Status: Currently on Hiatus until further notice :(

Hello Brooklyn, Hey L.A

Chapter 3: Home, Sweet, Home?

We were on the road for what felt like years.
“Are we ever gonna get there?” I whined, from the back seat.
“We’re almost in Maryland.” My mom answered.
“So... where is that exactly?” I asked. I’m sorry but I took Canadian not American Geography.
“The East coast.” was her replied.
“ohhh... so like the Maritimes right?” I asked trying to adjust myself amongst the boxes.
“Yes, great deduction skills Andi.” My mom laughed. I pondered and looked out the window.
“So... What city are we going to?” i asked after a few seconds.
“Baltimore... Why?”
“Just asking,” I shrugged.
“Alrighty...” Mom looked at me suspiciously in the rearview mirror.
I kept looking out the window. My phone vibrated, interrupting my thoughts. I looked at the text. It was Josh. Why the fuck was he texting me? Doesn’t he know, I’m in a different country and that texts cost more? Ramsay, you one crazy motherfucker. I love you! I laughed to myself. He informed me of the drama that was brewing. I’m gonna fucking miss Vancouver.
I passed out in the car. Yup, in between all the boxes and shit. At least Aud wasn’t in the same car, she was with my dad in the huge ass U-Haul truck. I woke up when we started to pull up onto a street.
“Where are we?” I asked groggily.
“Welcome to Baltimore, Maryland.” My mom laughed. “How’d you sleep?”
“Oh God, I’m so sore,” I complained. And I probably look like shit.
We pulled up into the driveway.
“Is this our house?” I asked absentmindedly.
“Nooo, Its the neighbour’s house,” Mom said sarcastically then laughed.
“Thanks mom,” I grinned and got out of the car, and started grabbing boxes from the trunk, and putting them inside the house, in which Dad and Audrey were already unpacking.
“Ello...” I said creepishly, doing a weird sort of walk with a huge box, in my arms.
“Hey Andi, come help.” Audrey motioned me to her side with her perfectly manicured hand.
“How the hell do you manage to look good after a week’s worth of a trip. I feel icky.” I started at her in disbelief. She shrugged. That’s my sister for ya, she always looks good no matter what the situation maybe.
I trudged back to the car, to bring my (3) guitars up to what would be my room. Yes I am a music freak, Josh and I would always chill either at my place or his place and just have a jamming session. And here? Who am I going to chill with? God my life sucks.
I walked up the stairs and into no what I would be calling my room. It looked so lonely, the walls were bare. But that could be fixed in no time. I started pulling my posters out one by one. I also pulled out my spray paint cans, and lined them up under the window. “Tomorrow... I will use you my babies,” I said out loud and tapped my fingers in an evil way. Yea, I spray pain my walls... And I paint them, and I just decorate my room however I want. I am the Artistic twin, Audrey is more business and science-like. I hate science and math. For me it’s english, art and history. As I walked around my room I looked out the window. The sun was setting. I saw two figures- teenage boys- goof off on the street as they walked into the house next door.
“Hmm... must investigate tomorrow” I thought to myself. Okay, that’s creepy... never mind.
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ooh la la ... Who could It be? Yea.. so hw are we enjoying it so far?

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