Status: Finished! Look for the sequel!

When Worlds Collide: Book One, Water


After I proved the whole ‘I’m from another world’ thing, we got to know each other even more. Katara was the sister I never had. Aang and Sokka were my new brothers.
Everything was good.
Except, well... we were flying over water. Still.
“You have no idea where we’re going, do you?” Sokka asked.
Oh yea. We were also lost.
“Well... I know its near water,” Aang said.
I groaned. “Of all the planets that I was born on, it had to be the one where it was covered in water...,” I muttered.
Katara glanced up from her sewing to chuckle at me. I stuck my tongue out at her, smiling.
“I guess we’re getting close then,” Sokka said, ignoring us girls.
I went back to ignoring the others as I tried to calm my nerves. My eyes were closed, and I was massaging my temples. I couldn’t do this whole water thing. What we hit an air bump? Was that even possible while riding a flying bison?
I heard talking, but tried to ignore it. I was sitting right in the middle of the saddle, terrified of getting to close to the water.
The next second, I sensed something fly past my face, and my eyes flew open in time to see the pants that Katara had threw land on Sokka’s head.
“Wait, no, Katara! I was just kidding! Come on, I can’t wear these!” Sokka yelled.
I rolled my eyes and laughed.
“Don’t worry, Sokka!” the monk called, “Where we’re going, you won’t need any pants!”
I just laughed harder. “That’s,” I said in-between giggles, “what she said!”
Everyone looked at me strangely. “Um... what?” Sokka asked.
I laughed harder at their confused expressions. “Sorry... other-worldy humor.” I told them. “Actually... its not even funny... it’s kinda stupid...” I trailed off into my own thoughts.
“Right...,” Aang said before veering off to the left.
I just chuckled and went back to ignoring my surroundings.
Seconds later, we landing, and only then did I open my eyes.
“Oh come on,” Sokka complained, “we just made a pit stop yesterday.” Then he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
“What?” I asked.
He sighed. “Oh nothing, just waiting to see what kind weird stuff comes out of your mouth this time,” he told me.
I rolled my eyes.
I heard Aang gasp, and point toward the water. “Look!” he yelled. “That’s why we’re here, elephant koi. And I’m gonna ride it. Katara, you gotta watch me!” he said.
I smiled softly. Maybe I could play match maker later, and get these two together sooner rather than later...
Aang ran to water and dived in. I flinched back from the splash, and even backed up behind the two water tribe siblings.
Sokka and Katara looked at each other, and I couldn’t help the giggle when Sokka did the whole ‘coo-coo’ thing.
Katara started to cheer for Aang, and I realized that Appa had wondered off. I sighed when I noticed him eating something that looked... well, odd.
“Appa,” I groaned, and slowly started to walk over to him.
Katara noticed too, because she started to chase after the magical bison. We had just reached Appa when Sokka yelled something that we couldn’t make out.
I still froze, remembering the Unagi. “Oh crap...,” I said.
Katara froze too, and looked at me. “What did you just say?” she looked confused by my word choice, but I ignored her, instead running back to Sokka.
“What’s wrong?” Katara and I asked in unison.
“Aang’s in trouble,” he told us.
We started yelling at Aang, calling him to shore. Eventually, he came running across the water, and, knowing what was coming, I took a step closer to Katara, watching as Aang flying into Sokka.
I couldn’t help laughing at Sokka as I helped him up.
“What was that thing?” Katara asked.
“I don’t know,” Aang said, pulling his shirt back over his head.
“It was the Unagi,” I said without thinking.
“How did you-“ Next thing I know, I was slammed to the ground. I heard the thumps of my friends a bit away, and knew the Kyioshi warriors had found us.
The warrior that attacked me had a painful grip on my arm.
Why didn’t I take that taekwondo class with my friend when I had the chance?
I was completely defenseless.

“You four have some explaining to do,” a man said next to me.
I knew my friends were tied to the post, but why wasn’t I? Instead, I was still in the grip of the warrior that attacked me.
“If you don’t have answer all of our questions,” the warrior holding on to me-Sukki- said, “we’ll throw you back in the water, with the Unagi.”
I whimpered at the mere thought of water.
“Show yourselves cowards!” Sokka challenged.
I rolled my eyes under the blind fold. “Sokka, now is not the time to-“ I cried out in pain before I could finish my sentence.
“Hush,” Sukki said in my ear.
“Sam!” Katara said. “Let her go!” she demanded.
“At least let her see,” I heard Aang say.
There was a sigh, then the blindfold was ripped off my eyes. I sighed in relief. I saw the other relax when I nodded to them.
“Who are you?” Sokka asked. “Where are the men who ambushed us?”
“Sokka!” I hissed, then winced in pain when Sukki squeezed my arm.
“There were no men. We ambushed you. Now tell us who you are and why you’re here,” Sukki said, and I couldn’t help but notice that those questions were for me.
“Now wait a second,” Sokka said, ignoring my glares, “there’s no way a bunch of girls took us down.”
“A bunch of girls huh,” Sukki said, handing me to another warrior-one who’s grip was even tighter. “The Unagi will eat well tonight.”
“No!” Katara yelled. “He didn’t mean it! My brothers just an idiot sometimes.”
I snorted. “More like all the time...,” I muttered. “Ow!” I yelped when the girl holding my arms dug her nails into my skin.
My three friends looked at me with worry.
I just gritted my teeth and looked away.
“It’s my fault,” Aang said. “I’m sorry we came here. I only wanted to ride the elephant koi.”
“And how do we know you are not Fire Nation spies?” the man in blue said.
“This ones even wearing the colors,” Sukki said, glaring at me.
That did it. “You want fire? I happen to own a very high end blow torch that would love to meet your face,” I growled at her.
“Sam! Not helping,” Katara hissed.
I ignored her. “I happen to own a lot of things that throw fire. So unless you-“
“Samantha!” Katara yelled.
My eyes widened. “Oops,” I muttered.
Sukki was in my face. “How dare you threaten me!” she said.
“Yes, I do dare Sukki,” I said.
Her eyes widened a fraction. “How did you...?” she started then shook her head.
“I know all about you Kyioshi warr-“
“Kyioshi?” Aang asked. “I knew Kyioshi!”
“That’s impossibel! Kyioshi has been dead for centuries!” the man said.
“I know her because... I’m the avatar,” Aang said.
“That’s impossible! The last avatar was and airbender who disappeared a hundred years ago!” Sukki said, leaving our little game of glares.
“That’s me,” Aang said smiling.
“Throw these imposters in with the Unagi!” the man ordered. “But keep this one for questioning,” he said, looking at me with disgust.
“Aang... do some air bending,” I heard Katara whisper to him.
The next second, Aang flew up into the air, and gently fell back down.
“Its true... you are the avatar,” the man said.
Aang smiled. “Now, check this out!” Then he started to do his little marble trick.
I watched as a lady freaked out, before fainting. I raised my eyebrows at her unconscious form on the ground.

The next day, I was still in questioning. Sukki refused to let me out of her sight, so I had to watch her training.
“Um... Sukki?” I asked her while her and the other girls were on break.
She glanced at me, telling my to continue.
“Um... I really am sorry about yesterday... in truth, I have no idea how to work my dad blow torch, let alone how to harm anyone with it. Really, I have no clue how to do anything that would help out in a fight,” I told her.
She studied me for a moment. “You really aren’t from the Fire Nation are you?” she asked knowingly.
I shook my head. “I was pretty much prisoner on a ship.”
She screwed her lips to side before sighing. “Come on. I’ll get you a new pair of clothes.”
“What? No, really, its fine, I just-“
Before I could finish though, her and the rest of the girls dragged me into a back room.
Guess I’m getting a new pair of clothes.

An hour later, and Sukki was like a best friend. How? I have no idea. I guess after you borrow clothes from some one, its basically saying ‘BFF’s.
I’m okay with it. She really is awesome.
Anyway, the clothes she gave me where very cute. Since I refused to wear anything resembling a dress or skirt, I was in long pants, that really were just like my favorite pair of yoga pants back home. Except these were a dull green color. The shirt was long, going halfway down to my knees. It was mostly the same color of green as my pans, but had a simple tan band going around right below my chest. It was v neck, and went pretty low, so a I had a tan tank top like thing underneath.
I kept the black shoes though. They were simple to ballet flats, but much more comfortable, and easier to move around in.
Looking in the mirror, I smiled. “Thank you,” I gushed.
The warriors smiled.
“It looks good on you,” Jye-Lee I think her name was said. She was the one who leant the clothes to me, as she was about the same size as me. “I think you’ll have to keep it,” she said, winking.
“Now what was that you said, about not being able to fight?” Sukki asked, handing me two fans.
My eyes widened. “No,” I told them. “No, no, no, I can’t bother you anymore than I already have.”
They all rolled their eyes. “Well it’s too late now, so you might as well,” Jye-Lee said.
I refused for a few more minutes before Sukki threatened to throw me into the water.
Then, well... I knew that things had gotten serious.
After training with the Kyioshi warriors for an hour and a half, Sokka walked in.
“Didn’t mean to interrupt you dance lesson, ladies, but I was just looking for a place where I could get a work out,” he said. He faltered a bit when he saw me. “What are you...?” he started. “Never mind. Are you okay?” he asked me.
I smiled. “I’m fine.”
I saw his confused look at my new clothes but chose to ignore it.
“Anyway...,” Sukki started, “you’re in the right place for a workout. Sorry about yesterday, I didn’t know you were friends with the avatar.”
Oh, it’s alright,” Sokka said. “Normally I’d hold a grudge, but since you’re a bunch of girls, I’ll make an acception.”
I mentally groaned. Why Sokka? Why?
“I should hope so,” Sukki said with a knowing wink to me. “A big strong man like you? We wouldn’t have a chance.”
“True, but don’t feel bad. After all, I am the best warrior in my village,” he said.
“He’s also the only one over the age of seven,” I muttered, but no one heard.
“The best warrior huh? In you’re whole village... maybe you’d be kind enough to guve a little demonstration.” Sukki taunted.
Sokka looked shocked. “Oh, I mea, I....” Sokka stuttered for a response, and I chuckled.
“Come on girls,” Sukki said, “wouldn’t you love to see some of his moves?”
All of the warriors giggled, and I smiled, know that Sokka just signed his death wish for the moment being.
“Well, you know, if it’s what you want... I’d be happy too,” he said.
I sighed and rolled my eyes. “Sokka, Sokka, Sokka...,” I said disapprovingly. He just glared at me.
“Alright, this may be tricky, but try to block this,” he said, and made a move to attack Sukki. I looked at the ground, shaking my head.
In a second, Sukki pulled out her fan, hitting Sokka’s shoulder, and I heard him yelp. A few more times of Sokka landing on his face, he finally left.
“Sorry about him,” I told her. “Like Katara said, he’s an idiot.” I chuckled.
She laughed too. “Actually, you know... he’s kinda cute,” she told me.
I smiled at her. “You what I think? I think you two would be a very cute couple,” I told her, and she blushed.
“Alright ladies,” she said, quick to change the subject, “let’s get back to training.”
♠ ♠ ♠
okay guys, here you go :) all i have to say, is that theres something wrong with phone. like, i think something possessed it and changed all my ringtones... stupid ghost -_-
anyway, since it took so long to update last time, i'm going to put my email up here so that next time i take so long, you can send me a strongly worded email about how much of a failure i am.
so...yea. dont forget to yell at me next time ;) love you guys!!
follow me on twitter? @MusicalKaelyn