Status: Currently on Hiatus until further notice :(

Hello Brooklyn, Hey L.A

Chapter 9: Home sick

After Jack helped me with my desk, it was getting dark.
“Andi!!” dad called me from the window.
“Coming!” I shouted. I faced Jack. “Well thank you good sir. Your help is very much appreciated.” I thanked the boy.
“No worries. It was fun.” he replied with a smile.
“Well Good Night,” I said. Geeze I’m awkward.
“Yea... Night! We can chill tomorrow... if you want.” he added quickly.
“Yes, Yes That would be a good idea.” I said stroking my chin and pretending to examine the proposition.
“Sweet! I’ll see ya tomorrow then!” he grinned
“Yup! Sweet Dreams!” I laughed and watched him sprint to his front door.
I walked through the front door.
“So... Andi....” Audrey stood facing me.
“What?” I asked looking at her.
“Nothing!!” she said sweetly.
“Bitch.” I muttered. She laughed it off, as i walked upstairs. I took a quick shower because i smelled like fumes from the paint. When I was done I flopped on my bed, and opened my Macbook. I started writing an email:

To: Josh <>
From: Andi <>

Holy Mother I am missing you like crazy. I can’t complain about Baltimore, but it isnt the same without you. I miss Vancouver. How is everyone? I need to see your beautiful face! D: Yea... I’m okay. I met this guy named Jack but he’s not as half as crazy as you. We need to be crazy together!! Josh!! Why aren’t you here?! Come visit right now!!!
Okay... how’s your band planning coming along? How’s the blue in your hair? I need to re-dye mine. Speak to me human! Skype date soon? I miss yo face!!!

Love from the US of A- home of no bagged milk,

Andi <3

I sent the email, and sighed. I miss Vancouver more than anything. I took my guitar out of it’s case and started to strum the strings.

....If I'm so wrong (so wrong, so wrong)
How can you listen all night long? (night long, night long)
Now will it matter after I'm gone?
Because you never learn a goddamned thing.

You're just a sad song with nothing to say
About a life long wait for a hospital stay
And if you think that I'm wrong,
This never meant nothing to ya...

After I finished singing, I went to my window. Looked out and wondered what my friends in Canada were doing. I sighed, closed the window, pulled the curtains together and sat on my bed. I hugged my stuffed cat to my chest. I lay down, a tear rolled down my cheek. For the first time since I left, I realized how much Josh meant to me. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Quick update :3
this is the song Andi was playing.

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