‹ Prequel: Deadly
Status: On hold for a bit while I write out the prequel! Check it out?


Chapter 3

The sound of flesh tearing and bone crunching filled my ears as I watched the crawlers tear apart what used to be a woman. The way they pulled at her skin with their teeth and the way they devoured her organs was strangely fascinating to me. The more I watched it, the more I wanted to see it up close. Being so entranced by watching, I found myself taking steps closer.

I must have taken several steps closer and none of them had yet to notice me. I remembered the time I had done this before. It was right before we lost my mom. We had been sent out on a scouting search and we watched boy around the age of twelve get taken down by the crawlers. I had been so intrigued by the way they had tore into him that I needed a closer look. My mother had grabbed my by the arm, pulling me back. She always whispered in my ear, 'Don't be foolish Chelsea.' I heard the exact same thing in my ears as I was about to take another step.

Out of no where, a hand reached up and covered my mouth, picking me up and pulling me into the shadows. I knew better to scream or make any kind of noises. But I had no idea who this person was. I kicked as much as I could but I am out of practice with my combat skills. It wasnt until we were hidden well enough from the crawlers was I let go.

Quickly turning around and backing away, I looked at the person now standing in front of me. He was dressed in all black from head to toe. His black shirt clung to his skin, showing every toned muscle he had. He must have been a few inches taller than me. His hair was cut short and messy. But long enough for him to run his hands through it as he watched me. He was quiet though. He didnt make any type of advances. He just watched me with his light brown eyes.

"Who are you?" I finally asked still observing him. If the situation was different and he didnt just pull me into the shadows, in a world filled with zombies, I might have thought he was hot. But at the moment, I'm more concerned with who he was.

"Ethan." He said pulling a chair off the pile of junk that was stacked up, closing a few of the crawlers in a building. Apart of me thought he was about to let them go. I was ready to run if he did anything like that. But instead, he placed the chair down on the ground on the floor and sat down propping his feet up against the pile of junk. "What is your name stranger?"

"Chelsea." I said still watching him. I don't know how he was able to just sit there when the Crawlers could come in this area at some point. "Why did you pull me out of the street?" I had to ask. As much as I would like to leave and get back to what I was doing, I need to know why he would waste time just to pull me out when or if anything happened to me, it would have been my own fault. Obviously he cares about what happens to other people.

"Well Chelsea, I woke up today and thought, 'If I see any one today that is stupid enough to stand close to a horde of zombies, I'm going to save them.'" He shook his head. All the sarcasm spilled out and I could tell he was slightly annoyed that I would even ask that. "I have to admit, you are stupid. Another thing, I was wondering why in the hell you would be that close to them? Wanted to be dessert after the lunch they had?"

The second I heard that, I rolled my eyes. How many times was I going to have to explain to the few strangers we came across that I was intrigued by them. I opened my mouth to speak and then closed it quickly. It was if I couldn't get my usual explanation to come out. "I am interested in them." I managed to eventually say.

"Interested in them?" Ethan had rose an eyebrow in curiosity. I knew that he was going to keep asking questions about it.

"Curiosity." I said leaning up against the wall that shield us from the crawlers that were still feasting on what was left of that woman. "I've always been curious about them. Ever since I saw one."

"Again, I will repeat, you're stupid." He said putting his feet down on the ground.

"No one asked for your opinion." I snapped slightly. I remembered that second that I had turned off the walkie. Quickly realizing I didn't have it on me, I panicked. I had basically patted myself down from head to toe, hoping I had put it in my pocket at some point. But everything was empty.

"Looking for something Baker?" I froze and looked up at Ethan. How the hell did he know my last name? I know for a fact, I didn't tell him. But in his left hand, he had the walkie. I don't know what reaction I should have. Relieved that he had the walkie, or scared that he knew my last name.

"Can I have that back please?" I heard and felt my voice crack. I know I shouldn't feel scared about another human, but sometimes you cant trust them.

Without hesitating, Ethan tossed the walkie to me and I caught it easily. I turned up the volume slightly.

-er! If your alive please respond I knew by the voice it was Jason. He was one to always was one to worry, but then again, I did just gave them a reason too.

I pushed down on the PPT button and spoke into it. "I'm alive." I let go of the button and looked back over at Ethan, who seemed to be spacing out or examining the pile of junk in front of him.

Damn it Baker! Cruz is out there looking for you! What the hell happened?

"It seems like your boyfriend is pissed." Ethan said, turning his attention back to me.

I rolled my eyes at him. "He isn't my boyfriend." I said and pushed back down on the PPT. "I got distracted for a second. You know my curiosity." I let go of the button and shrugged to myself.

"Who is Cruz?" Ethan asked leaning back in his chair, looking out past the wall I was leaning on. His attention seemed to be on something that was across the street. I turned to see for myself to know what he was looking at. Sure enough, Cruz was across the street, getting passed the horde where I had been minutes ago." Walking out of our hiding spot, I tried flagging Cruz down as Jason spoke on the walkie.

You and your damn curiosity, Baker. You're gonna end up getting yourself killed!

Getting Cruz's attention, he cautiously made his way across the street to where I was. As soon as he was hidden by the same shadows as Ethan and me, he went all substitute father figure on me.

"Ms. Baker, you had us all worried. What the hell ha-"He stopped in mid sentence and stared at Ethan. "Who the hell are you?"
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Sorry this chapter is kind of short. But it is an update! :D