Status: Finished! Look for the sequel!

When Worlds Collide: Book One, Water


“Do you have to go?” Ali asked.
“Yea, why can’t you stay here for the summer?” Brittany joined in.
I sighed. I knew this would happen.
“You guys, I told you. I’m way to stressed out right now. I just barely graduated Sophomore year, and with Cody acting like he is... it’s just better for me to get away for a while,” I told my two best friends.
They glared at me for a minute, and finally, Brittany sighed.
“Fine...,” she trailed off, looking at Ali.
“Alright, fine,” she said dramatically.
I smiled. “Good... now who wants to help me pack?” and that was all it took for the two of them to start their usual chatter.

An hour later, the girls where leaving.
We gave each other final hugs, for we wouldn’t be seeing each other for the rest of the summer.
“Don’t forget to tell Cody,” Ali said giving me one more hug.
Brittany rolled her eyes. “Have fun this summer Sammy,” she said.
I laughed. “You too.”
“And call us every chance you get!” they called walking towards Brittany’s mom’s car.
“I told you, there’s no cell phone service down there!” I laughed.
“Dangit... well, call us with a house phone or something,” Ali said.
I smiled. “I’ll try,” I said, and they were off.

I sat on my bed, thinking.
Should I call Cody? Or tell him in person?
I looked at the clock. It was only six...
I looked around my room, as if the answer would pop out of a corner or something.
The walls were the same bright orange that they’ve been since I was in the seventh grade. I was sitting on my queen sized bed with a dark purple comforter on it, which helped dull down the orange a lot. To my right, was my dresser, with my jewelry on it. Above that was a huge clock with the roman numerals instead of the boring regular numbers.
The wall opposite of me had my flat screen TV hanging on the wall, with my stereo hanging underneath that. Next to all that was my window. Instead of curtains, I had put up some purple beads. And underneath my window, was a small white desk with my lap top on it.
To my left, was my closet and bookshelf. I had all kinds of books. It went from Twilight, to Peter Pan , to Nancy Drew.
Obviously, I was a huge reader.
On my walls, I had pictures of my little brother, Danny, my parents, Ali, Brittany, and some of Cody and I.
I groaned, laying down on the bed.
Cody has been acting weird lately. I can’t explain it, it’s just weird. I wasn’t too worried though. It’s not the first time he’s acted like this. It’s probably some family issue.
I stared at the ceiling for a minute or two.
Another look at the clock told me that it was six thirty. I guess I can go tell him in person.

“Samantha, dear!” Mrs. Chow said when she opened the door to the apartment.
I winced when she used my full name. I hated it.
I just didn’t think that the name ‘Samantha’ went with my appearance.
I was pale, with dark brown hair. My eyes where the oddest of colors- almost yellow. I mean, from far away, they looked brown, but when you really looked, you could tell they had a yellow look to them. I was tall, and slender, but not too skinny. I went to the gym five days a week, so I defiantly had a little muscle.
I just don’t look like a Samantha. Or even a Sam for that matter.
Still, I smiled and greeted Cody’s mother. “Hi, Mrs. Chow,” I said politely.
“Come in sweetie, come in,” she said ushering me inside.
The walls were their usual dark brown color, with pictures everywhere. Especially of Carla, Cody’s older sister. She was over sea’s, in the military.
“Cody’s in his room,” she said answering my unasked question.
I smiled and nodded, knowing the way.
Before I knocked, I heard loud music. Usually, it meant he was studying, but since it was summer, he was probably reading a car magazine, his main hobby.
I knocked, softly at first, and then louder. When there was no reply, I shrugged, and opened the door anyway.
I know, what kind of girlfriend am I, just barging in like that? Well, in my defense, he’s always telling to not even bother knocking.
“Hey Cody, can I...,” I trailed off. My jaw hit the floor when I saw the sight in front of me.
Cody, who I thought I could trust, was on top of another girl in his bed.
I didn’t recognize the girl, but I wasn’t to concerned about that right now.
Neither of them seemed to notice I had entered the room.
Tears threatened to come out of my eyes, but I denied their request to falling down my cheeks.
Instead of letting sadness overwhelm me, I let my anger boil.
I marched over to them heavily making out, and grabbed Cody’s shoulder, pulling him off the bed.
At first he looked at me confused, and suddenly, his eyes widened.
The blond on the bed gasped, and I turned around.
It was Emily. I didn’t know her that much, but I knew enough to know that she was the girl at school who was with a different guy every week.
In other words, she the school slut. (Excuse my language.)
“Cody, how could you?” I shouted.
“Sam, I...,” he started, but I didn’t let him finish.
“No! No excuses!” I shouted.
Mrs. Chow came running in, probably seeing what we were yelling about.
“What’s going on?” she asked. When she saw Emily, she gasped. The look on her face told me that she knew nothing about Cody cheating on me. “Cody Michael, explain this!” she shouted.
I glared. “I’d rather you didn’t,” I said and stomped out of his room, calling over my shoulder, “And don’t even bother trying to call to explain it either.”

I lay on my bed, sobbing. How could he do this to me? We had been together since the eighth grade!
Why was I even crying though? If he cheated on me with that... girl, then obviously, he was stupid.
I was stupid.
Angrily, I grabbed my lap top. I might as well let the world know how I was played.
I logged onto Facebook, and instantly changed my relationship status to done with men .
Because I was.
For now anyway.
I had loved Cody, and I had thought he loved me too, but look where that got me?
I refreshed the page and... whoa. Fifteen comments about that little status? Fifteen??
And, surprise surprise, ten of them where from Ali and Brittany.
They both wanted me to text them. But I wasn’t in the mood, so I ignored it.
Instead, I posted how I was going to Missouri for the whole summer. I warned how I would have no cell phone service, internet, etc.
Huh... maybe going away for the summer won’t be so bad after all.
I can get away from Cody all summer...
I smiled.
I never thought that I’d be so happy to leave New York.
I looked at the clock...
Seven thirty.
Danny wasn’t going to bed for another hour, so I thought I’d go downstairs and spend that hour with him.
I mean, what’s the point in crying over a jerk?
Oh yea...
Because I loved the jerk.

Danny was watching Avatar: the Last Airbender when I came down the stairs.
I for one, had no complaint.
I may have been sixteen, but this show was seriously awesome.
Danny, being three, was addicted to the show.
When I sat down next to him, he climbed on my lap, and we watched until it was bedtime.
Of course, he was already asleep, so I carried him up to his room and laid him down. I kissed his forehead before walking out.
“Night little guy,” I whispered and turned out the light.
Then I went to my own room and laid down.
I fell asleep instantly.
I dreamed of the avatar world. I don’t know why or how, but I did.
And I loved it.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK guys, this is just a sample.
I'm not sure if I really want to continue, but if I get a comment or two asking me to continue, I will.
Please check out my other stories and poems!
I will be adding another story, called Mother of Nature .
Please look for it!