Status: Currently on Hiatus until further notice :(

Hello Brooklyn, Hey L.A

Chapter 6: That Girl

Jack’s POV

Alex and I decided it was a nice day to shoot some hoops. I heard music strumming from up above. Who the fuck is playing Jason Mraz?
I looked up, squinted and shielded my eyes from the sun. And that’s when I saw the girl from yesterday. The second girl. She was sitting on the roof playing her guitar.
“Alex...” I hissed at my cousin, but he clearly already noticed the girl.
“Shut the fuck up Jack,” he answered not taking his eyes of the girl.
“Holy Shit...” I whispered but I clearly said it too loudly. The girl winked at me, and Alex nudged me in the side. I couldn’t believe this girl. Her voice was clear and strong. She hit all the notes in the song. There was a group starting to form at the foot of the driveway.
“Fuck...” I heard Alex mutter, when the girl stood up and bowed, grinned at went back in through the window.
“I can’t” he threw his arms up and sulked back into his house. I still stayed outside. I sat on the porch, still dazed, by what I had just witnessed. I sat for half an hour, just mauing through what just happened. Shit... I think I like this girl. The sound of a door closing took me back to reality. I looked around dazed. 2 girls, brought a desk out onto the driveway.
“Thanks,” the one smiled at the other. She ran back into the other and came back with cans. She started to spray paint the white desk. I stood up, curious to see how she was decorating the piece of furniture. All of a sudden she stopped. I was 3 meters behind her just looking at what she was doing. She turned abruptly, and faced me. There was a can between my face and hers.
“Stop Intruder! What do you want?!” she yelled.
“I uh... I-I I don’t want anything?” I started stuttering and looked around. She looked at me and crossed her arms over her chest. Waiting for my explanation.
“I ju-ju-just wanted to see, w-what y-y-you were doing.” I stuttered quickly.
“Yeah, Yeah, don’t hurt yourself.” she grinned. “I’m Andrea Edwards. I prefer Andi though.” she stuck out her hand.
I returned the smile. I shook her hand.
“I’m Jack. Jack Barakat.” I answered.
“Cute.” she winked. “So why were you creeping me?” she asked.
“Well uh... I dunno, I’ve never seen anyone spray paint a desk.” I explained.
“Now you have.” Andi grinned.
“So uh... where you from?” I asked, trying to get a conversation going.
“Vancouver, BC.” she answered.
“Cool. That’s in Canada right?” after I asked that question I mentally face palmed myself. You’re such an idiot Jack.
“Yup!” she agreed.
“Uhm... well I won’t interrupt your painting session.” I moved back.
“Oh you can stay and help me.” She tossed me a can,
“I’m afraid I’m gonna screw up.” I looked at the can and back to her.
“You can’t screw up. It’s all part of the imagination.” she replied, and started to just spray the desk randomly. I crept slowly forward, and started to spray the desk.
“Andi!” A voice said from behind us. We both looked up, behind us.
“Yea mom?” Andi asked,
“Dinner...” the woman said. “And who is this boy?” the woman looked at me suspiciously.
“Oh.. I’m Jack. I live next door.” I explained myself.
“Yea he’s just helping me,” the girl filled in any blanks of suspicion. Her mom nodded.
“Well Jack you can come for dinner too,” she suggested.
“I don’t know...I’ll go ask, I’ll be back.” I said.
“Alright, I’ll wait right here.” Andi nodded, as I sprinted to the house.
I ran to the kitchen.
“Jack, Dinner’s going to be in an hour.” My aunt said as I ran in.
“Oh uhm.. about that... Well this girl, living next door asked if I wanted to come have dinner over at her house...” I started. My Aunt looked at me.
“Oh... okay... that’s fine.” she agreed with a smile.
“Really? Oh wow! Thanks!” I exclaimed and ran back out.
“And?” andi was grinning.
“I can!” I was excited.
“Sweet!! Let’s go eat!!” Andi let out a battle cry. This girl is crazy!
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and... soooo... what's gonna happen :O haha hopefully you guys are enjoying this story :3
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