.” I answered, waving my arms dramatically around
“No, but seriously, this sucks.” Josh got up off his knees and looked at me. “who will I be crazy with?”
“I don’t know,” I looked at him. Well this is awkward. “With Matt?” I suggested helplessly.
“Matt’s too awkward to do anything fun.” Josh pouted.
“I know, I’m sorry. But my ‘rents said you can come visit us when we get settled in.” I tried to lighten up the mood.
“Yea... If I were a millionaire.” he stated.
“Well maybe if you got your fat butt and went looking for a job, then maybe you’d have the money.” I punched him playfully on the shoulder.
“I fucking hate you.” he shook his head and laughed. We have a love/hate relationship, if you haven’t noticed already.
“Wow... Tomorrow’s the big day. I’ll be leaving Canada.” I couldn’t believe it. All our shit was packed and ready to go.
“I’ll miss you Andi.” Josh whispered and looked at his converse, avoiding eye contact.
“I’ll miss you too Josh,” I answered, and pull him into a hug. Tears started to form and I wiped them away quickly.
“Please don’t cry.” Josh looked at me, his eyes were red too. Fuck, we’re gonna have a crying fest in the middle of the street. I looked around. The street was deserted.
“Oh God. We’re acting as if someone died.” I managed to joke.
“Fuck You Andi. You started this.” Josh laughed.
“Uh, What? Not me... It was my parents and you didn’t let me stay at your house!” I defended myself.
“What?! It wasn’t my fault. My parents didn’t allow it.” Josh shot back.
“Yes, of course, blame it on the parents.” My dad came down the driveway.
“Well yea...” I stated.
“C’mon Andi, it’s dinner time. Josh wanna come too?” Dad asked.
“ Nah.. I better get going, My parents are gonna have my head it i don’t come home.” he said and sniffed.
“I’ll... I’ll see you around.” I stuttered. Oh dear God, I am so awkward.
“Yea... I’ll see ya around.” he nodded and slowly turned around. I watched him walk down the street. He kicked a stone which lay on the side walk. He turned around and waved. I waved back and watched his figure disappear down the street. I let the tears flow freely down my face.
“I know Andi.” My dad pulled me close. “i know.” he stroked my hair, and let me cry to my heart’s desire.
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Kinda short :/ i know- they will get longer. Yes I did add Josh Ramsay :D