Status: Currently on Hiatus until further notice :(

Hello Brooklyn, Hey L.A

Chapter 20: Josh

The next day, my day consisted of food, and my macbook. It was today that I would Skype with Josh.

“ So... you gonna dress all pretty for Josh,” Audrey asked poking her head into my room.

“No, why would I?” I asked.

“I dunno- don’t you want to impress him,” she asked winking.

“Uhm... I think Josh has seen me in every state possible,” I replied. And that was the truth, we had sleep overs where we would watch movies till 4 in the morning, we went to Semi together in grade 10, and we went to concerts together. So basically he has seen me at the peak of my “attractiveness” and at the lowest points.

“Okay... true, have fun...” Audrey left my room.
I was waiting for him to call me via Skype. I waited and waited for what seemed like hours. He finally called. I accepted the call and Josh’s face appeared on the screen.

“JOSSHHH!!” i yelled.

“ANDII!!” Josh laughed.

“Omg I fricken miss you like crazy,” I spewed out words.

“me too, me too,” Josh nodded.

“So.. how’s Canada?” I asked

“Boring without you,” Josh shrugged, “How’s Baltimore?”

“Ugh... school starts tomorrow,” I rolled my eyes.

“Lucky lucky, have fun with that.”

“Oh I will Josh- watch me,” I smirked. Josh laughed and rolled his eye.

“I see you Josh- don’t roll your eyes at me like that!!” I warned.

“Sorry Andi, Hey let’s play some songs- like the good ol’ days,” Josh suggested as he disappeared off camera to find his guitar and soon appeared with his acoustic.

“Awe Josh, you’re making me move,” I whined.

“Well then let me just sit and play for you, since your too lazy,” Josh laughed.

“Just Hold on, I’ll get it,” I literally slid off my bed to grab my guitar.

Hey there Andi Dandi
What’s in like in Balti
BFF You’re a country away
But girl, today you look so witty
Like you always do
Canada can’t handle anything with out you
I swear it’s true

Hey there Andi Dandi
I’m sad cause of the distance
You’re gone and I’m so lonely
Come back Home
Remember that One time you stole my comb?
Yeah... I want it back

We were back to being the crazy kids we were.

Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me
We sang the chorus together

Oh so he thinks he can sing and make up lyrics? So can I:

Hey there Joshy
I’m missing you like I miss my yard
But remember BFF
Someday you’ll come visit me and the Tsar
We’ll party it up for good
Actually more like eat alot of food
Like they do in the hood

Hey there Joshy
You need to get a ticket and pay
We need more skype calls
And this means you’re parent have to have a say
And that sucks balls
Even if I have to get some U-Hauls
We have no walls

We’re professionals when It comes to lyrics.

Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me

A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way
Our friends would all make fun of us
And we'll just laugh along because we know
That none of them have felt this way
Delilah I can promise you
That by the time we get through
The world will never ever be the same
And you're to blame

Hey there Andi
You be good and don't you miss me
Two more Months and you'll be off with school
And I'll come to visit you
You know It’s true
We can do crazy shit we always do
Hey there Ani here's to you
This one's for you

Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me.

After Josh finished We burst into laughter.

“Oh My god that was epic.” I breathed.

“We should do this more often. And It was totally not planned.” Josh was still laughing.

“World Tour?”I asked

“World Tour,” Josh nodded grinning.

“I still can’t get over it...” I shook my head

“We should have recorded that and put it on Youtube,” Josh added.

“Yes we should have,” I agreed at the thought.

“Andi...” Josh started all of a sudden in a serious tone,

“Yes Josh?” I asked,

“I was just wondering, well uhm... this might sound stupid but...” Josh was soon cut off, by a crash.

“What the fuck was that?” Josh asked as I turned around.

“Fuck you Gaskarth! Do you not know how to knock?” I asked Alex who pretty much fell into my room.

“Sorry Andi but we as in Me, Jack, Rian, Zack, Sierra, and Cass want you and Audrey to come play man hunt with us,” Alex replied.

“Can I come too?” Josh smirked on Skype.

“Whaaa?” Alex was confused.

“Gaskarth, you interrupted my Skype Session with my best friend” I rolled my eyes annoyed. Alex walked up to my laptop and peered at the screen.

“Hey, I’m Josh,” Josh waved

“Hi... I’m Alex.”

“Cool to meet you,” Josh clicked his tongue piercing against his teeth. I saw Alex’s eyes get big. yes Alex, Josh has his tongue pierced I thought rolling my eyes.

“Sure If you can get a plane here in like five minutes, sure you can come play with us,” Alex addressed Josh’s previous question.

“Okay- I’m on my way,” Josh smirked.

“Sweet, So are you coming?” Alex turned to me, totally ignoring Josh. I looked at my friend on my laptop.

“Just go, have fun- Matt’s coming over soon anyway,” Josh urged me to go.

“Okay I’ll facebook or email you,” I replied nodding. I didn’t want to go, I wanted to stay and talk to him. I haven’t seen him in what seems like forever.

“Okay Bye, Have fun! I’ll talk to you later this week?” Josh asked

“Yup! Have fun Josh,” I smiled and the call went dead.

“Fuck you Gaskarth- It’s not everyday I see and talk to my best friend,” I growled.

“I told you before Andi- I’m sorry,” Alex looked at me and gave me a hug.

“Yeah... uh huh- you’re totally sorry.” I rolled my eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! Josh made himself present!!
You guys better love me- You have no Idea how hard it was to re-write those Lyrics :P

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