Status: Currently on Hiatus until further notice :(

Hello Brooklyn, Hey L.A

Chapter 4: New Neighbors

Alex’s point of View

A big U-Haul truck pulled up into the driveway of the house next door.
“Jack, Jack, Jack” I tugged my cousin by the hood of his sweater.
“What?!” Jack didn’t take his eyes off the game he was winning.
“Look!” I pulled his hood harder.
“What? Leave me alone!” Jack looked at me and to where I was pointing out the window. “Holy Jesus! New Neighbors!” he exclaimed as he quickly paused the game, and joined me by the window.
“Fuck yes!” I exclaimed. We sat like two cats in the window, peering out.
“And they’re hotties” Jack nudged me, and motioned to the girl that got out of the truck. She had long dirty blonde hair, wore a neat cardigan with jeans. And to put it shortly, she was beautiful. Another car pulled up beside the truck and another girl got out.
“Wait... what? She looks exactly the same as the other one.” Jack’s eyes bulged making him look like a deer stuck in headlights.
“Yea... ever heard of the term “twins”?” I rolled my eyes at him.
“Yeah... I never knew they existed though.” Jack grinned.
“You’re an idiot.” I glared at him. He clearly ignored my insult and continued talking
“Wow... She’s pretty.” Jack stated and stared as the second girl walked by. This one unlike the first had he hair up in a messy bun, she was wearing jeans which were ripped and a band t-shirt. She was lugging two guitar cases.
“We need to get to know them!” I exclaimed.
“Alex, calm down hon” Alex’s mom walked into the living room.
“Yea.. Sorry mom, just a bit too excited,” I apologized.
“I’ll calm him down.” Jack offered looking at my mom and his aunt. Jack was staying with my family cause his dad, my uncle, is an archeologist and his mom, my aunt, is a historian, so they’re usually off in some foreign country digging stuff up and being all Indiana Jones. And they don’t want to tag their kids along, so Jack and his sister May, and brother Joe stay over. But it never gets boring, Jack is my best friend.
“How about you guys go outside and not sit in front of the TV all day.” My dad came into the room after my mom left.
“Let’s go!” Jack exclaimed full of excitement. “let’s go chill with Zack and Rian!” He lifted his arm up and looked like a superhero minus the cape and magic powers.
“Alright.” I got up from my place by the window. “Let’s go,” I pushed Jack out the door. “We will be back” Jack said in his best terminator voice.
“Okay! Have fun!” my parents yelled from inside the house. So we went off the fetch Zack and Rian, who were our other friends. We all are in a band we made called: All Time Low.
We’re only in high school, well, we’ll be starting 12th grade in 2 weeks, so we can’t go on tour and we need to find a record deal first.
“ AwweThey’re gone.” Jack whined as we walked past the new people’s house.
“Well they weren’t going to wait for us genius.” Jack can be stupid sometimes. I wonder what even is going on in his brain sometimes. We made our way to our friend’s houses.
It was getting dark when Jack and I started coming home. We like to goof off in the middle of the street. I noticed a light coming from the upstairs room of the neighbor’s house. A girl was standing in the window looking out. I nudged Jack and when he looked up she was already gone.
“Tomorrow... mission...” I grinned. He nodded his black mop of hair.
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I wrote like 20 chapters than realized half of them didn't make sense >.< Back to the old drawing board!