Status: Currently on Hiatus until further notice :(

Hello Brooklyn, Hey L.A

Chapter 5: Rooftop Concerts Are The Way To Go

Chapter 5:

I woke up the next morning, sun pouring in through the window. My room was still plain. I jumped out of bed and dressed myself. The Shirt brought back memories of Josh and I going to their concert. We had backstage tickets that day and we met them. That was last summer. Dammit! Getting all sentimental again. I shook my head, causing my hair to unravel itself. I looked at the tips. The colours were fading. Josh and I dyed the tips of our hair. We were bored one day and so he dyed his tips blue and I dyed mine blue, purple and pink.
I ran downstairs.
“Good morning America!!” I yelled at my family who was already sitting and eating their breakfast on piles of boxes, since we didn’t get to unpack the kitchen yet.
“God Andi! Please don’t give us all heart attacks,” Dad jumped a bit at my greeting.
“Sorry,” I rummaged through and box to find a bowl and spoon. A box of cereal and a carton of milk sat on the counter.
“Where is the bagged milk?!” I glared at the carton. “What did you do with it?!” I demanded pointing my spoon like a sword at the carton. As if the milk could talk.
“Andi, please.... 5 minutes,” Mom looked tired.
“Alright.” I sat down on the ground and ate my cereal in peace.
After breakfast I helped my mom unpack the rest of the house. Finally our house started to look more homey- No more boxes, but actual furniture. After lunch I decided to work on my room. I opened the window and stuck my head out. The Summer was ending and I could smell it. School would start in 2 weeks. I’d be in Grade 12. Away from my friends in Canada. My parents were geniuses of moving this far, for my last year of high school.
I got to decorating. I took my spray paint and Started to decorate my walls. The fumes were in the air. I stuck my head out dramatically out the window.
“Please! Don’t eat me!” I shrieked. “It burns it Burns!” I went on.
A few people gave me looks, I smiled and waved the can. They went back to whatever they were doing.
The two boys who i saw yesterday were outside, shooting some hoops. They stopped their game and looked up in my direction. I crawled out the window with my guitar and sat on the roof of the garage. They just gaped at me. I started playing.

... Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you’re so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks, and I’m trying to get back
Before the cool done run out I’ll be giving it my best test
And nothing’s gonna stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some

I won't hesitate no more,
No more, it cannot wait I’m yours ....

I eyed the guys. they stopped and just kept looking at me. I grinned at them.
“Holy Shit.” I heard the taller one with the dark hair whisper loud enough for me to hear.
The blonde one nudged him to shut up.
I stood up, trying to keep my banalce and bowed. By this time there was a group of people standing in front of our house. I crawled back through the window with my guitar and smiled to my reflection in the mirror that hung on the wall.
Audrey walked into my room.
“Congrats Andi, now everyone thinks were the crazy family.”
“Nope, they don’t I’m the weird one not you.” I corrected her.
“You’re impossible!” she stormed out of my room. Success!
I finished decorating my room. It was now painted with different colours, filled with photos and my huge world map was pinned on one side of the room. A bunch of colourful pins were stuck in the different places I’ve been to. My shelves were filled with my books. My desk was the only thing that was uncoloured so I dragged it down the stairs, with my sister’s help, and I grabbed my pain cans and started to decorate the desk. I felt as if someone was watching me. I turned around abruptly.
“Stop Intruder! What do you want?!” I pointed the can at the person behind me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Soo another chapter... how is it?

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